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Why dont we develop millitary ties with Russia?

LOL :cheers: Just wanted to make sure where you were from! very few people on these forums know the meaning of those words, which btw are to be addressed to a woman of disrepute (by which I dont mean those who follow the oldest profession but those who really deserve it).
I apologise if I got personal, but what surprises me is what is a Ruski (used in a very friendly manner my friend - no offence) doing on these forums? I dont see you on any other forums unlike GGK (or is it GKK).
BTW why do you begin your posts with 'sir'. Havent heard that from any of the Russians (Ruskis for me) I know. That is kinda a very desi concept, if you know what I mean.

yes i always use sir because i am not used to the US way of speaking english, i got educated in a irish school and more than that i did not join forums to bash and have a go at each other.
good to find a logical reply from you,thank you.

i think its not proper to discuss this in this thread if you want to know more about me then PM me.

have a nice time learning russian.
no hard feelings from my side
And NO India is not scared to go for surgical strikes in Pakistan because of its 'famous' PAF. Civilian govt power, army coup, army in power ...get the picture? India doesnt want an unstable govt in her neighbourhood, so back off your pseudo-machoistic claims that India is not going forward with strikes in Pakistan because of Pakistani PAF and 'nuculear' weapons!

TIME TO WAKE UP to the real world of realpolitik, my friends!

while you may have made some sense with your previous posts, this argument is complete BS. So you're telling us India has a newfound love with our democracy? And one thing is clear any indian strike = pakistani response. What option does india has then? strike again = gradual increase to full scale war. True India can sustain economically much longer but whats the gurantee that it will be a low-level war? Just like you cannot light a fire in a forest and hope that it will not spread much damage, you cannot go to war hoping that it won't go full-scale.

if it doesn't respond = humiliation locally and internationally of a country that calls itself 'regional power'. And remember india's economy in not a manufacturing based but services based. One missile attack on bangalore even without a warhead = end of IT boom = end of shining India. It may be a hard to swallow fact but thats the reality with service-sector based economy.

Back to topic, we must develop ties with russia. Even if they are non-military but something to counter the US. Besides, military ties follow a general better relationship not start it. Much better IMHO, is to pump some money and develop the local industry. Remember we were offered the Grippen with ToT (or so i read somewhere) but couldnt do the deal because our local industry could not absorb the hi-tech things involved. The next joint venture with china should be in developed in pak or atleast party in pak rather then at Chengdu even if that means us spending more than 50%.
Hmmn, interesting reconciliatory tone to the post here. Wonder why?
Pot calling kettle...? :lol:

As regards to India trying to destabilize the region, if you recollect recent history, it was the ex-PM Mr. Vajpayee who offered the hand of friendship to Pakistan and rode the bus to Lahore in that time of tension. What happened next ,,cough cough...kargil..cough cough, is India got backstabbed by the GLORIOUS MISADVENTURE by Pakistani army!!
You're referring to a single military standoff to mark Pakistan as major destabilisor in the region but comfortablly forgetting to mention that India has beef with almost every single neighbor, that she's the one who brought nukes to the region, that her military global ambition is pushing her neighbors into an arms race, that RAW is playing major role in destabilising Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka....that she's illegally occupying twothird of Kashmir denying them their basic right of peblicite, that she's stealing water from Pakistan and Bangladesh....should I go on?
Whatever happened in Kargil is a result of Siachin in previous year when India pulled off same tricks by pre occupying vacant posts claiming it to be hers.
It has nothing to do with the timing of Vajpayee's fabulous PR stunt or Musharraf's visit to Delhi. :disagree:

India took care of it (which btw is a known and acknowledged fact),
Yes yes...Indian "facts". :agree:

and then yet again started CBMs and then what happens? Attack on Indian Parliament. Yet once more Musharaff comes to India and enjoys Indian hospitality!!

Delhi Parliament Attack investigation was never shared with Pakistan nor is it proven that GoP had anything to do with it. Many things have happened eversince including the Baloch resurgence and attacks in Pakistan with clear involvement of RAW.
Still your leaders are shown as much respect and hospitality during official visits in Pakistan, whats so special about India?

