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Why Gal Gadot Was Paid Only $300,000 for Wonder Woman


Jan 28, 2017
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Why Gal Gadot Was Paid Only $300,000 for Wonder Woman
By Kyle BuchananShare
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  • blithely reference Depp’s $20 million paychecks for The Tourist and Dark Shadows, as well as a $35 million offer for the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie — then it might be astounding to learn that Gal Gadot was paid just $300,000 for her star-making performance in Wonder Woman. That Patty Jenkins–directed superhero film is on track to outpace the domestic box-office performance of virtually every film Depp has made, so doesn’t she deserve a salary comparable to that of Hollywood’s top stars?

    That pretty staggering disparity has left many people on Twitter gobsmacked, but in truth, Gadot’s $300,000 paycheck is perfectly in line with the amount of money paid to most actors at the beginning of their superhero careers. As the Daily Dot’s Gavia Baker-Whitelaw noted, it’s the same amount Chris Evans earned for the first Captain America film and more than some of his fellow Avengers made for their first team-up. Gadot was best known for a curtailed supporting role in the Fast and Furious franchise when she signed her Wonder Woman deal, and without much name value at the time, she likely had little leverage to demand a bigger payday.

    Gadot also signed a three-picture deal that would pay her the same amount for Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, Wonder Woman, and the upcoming Justice League, so her fee wasn’t able to be renegotiated between each movie. When it comes to a franchise role of this caliber, the studio will often demand a signature on the dotted line before the actor even auditions; this “test deal” ensures that the performer who is eventually offered the role can’t ask for more money after being deemed the top choice, and it usually comes with sequel options already set out in advance. Most budding Marvel actors sign test deals, and I’ve heard that the young contenders for Star Wars films do, too.

    Occasionally, a big-name actor can cut through all that bureaucratic red tape and make off with a bundle. When he made the first Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr. didn’t sign the same kind of Marvel deal that later Avengers would have to mull, and he’s been amply rewarded every time he goes back to the negotiation table. To lure Ben Affleck to play Batman in its DC universe, Warner Bros. forked over far more than it paid Gadot, but Affleck has a long relationship with the studio — he directed the Oscar-winning Argo for WB — and the studio was incentivized to offer him a big paycheck, hoping to keep him in the fold for years to come.

    Let me nip another part of this controversy in the bud, though: Contrary to reports, Gadot’s Batman v. Superman costar Henry Cavill didn’t make anywhere near $14 million to play Superman in Man of Steel, an eye-popping figure that makes Gadot’s paycheck seem paltry in comparison. That number has popped up a lot in the last 24 hours, but it’s thinly sourced: First ventured in this Forbes article, it cites the Richest, a site that trades in speculation, not reporting. Were it true, it would be evidence of a sexist double standard, but a source tells me that the relatively unknown Cavill made a six-figure paycheck comparable to Gadot’s for Man of Steel and that his co-star Amy Adams, a much bigger name, pulled in seven figures to play his Lois Lane.

    Fret not for Gadot, however: After she finishes the extensive reshoots for Justice League, her contractual obligations will be met, and Warner Bros. will likely fork over big bucks to sign Gadot for Wonder Woman 2 and beyond. It took decades for Wonder Woman to finally make it to the big screen, but it will take far less time for Gadot to earn what she truly deserves.
because she is Israeli Jewish and world hate them .. and are Anti s emetic
because she is Israeli Jewish and world hate them .. and are Anti s emetic
no if they hate her they could choose another player
and maybe she get more and she
Tax evasion

because she is Israeli Jewish and world hate them .. and are Anti s emetic
you should ask in europe what they think on muslems....
no if they hate her they could choose another player
and maybe she get more and she
Tax evasion

you should ask in europe what they think on muslems....

The reason is that she is an unknown and so the studio does not have to pay her any more money than it offered.

Once she is out of the contract that she has already signed, provided her movies are box office hits, she will be a star in her own right and then can negotiate a multi-million dollar pay packet per movie.

This is not at all unusual.
The Jews will say it is antisemitism.
The feminist will say that it is misogynism.
Both Jews and Feminists have a habit of making issues of non-issues, playing the victim card and then trying to get their way.
And it has started getting really annoying, please stop it.
How many people get to earn US$300,000 & become a comic book icon in the process?
Why Gal Gadot Was Paid Only $300,000 for Wonder Woman
By Kyle BuchananShare
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  • blithely reference Depp’s $20 million paychecks for The Tourist and Dark Shadows, as well as a $35 million offer for the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie — then it might be astounding to learn that Gal Gadot was paid just $300,000 for her star-making performance in Wonder Woman. That Patty Jenkins–directed superhero film is on track to outpace the domestic box-office performance of virtually every film Depp has made, so doesn’t she deserve a salary comparable to that of Hollywood’s top stars?

