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Why Hamas started the war in Gaza

Remember, Hamas doesn't wear a uniform. And to clarify, I'm not OK with the death of Palestinians, but where do you distinguish between collateral death and genocide? I don't see how this is a genocide, given the intent of the attacks is not directed against the general Palestinian population.

I am in agreement with this. I , too, deplore the Israeli strikes in civilian populated areas. If Hamas is to strike Israel , they should at least do so in open terrain or at least not place their missiles in populated centers where risks of collateral damage will be markedly high.

Second, I will say that the Israeli Defense Force really needs to implement new tactics to strike only military , and evade in striking civilians. Could not have the IDF sent in spec-ops to Hamas units and neutralized them that way? The use of aerial strikes will only further escalate tensions.

Because at this situation, It seems , to me that is, Hamas is placing these missiles in populated centers for a reason.

In any case, my point is that let's keep the discussion based on merits of the case at hand. Calling Hitler into the equation, especially with calls for genocide, do nothing for the discussion except provoke discord. It's hard to maintain the moral high-ground and call for Israel to stop when you are calling for Jews to be killed (and not just Israeli Jews, all Jews).

Agreed 100%
Hamas is an internationally proscribed terrorist group. It's whole raison d'etre is conflict and to destroy Israel.

Therefore there will always be conflict as long as this organisation exists.

They will always find a reason to instigate war. Whether it's because their popularity is falling or they need more money from Iran or whatever their reason is - they will always have a reason to cause war just like Hezbollah who despite Israel leaving Southern Lebanon, found new excuses to remain armed and holding Lebanon to ransom.

Even Egypt considers Hamas a terrorist group and have destroyed the tunnels that were dug to connect Palestine to Egypt. In my opinion, Palestine badly needs to remove Hamas from their political body. So long as Hamas is in power and will continue to launch strikes in Israel, which will incur the wrath of the Israeli Defense Force, then true peace will not be realized.

The ones to suffer will be Palestinian civilians.

May God Bless Palestine, and bring peace to the Land.

Even Egypt considers Hamas a terrorist group and have destroyed the tunnels that were dug to connect Palestine to Egypt. In my opinion, Palestine badly needs to remove Hamas from their political body. So long as Hamas is in power and will continue to launch strikes in Israel, which will incur the wrath of the Israeli Defense Force, then true peace will not be realized.

The ones to suffer will be Palestinian civilians.

May God Bless Palestine, and bring peace to the Land.


No they don't need to get rid of Hamas. There is no Hamas in the West Bank and look at the situation over there. You are going too far, although I don't blame you since you only get knowledge from recent articles. Because the Palestinians suffer the most doesn't de-legitimize their struggle. Palestinians did not ask for this Israeli massive assault. This is routine Israeli politics to kill people in Gaza and the West Bank.

It's simple, the international world has always been ignoring the Palestinian plight. Because the Jewish establishment is too powerful in the US, and the world can't go up against the US. Since the US has warships right next to Israel in their sea to let Israel get away with all her crimes. The day the US starts playing a fair role that is the day Israel will make peace.

Without US guaranteed military and political support Israel wouldn't have been occupying Palestine for the past several decades now.
No they don't need to get rid of Hamas. There is no Hamas in the West Bank and look at the situation over there. You are going too far, although I don't blame you since you only get knowledge from recent articles. Because the Palestinians suffer the most doesn't de-legitimize their struggle. Palestinians did not ask for this Israeli massive assault. This is routine Israeli politics to kill people in Gaza and the West Bank.

It's simple, the international world has always been ignoring the Palestinian plight. Because the Jewish establishment is too powerful in the US, and the world can't go up against the US. Since the US has warships right next to Israel in their sea to let Israel get away with all her crimes.

To be honest @Hazzy997 , I don't really know much about what has been going on in Israel and Palestine. I am just rather tired of hearing and reading these news of innocent civilians getting killed due to Israeli air strikes, perhaps they were a bit hard handed when in retaliating? I know that several days ago some 3 Israeli teens were killed, was this in any way related to the strikes?