Now whoz the all forgiving Big Brother in the neighbourhood here?? And whoz trying to 'destabilize' the region here?
There's a saying in Urdu..."Baghal mai churee, muh mai Ram Ram" (no offence) describes it all. You pretend to be forgiving only when you fail to gain international support strong enough to take military action against Pakistan...every time it looks more pathetic and less credible...

Pakistanis have to realize that their dream of so called Islamic rule over the Indian subcontinent is all but just a Dream!!
No, thats what your BJP/RSS, your media and your internet warriors are teaching your youth. Pakistani's don't dream of ruling India or the neighborhood under an Islamic flag. Islam's expansion is in the hands of God as per Its own teaching, He doesn't need Pakistan for that.

Get over it, History is history, stop living in it.
Indeed...we were carved out of India and history is history...you can't change it so better accept the fact that Pakistan is there to stay!
Get over it!

You have to realize that if you want to lead a good life, then you have to develop your economy like that of India's and China's and that can be done by fostering better trade relations with both these countries.
China yes, India maybe. A decade of good growth isn't going to make you a model state although most Indians tend to think that you've already made it to heavens.
Remember, despite all that rapid growth India is only shining for some 300 million people, more than 700 still have to struggle for their basic needs from day to day.

Well you might say that Sino-Pak relations are good, LOL, if that was so, then China would not have refused to BAIL out your pathetic economy. Your govt had to go to IMF, which everyone knows, is a tool to subjugate smaller economies to world power whims!! What do you make of it?
What do I make of it? Either you're really ignorant or playing stupid!
China's refusal to bail out Pakistan at our terms was unacceptable for Beijing for two major reasons. First of all, China had already offered $500 million in aid, another $500 million in soft loans as part of Chinese strategy to help Pakistan.
Second, China's rescue of Pakistan would open doors to a number of countries which were already lined up for bailout. China can't afford to upset her allies by refusing similar bailout so it was denied for ALL of them, not just Pakistan. But ofcourse, you as Indian are not interested in the full picture.

If you really want Pakistan to be considered as a top military might, make sure your govt (which assuming you have an elected govt and not your military) gives top priority to economic development, only then you shall reap the benefits.
Pakistan had six consecutive years of high growth before we were hit by multiple crisis and we're already on our way to recovery. Forex have grown above $10 billion today, back from merely $4 billion a month ago.
Pakistan's military might is in good shape and improving and she's already considered a top by many including India.

And NO India is not scared to go for surgical strikes in Pakistan because of its 'famous' PAF. Civilian govt power, army coup, army in power ...get the picture? India doesnt want an unstable govt in her neighbourhood, so back off your pseudo-machoistic claims that India is not going forward with strikes in Pakistan because of Pakistani PAF and 'nuculear' weapons!
You really need to understand the MAD theory, Pakistan has a credible deterrence and thats what's keeping you from attacking us! Thats teh way it is...rest is just :blah::blah::blah:

TIME TO WAKE UP to the real world of realpolitik, my friends!
Don't you have to be awake ÿourself to tell us that? :what
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Thanks for sweeping the floor with him Neo, somebody had to do it.
The ego was dripping off from his post, jeez.
while you may have made some sense with your previous posts, this argument is complete BS. So you're telling us India has a newfound love with our democracy? And one thing is clear any indian strike = pakistani response. What option does india has then? strike again = gradual increase to full scale war. True India can sustain economically much longer but whats the gurantee that it will be a low-level war? Just like you cannot light a fire in a forest and hope that it will not spread much damage, you cannot go to war hoping that it won't go full-scale.

if it doesn't respond = humiliation locally and internationally of a country that calls itself 'regional power'. And remember india's economy in not a manufacturing based but services based. One missile attack on bangalore even without a warhead = end of IT boom = end of shining India. It may be a hard to swallow fact but thats the reality with service-sector based economy.

Back to topic, we must develop ties with russia. Even if they are non-military but something to counter the US. Besides, military ties follow a general better relationship not start it. Much better IMHO, is to pump some money and develop the local industry. Remember we were offered the Grippen with ToT (or so i read somewhere) but couldnt do the deal because our local industry could not absorb the hi-tech things involved. The next joint venture with china should be in developed in pak or atleast party in pak rather then at Chengdu even if that means us spending more than 50%.

