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Why Hamas started the war in Gaza

Israel has two options:

1) Limited precise strikes with optional limited ground incursion. That will stop rocket attacks for couple years, until Hamas will start again.

2) Conquer Gaza. That will stop rocket attacks for good, but Israel is not interested to control 1.8 million Gaza population at all.

You are lying once again, false flagger. I provided creditable links.

No, it's you that's a liar trying to frame this with a false narrative. With no evidence as usual. Not to mention, this isn't about security either. Israel does what it does to butcher Palestinians until they completely decide to leave. They either leave or Israel will always make life miserable for them, and violate all their basic rights until they decide to resist Israel.

And with Israel's superior firepower they use that as an excuse to expel Palestinians. Soon the world will see your true face. If it wasn't for Jewish influence in the US and EU and their influence on the global media it wouldn't be this way. But, you Jewish people always took this path. It blew up in your face eventually.

Jewish people have become barbaric. In a sophisticated 'civilized' way as you call it. Your logic is that since Israel isn't literally slaughtering children in the hundreds of thousands and publicly endorsing that that Israel is an innocent state. Keep up that logic forever.

Eventually it's going to become dangerous for you Jewish people anywhere in the world because you brought it on your heads.

No such thing as palestinians, just a bunch of Arabs.

When will people become convinced that these Israeli animals are extremist loons with too much power....
Why wont the muslim brotherhood hamas die already. Theyve done nothing but ruin their own peoples lives. God will make sure they all burn in hell.
Egyptian political scientist and leftist pro-Palestinian Guardian agree with me:
"They feel like they have nothing to lose," says Mkhaimar Abusada, a political scientist at Al-Azhar University, who has studied the group. "Since the 2 June unity agreement the Palestinian Authority and Abu Mazen [President Mahmoud Abbas's nickname] have done nothing for Gaza and Hamas. It was supposed to open the crossings [to Egypt], pay the salaries of their people, who have not been paid for months. They were expecting a visit from Abu Mazen, and he has not even called.

"They calculate there will be a new ceasefire and when it happens it will improve things for Hamas."

Hamas goes to war – for a ceasefire | World news | The Guardian

Hamas was in big trouble. They started this war to improve their conditions.
3) When Israel warns Gaza civilians about strike, they on contrary send them to that area to cause more casualties:

Dozens of locals had gathered on the roof of the house after the family received a notice from Israeli authorities that it would be targeted, al-Qidra said.

Who would be this retarded to suicide like that :O
I think that @FaujHistorian's question holds merit, is this the best or in fact even the only option that Israel could have exercised?
I agree that Hamas has in the past used civilians as shields, which in itself is a gross violation, furthermore no conflict is sans its share of collateral damage, BUT seriously bombing the place right in for days at an end cannot be the only reply that Israel could have given.
Its all BS. Hamas was reactionary resistance force which took birth because of Israeli oppressions, aggression and terrorism

Who would be this retarded to suicide like that :O
Thats Hamas tactics:

1) Send civilians to the area they know is about to be bombed.
2) Film graphic pics of dead civilians.
3) Blame Israel of genocide.
4) Get money from foreign donors.
Thats Hamas tactics:

1) Send civilians to the area they know is about to be bombed.
2) Film graphic pics of dead civilians.
3) Blame Israel of genocide.
4) Get money from foreign donors.

Thats Israeli tactics

1) imposed severe restrictions on Palestinians right to freedom of movement
2) forcibly displacing hundreds of Palestinian residents in areas under Israeli control
3) Destroy Palestinians homes and other property under discriminatory practices
4) continued to build unlawful settlements in occupied territory and detained Palestinians children, women and even peaceful protestant
5) Unlawful killing of Palestinians by Israeli forces
6) Blame Hamas for everything evil they do on Palestinians and to pretend that all civilians killing happened because of reaction
Hamas currently is in worst situation since its creation.

1) They betrayed Syria and Iran, which sponsored them for decades:


2) The largest Arab state and Gaza neighbor Egypt declared Hamas a terrorist group. Egypt destroys tunnels.

Egypt Bans 'Terrorist' Hamas

3) Because of war in Syria and Iraq and lack of casualties in Gaza the attention to Palestinians drastically reduced. No sponsors.

4) Hamas does not have money to pay to 40,000 of its workers:

Hamas-hired workers in Gaza strike for wages in test for unity deal| Reuters


So what can they do in current situation? - Start a war to get attention, sympathy and sponsors back.

The Hamas tactics:

1) Fire unguided rockets at Israeli towns in order to provoke the Israeli reaction.

2) Store and fire rockets in dense populated areas, in order that Israeli retaliation will cause civilian casualties:



3) When Israel warns Gaza civilians about strike, they on contrary send them to that area to cause more casualties:

Dozens of locals had gathered on the roof of the house after the family received a notice from Israeli authorities that it would be targeted, al-Qidra said.

7 Palestinians killed, 25 injured in airstrike on southern Gaza | Maan News Agency

4) When Hamas rockets misfire and fall into Gaza causing casualties they still can blame Israel.

5) Post graphic pics of casualties all over, including from other conflicts.

They partially succeed. Gaza is again the central topic of the news (although in Syria and Iraq still more people die per day than in Gaza in a year).

U are a dummbo.
Thats Israeli tactics

1) imposed severe restrictions on Palestinians right to freedom of movement
Before the intifada there were no restrictions. It changes depending on security situation.

2) forcibly displacing hundreds of Palestinian residents in areas under Israeli control
Really, when it happened?

3) Destroy Palestinians homes and other property under discriminatory practices
Jewish homes are also being destroyed if built without permision.

4) continued to build unlawful settlements in occupied territory and detained Palestinians children, women and even peaceful protestant
Wow these protestors are look very scared:





Before this thread turns to he says she says,

Want to know your opinion.

Is this the best way israel can respond to Hammas

or there are any alternatives?

Build the worlds largest bulldozer and plow Gaza/Hamas into the sea.

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