To be honest @Hazzy997 , I don't really know much about what has been going on in Israel and Palestine. I am just rather tired of hearing and reading these news of innocent civilians getting killed due to Israeli air strikes, perhaps they were a bit hard handed when in retaliating? I know that several days ago some 3 Israeli teens were killed, was this in any way related to the strikes?


They aren't retaliating. That's your problem. The Jewish dominated media tells you that. Non-Jewish dominated media doesn't. Facts don't either.

As for those killed in the West Bank, the suspects would be taken to trial. But, yes, the Israeli cabinet without any evidence implicating Hamas in the incident said they must punish Hamas in Gaza. It isn't about Hamas though. Palestinians in all occupied territories, Israel as at war with them. Israel violates every single one of their rights.
They aren't retaliating. That's your problem. The Jewish dominated media tells you that. Non-Jewish dominated media doesn't. Facts don't either.

As for those killed in the West Bank, the suspects would be taken to trial. But, yes, the Israeli cabinet without any evidence implicating Hamas in the incident said they must punish Hamas in Gaza. It isn't about Hamas though. Palestinians in all occupied territories, Israel as at war with them. Israel violates every single one of their rights.

What can be done, let's be pragmatic here, for peace talks to take effect? What must be realized , realistically, for this to happen?

I'd like to hear your points.
What can be done, let's be pragmatic here, for peace talks to take effect? What must be realized , realistically, for this to happen?

I'd like to hear your points.

It's very very simple, the problem is Israel. The US is the main problem. They support everything Israel does. Israel doesn't want a two state solution. They want all the land, period. The US keeps vetoing UN resolutions which would end Israel's occupation. The US has been vetoing them for decades. The US keeps giving at least 4$ billion in military aid to Israel annually so they can enhance their capabilities to occupy the Palestinians and be immensely more powerful than the Arabs so the Arabs can do nothing about it.

The US doesn't do this out of interests. It's the Jewish population in the US which has a stronghold here and keeps pouring billions into lobbying to prevent peace and to keep advancing Israel's interests even if it means fighting their neighbors to the last American as they did in Lebanon(80's), Iraq(past two decades) and now trying Iran.

This is not complicated. Once the US is taken out of the picture, I guarantee you we will see real results and a larger probability for genuine peace.
Before this thread turns to he says she says,

Want to know your opinion.

Is this the best way israel can respond to Hammas

or there are any alternatives?
Hamas currently is in worst situation since its creation.

1) They betrayed Syria and Iran, which sponsored them for decades:


2) The largest Arab state and Gaza neighbor Egypt declared Hamas a terrorist group. Egypt destroys tunnels.

Egypt Bans 'Terrorist' Hamas

3) Because of war in Syria and Iraq and lack of casualties in Gaza the attention to Palestinians drastically reduced. No sponsors.

4) Hamas does not have money to pay to 40,000 of its workers:

Hamas-hired workers in Gaza strike for wages in test for unity deal| Reuters


So what can they do in current situation? - Start a war to get attention, sympathy and sponsors back.

The Hamas tactics:

1) Fire unguided rockets at Israeli towns in order to provoke the Israeli reaction.

2) Store and fire rockets in dense populated areas, in order that Israeli retaliation will cause civilian casualties:



3) When Israel warns Gaza civilians about strike, they on contrary send them to that area to cause more casualties:

Dozens of locals had gathered on the roof of the house after the family received a notice from Israeli authorities that it would be targeted, al-Qidra said.

7 Palestinians killed, 25 injured in airstrike on southern Gaza | Maan News Agency

4) When Hamas rockets misfire and fall into Gaza causing casualties they still can blame Israel.

5) Post graphic pics of casualties all over, including from other conflicts.

They partially succeed. Gaza is again the central topic of the news (although in Syria and Iraq still more people die per day than in Gaza in a year).