I am sorry if I didnt elaborate on my previous post. The point I wanted to emphasize is that no deterrent will stop India from doing what it wants to do. But logically speaking, strikes have not been carried out for one reason - i.e. what would it achieve, in other words what would the objectives of such a strike be?

Back to 2006, remember the Israeli fiasco in Lebanon? The went all out to destroy Hezbollah, but they didnt have well defined objectives! Their objectives kept changing all the time while innocents were being killed on both sides, more so on the Lebanese side.

Extrapolating that experience to the Indian strike in Pakistan, there are no defined objectives here. India wants to destroy the terrorist training camps and their infrastructure. But unlike for example Pakistani army infrastructure which can be targeted in a time of conflict, these rouge elements are no defined targets! Thats the reason why the so called surgical strikes are not a feasible option. However if the complicity if ISI as an institution being involved in these attacks is proven beyond doubt then ...maybe then...there might be a possibility of strikes and that too only on selected targets. In such a scenario, the Indian govt would be ready for any repercussions from the Pakistani army. Not that the PAF would be sitting still, they would, ofcourse respond, but what I am trying to say is, planners would take into account any such eventuality before deciding on the possibility of strikes.

Its been well documented that India does not want war with Pakistan. You guys just got a civilian govt after a decade of military rule. A full fledged war between the neighbors is entirely unnecessary here in the present context. What is important though is that the earlier mindset of Pakistani army trying to match Indian forces arm for arm should be discarded in favour of increased bilateral trade, which I believe is a win-win situation. We dont care if you buy weapons form China or US or any other country as long as we get lots of moolah by trading!

We have the money and the world knows it! Thats why they all are courting India! How does Pakistan fare in such a comparison? They all say what Jerry Maguire says "SHOW ME THE MONEY"!

And whoever said our economy is solely based on IT? You my friend have no idea what a behemoth the Indian economy is! And its not only IT that runs it. Dont get so desperate and spew off irrelevant points.

And a missile strike in Bangalore? What for? And do you really think its gonna be that easy that you push a button and Bangalore goes puff!!? LOL gimme some of whatever you are ingesting, I too need to see wonderful hallucinations!
I am sorry if I didnt elaborate on my previous post. The point I wanted to emphasize is that no deterrent will stop India from doing what it wants to do. But logically speaking, strikes have not been carried out for one reason - i.e. what would it achieve, in other words what would the objectives of such a strike be?

See, your country has received alot of media attention because of your economic growth, and you're already blabbering about nobody stopping India from what it wants to do.
You say that the ONLY reason these strikes weren't carried out were because the objectives wouldn't be clear and there would be nothing to achieve?
Then why on earth would the GoI be talking about surgical strikes in the first place?
I don't believe that's the sole reason that has stopped India from doing so, infact, that's not a reason at all, the actual reason is quite simple: Pakistan is no pushover, and India simply cannot tell Pakistan what to do and what not to do, it's that easy, I know it hurts your baseless pride and ego, but it's reality.
If India could boss us around, we'd be long gone in these 60+ years, but we're not.

Back to 2006, remember the Israeli fiasco in Lebanon? The went all out to destroy Hezbollah, but they didnt have well defined objectives! Their objectives kept changing all the time while innocents were being killed on both sides, more so on the Lebanese side.

Their objectives were to destroy Hezbollah, and they miserably failed.
International pressure was mounting up, more and more Israeli soldiers kept dieing, they initially had to retreat to safe their image, the cowards, as a goodbye dessert, they treated the lebanese people with alot of clusterbombs, and the after-effects are still being felt in Lebanon.