    That pretty staggering disparity has left many people on Twitter gobsmacked, but in truth, Gadot’s $300,000 paycheck is perfectly in line with the amount of money paid to most actors at the beginning of their superhero careers. As the Daily Dot’s Gavia Baker-Whitelaw noted, it’s the same amount Chris Evans earned for the first Captain America film and more than some of his fellow Avengers made for their first team-up. Gadot was best known for a curtailed supporting role in the Fast and Furious franchise when she signed her Wonder Woman deal, and without much name value at the time, she likely had little leverage to demand a bigger payday.

    Gadot also signed a three-picture deal that would pay her the same amount for Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, Wonder Woman, and the upcoming Justice League, so her fee wasn’t able to be renegotiated between each movie. When it comes to a franchise role of this caliber, the studio will often demand a signature on the dotted line before the actor even auditions; this “test deal” ensures that the performer who is eventually offered the role can’t ask for more money after being deemed the top choice, and it usually comes with sequel options already set out in advance. Most budding Marvel actors sign test deals, and I’ve heard that the young contenders for Star Wars films do, too.

    Occasionally, a big-name actor can cut through all that bureaucratic red tape and make off with a bundle. When he made the first Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr. didn’t sign the same kind of Marvel deal that later Avengers would have to mull, and he’s been amply rewarded every time he goes back to the negotiation table. To lure Ben Affleck to play Batman in its DC universe, Warner Bros. forked over far more than it paid Gadot, but Affleck has a long relationship with the studio — he directed the Oscar-winning Argo for WB — and the studio was incentivized to offer him a big paycheck, hoping to keep him in the fold for years to come.

    Let me nip another part of this controversy in the bud, though: Contrary to reports, Gadot’s Batman v. Superman costar Henry Cavill didn’t make anywhere near $14 million to play Superman in Man of Steel, an eye-popping figure that makes Gadot’s paycheck seem paltry in comparison. That number has popped up a lot in the last 24 hours, but it’s thinly sourced: First ventured in this Forbes article, it cites the Richest, a site that trades in speculation, not reporting. Were it true, it would be evidence of a sexist double standard, but a source tells me that the relatively unknown Cavill made a six-figure paycheck comparable to Gadot’s for Man of Steel and that his co-star Amy Adams, a much bigger name, pulled in seven figures to play his Lois Lane.

    Fret not for Gadot, however: After she finishes the extensive reshoots for Justice League, her contractual obligations will be met, and Warner Bros. will likely fork over big bucks to sign Gadot for Wonder Woman 2 and beyond. It took decades for Wonder Woman to finally make it to the big screen, but it will take far less time for Gadot to earn what she truly deserves.

Actually 300,000 is a good base price for Gal Gadot, given her resume, and not all that Gal Gadot earn for WW movie.

Actors and Actresses have 3 different pay schedule they will receive money for a movie (4 if they also involve in behind the scene stuff)

1.) Base Pay

Base pay can be anything, depending on the project, and depending on the celebrity status, there are 4 type of actors, unknown, B List, A List and Legendary or Mega Star. For unknown, base pay usually on what they called "Scale" in the US it is somewhere around $22/hr for SAG member, you cannot pay less than this, but you can pay more. For B List, it usually run on something double that amount or in pre-determined salary, range from 5 digits to 6 digits. B List Start is someone famous, you would have know some of his/her works but most of the time you don't know the actor/actress name. A List is pro-quote, meaning they will paid a quote price which goes with the script, A Lister usually earn 7 digit figure (in millions) to low 8 digits (10-20 millions) And they usually pick script to work on, that would fix their schedule. A Lister is popular name and you will know them on and off the screen. Megastar is some household name like Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitts, Denzel Wasshington and so on. They usually earn and often demand 8 digits bases salary (usually 20 millions Plus, for example Denzel only work jobs that pays him 15 millions) and they usually pull box office (there are some flop too tho.)

2.) Weight

Weight is the money you pay for screening, actor is part of the production, and hence they will have a portion of the money from screening, money earn depends on the location, usually 2% for non A Lister and 5 + for A-List and Megastar in the US. You earn the percentage of the box office, so if your weighting is 2% and your movie do 500 millions in US, then you will get 2% of those 500 millions (Minus Tax and Minus Screening fee)

3.) Residual

Residual is every time your movie was played OUTSIDE theatre, TV, using your movie in a commercial and so on will earn you residual, residual depends on how much (or how long) your movie was shown and negotiation from the media, it's hard to calculate the residual pay from a movie.

Gal Gadot might have earn 300,000 from playing WW (Likely seeing she is a B-Lister prior to the movie), but she would probably have earn about 10 millions on weight alone and it still have weight from around the world and residual pay, she may net about 20 millions more or less, depending on how the movie do.
Simple.. because she doesn't show her ( . Y . )


This is Hollywood :whistle:
she played in Fast and the Furious 4 5 6 7

She still wasn't a household star even if she played in FF series. I think she is billed as "Supporting Role" in FF series IIRC
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