yes why did hamas start the war in gaze by making israel defend it self by bombing the crap out of civilian houses, cafes ,hospitals and schools??? why did you do it hamas? why???
don't these guys know that israel has the right to defend it self on land its occupying? by killing dozens and dozens of innocent children and women?
Israel does not occupy Gaza.
first of all u jews took all the land from the Palestinians forcefully and named those occupied land as "isreal" as a country whose base is made on complete violence ,murder and barbarisms by killing and slaughtering palestanians as animals and now that they retaliating for their lands by whatever group u started accusing them as the sinners.. and the story is not just GAZA its other countries too look at iraq , afghanistan, first the americas attacked them taking their lands and countries wealth and after they retaliate for whats their the whole world call them terrorist!!!! so why wont US UNO and somewhat of EUROPE recognise isreal, as they are doing the same to the muslims!!!!
ahahaha!! that was the response i was expecting! that is the truth of u jews and u know it now n i dont care if call this verbal hyperbole or what ever! and what is it u want to discuss, fire upon!
You’re telling me these Europeans Jews (Ashkenazi Jews) who live in Israel are the same people that lived there 3000 years ago. If that’s the case they weren't kicked out but left because of the high levels of skin cancer. LOL
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This is what Gaza needs:


Muslim Brotherhood nearly destroyed Egypt in just 1 year. Poor Gaza is ruled by Muslim Brotherhood for 8 years already. Gaza needs a man like al Sisi who will kick MB arses and restores peace and stability.
I'm not OK with it, but has there ever been a war without civilian casualties? Even worse, when it's what is called "total war," when essentially all of society is mobilized to fight the war, it's virtually impossible to avoid civilian casualties.

War :o: You are calling it war ........
Let's see what Noam Chomsky tells about this so-called war .........

Israel uses sophistcated attack jets and naval vessels to bomb densely-crowded refugee camps, schools, apartment blocks, mosques and slums to attack a population that has no air force no air defense, no nave, no heavy weapons, no artillery units, no mechanized armor, no command in control, no army and calls it war.
It is not war, It is murder.

Noam Chomsky

My dear friend this not a war ... This is genocide of Palestinian nation ............

Remember, Hamas doesn't wear a uniform. And to clarify, I'm not OK with the death of Palestinians, but where do you distinguish between collateral death and genocide? I don't see how this is a genocide, given the intent of the attacks is not directed against the general Palestinian population.

If it is not a war (and I believe that this is not a war) ... Then how could you use the term of collateral death.......???

Bombardment on civilians! And in your opinion that Israel has no intention to kill Palestinian population ... What a American joke ............

I didn't bring Hitler into this, you brought him in by praising him and saying he was right. If you need me to say it explicitly, I condemn the killing of Palestinian innocents when such killing can be avoided (i.e. not collateral death in the killing of a combatant). The vast majority of Jews that Hitler killed were not combatants, and indeed, were already segregated from the rest of the population, so collateral death was not possible. Do you retract your statements of praise for Hitler?

Yes! I brought to Hitler into this just to showing a mirror to Jewish members on this forum that if you are doing right with Palestinians then Hitler was so much right to kill to their ancestors ...........
My dear friend Palestinians who are being killed in this so-called war are not combatant ... If Israelis will continue genocide of Palestinians then I won't retract to praise Hitler ... If Israel has right to kill innocent civilians of Gaza then Hitler was very much right to kill their ancestors ..............

In any case, my point is that let's keep the discussion based on merits of the case at hand. Calling Hitler into the equation, especially with calls for genocide, do nothing for the discussion except provoke discord. It's hard to maintain the moral high-ground and call for Israel to stop when you are calling for Jews to be killed (and not just Israeli Jews, all Jews).

This is necessary to keeping discussion on basis of merit to make equal of both persecutions whether it was done by Hitler or now Israel is doing ... If you have some moral grounds then you must condemn to Israel for this massacre and international community especially World policeman USA should intervene to stop this mess with Gaza ... Otherwise discord has provoked by Israel and it could be more worse then now ................

America isn't perfect, but at least we try and make a moral argument for our actions instead of just calling for slaughter based on blood-lust.

Americans even not perfect but they are blood thirsty ... Didn't you see what did they do in
Abu Ghuraib and Guantanamo and especially ............
If USA stops to backing Israel ... I am sure Israel will never ever do like this ..............
Israel is a piece of shit terrorist nation, run by racist, bigots religious nutsacks. The vast majority of them have zero historical ties to the region, they are just another set of european colonizers. They have illegal nuclear weapons, they are in violation of many international laws, they are committing genocide...they run an apartheid state....They need to return to europe and demand a piece of land in Germany, Poland or Russia and do this same shit they are doing to the arabs...

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