Extrapolating that experience to the Indian strike in Pakistan, there are no defined objectives here. India wants to destroy the terrorist training camps and their infrastructure. But unlike for example Pakistani army infrastructure which can be targeted in a time of conflict, these rouge elements are no defined targets! Thats the reason why the so called surgical strikes are not a feasible option. However if the complicity if ISI as an institution being involved in these attacks is proven beyond doubt then ...maybe then...there might be a possibility of strikes and that too only on selected targets. In such a scenario, the Indian govt would be ready for any repercussions from the Pakistani army. Not that the PAF would be sitting still, they would, ofcourse respond, but what I am trying to say is, planners would take into account any such eventuality before deciding on the possibility of strikes.
What exactly do you mean by "no defined objects"?
I think it's pretty clear that India cannot keep it hands off Pakistan, it just HAS to show her dominance and simply wants to powerboast infront of Pakistan and the rest of the world.
Ofcourse India wants to destroy militant trainingcamps inside Pakistan, the best way to do so is by starting at home, afterall, charity begins at home, and India has its own big problems regarding (hindu) terrorism which pesters Pakistan from its existance.
Even IF the ISI had something to do with the attacks in Mumbai, I still doubt that India would be able to lay its hand on Pakistan.
There is no possibility of any strike in Pakistan my hopeful friend, because India does not have the right to violate Pakistans sovereignty, doing this will result (howmany times do I have to say this) in serious retaliation.
Also, don't tell me that RAW isn't behind any attacks inside Pakistan, has Pakistan threatened India with strikes, war etc and media propaganda? NO!

OFCOURSE the Indian planners would bear everything in mind including a retaliation from Pakistani side, which will occur, you guys are not invincible, you're not anything near that, stop fooling yourself seriously.
The problem is, the burden is too big, the stakes are too high, GoI knows this, the planners know it, they cannot foresee and defend against a fitting Pakistani response to any Indian strike.
The fact that India has not carried out any military operation inside Pakistan despite all the threats and big talk from Indian politician, sends out a signal to the Pakistani people that India is at the moment, in no position to harm Pakistan and get away with it.
India won't be in the future either, it's just the reality, you will simply have to live with your neighbour, as Pakistan is living with theirs.

Its been well documented that India does not want war with Pakistan. You guys just got a civilian govt after a decade of military rule. A full fledged war between the neighbors is entirely unnecessary here in the present context. What is important though is that the earlier mindset of Pakistani army trying to match Indian forces arm for arm should be discarded in favour of increased bilateral trade, which I believe is a win-win situation. We dont care if you buy weapons form China or US or any other country as long as we get lots of moolah by trading!

Oh really? So that's why the PAF had to increase its vigilance and the PA moved its troops to our eastern border after certain threatening statements from your very own PM and FM?
Not to mention the exercises India conducted during those times with precision strikes and such, also relocating its fighters and troops in Rajastan.

The Pakistani Army has been trying and succesfully matching the Indian armed forces for 60+ years now, I say that with pride because if the PA wouldn't be able to match the IA, we'd simply be another Iraq.
You are completely wrong and right at the sime time when you mention that Pakistan should increase bileteral tride and that the military investments and such should get a lower priority.
However, think logically, with a neighbour like India, we have no other CHOICE.
It's very logical, do I really have to explain to you? Do honestly think it's that easy for Pakistan to simply focus only on economic development? So that once we developed our economy to a great extent, it can simply be crushed in a matter of hours by Indian forces?
Ofcourse not, we will always need solid defence to protect Pakistan and its citizens.
If we had the option of going for pure economic development, i'm sure Pakistan would've went with that, but with 3 wars and a handfull of skirmishes with India, I don't think that's a feasible option.

We have the money and the world knows it! Thats why they all are courting India! How does Pakistan fare in such a comparison? They all say what Jerry Maguire says "SHOW ME THE MONEY"!
Ofcourse you have the money, go outside and look how Indian streets are filled with people living on less then a dollar a day.
Pakistan is developing just like India, we are keen on improving our image and attract many foreign investors, it's already happening now.
Our economy has very good prospects, you cannot deny that, so money will come and go, same story for India.
Everything revolves around money, that's true, however, with Pakistans limited budget, it has done extremely well to make the most out of their deals.

And whoever said our economy is solely based on IT? You my friend have no idea what a behemoth the Indian economy is! And its not only IT that runs it. Dont get so desperate and spew off irrelevant points.

Elaborate on this please? What kind of a "behemoth" the Indian economy is?
You shouldn't go too far fetched with your statements.

And a missile strike in Bangalore? What for? And do you really think its gonna be that easy that you push a button and Bangalore goes puff!!? LOL gimme some of whatever you are ingesting, I too need to see wonderful hallucinations!

Infact, it's that easy, yes.
There is absolute nothing India can do to stop Pakistan from bombing Indian cities to smithereens.
We have the capability to do so, perhaps a reminder for you that this might be a good reason for the GoI to keep their threats verbal and nothing more then that, that's why we haven't seen anything after the 26th of December deadline, which your officials have given to Pakistan.
See, another form of the so called power boasting I was talking about.
Who is India to give Pakistan deadlines?
Harm us, and we'll harm you back, it's as simple as that.
Don't be blind for the truth, as it may be shocking for you to face the consequenses of your countries own actions, once your government dares to initiate any strike on Pakistani soil.
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Thanks to our resident trolls for hijacking this thread. We are discussing potential ties with Russia here, not India.
Yes, i'm sorry for responding, some people just don't understand.
Back to the topic now.
I am sorry if I didnt elaborate on my previous post. The point I wanted to emphasize is that no deterrent will stop India from doing what it wants to do. But logically speaking, strikes have not been carried out for one reason - i.e. what would it achieve, in other words what would the objectives of such a strike be?

And whoever said our economy is solely based on IT? You my friend have no idea what a behemoth the Indian economy is! And its not only IT that runs it. Dont get so desperate and spew off irrelevant points.

And a missile strike in Bangalore? What for? And do you really think its gonna be that easy that you push a button and Bangalore goes puff!!? LOL gimme some of whatever you are ingesting, I too need to see wonderful hallucinations!

dude, do you have a predefined text to post? did you even read my post carefully? I suggest you read my post (again?) and read your reply and see if your reply has got to do with what I said.

your whole post contains 3 points that I highlighted.

India doing what it wanted to might be your wish but ain't reality. And if you had read my post, I explain why this is so.

I said indian economy is "services-sector based". You might as well know that service sector is more than IT but a whole lot vulnerable than manufacturing. services contribute to more than 50% of India's GDP.

A missile strike in retaliation of any possible 'surgical strike' that can lead to a war. Again, did you even read my post?

I am ingesting something that allows you to atleast read what the other has written...maybe you need some??
Hmmn, interesting reconciliatory tone to the post here. Wonder why?
As regards to India trying to destabilize the region, if you recollect recent history, it was the ex-PM Mr. Vajpayee who offered the hand of friendship to Pakistan and rode the bus to Lahore in that time of tension. What happened next ,,cough cough...kargil..cough cough, is India got backstabbed by the GLORIOUS MISADVENTURE by Pakistani army!!
India took care of it (which btw is a known and acknowledged fact), and then yet again started CBMs and then what happens? Attack on Indian Parliament. Yet once more Musharaff comes to India and enjoys Indian hospitality!! Now whoz the all forgiving Big Brother in the neighbourhood here?? And whoz trying to 'destabilize' the region here?

Pakistanis have to realize that their dream of so called Islamic rule over the Indian subcontinent is all but just a Dream!! Get over it, History is history, stop living in it. You have to realize that if you want to lead a good life, then you have to develop your economy like that of India's and China's and that can be done by fostering better trade relations with both these countries.
Well you might say that Sino-Pak relations are good, LOL, if that was so, then China would not have refused to BAIL out your pathetic economy. Your govt had to go to IMF, which everyone knows, is a tool to subjugate smaller economies to world power whims!! What do you make of it?

If you really want Pakistan to be considered as a top military might, make sure your govt (which assuming you have an elected govt and not your military) gives top priority to economic development, only then you shall reap the benefits.

And hey Moscow guy, stop trying masquerading as a Russian! You very well know that you aint one and even if you are situated in Moscow, you dont speak for the Russian people or their policies. Why do I say so, coz I know a lot of Russians here, so please stop humiliating yourself with your masquerade! Baleyt suka!!

Everyone acknowledges that you need $$$$$ to sustain a conflict! Even if the much touted PAF wins a couple of first few skirmishes with the much maligned IAF, you dont have the $$$$$ to sustain those few advantages much longer. India on the other hand can sustain a conflict for a much longer period of time - eg the prolonged low level conflict in Punjab and Kashmir! India has allies who can help with much needed ammunition and supplies, which can't be said about Pakistan. China is NOT going to come to your rescue, so get over it. Its got much to lose by supporting PA in a conflict with India.

And NO India is not scared to go for surgical strikes in Pakistan because of its 'famous' PAF. Civilian govt power, army coup, army in power ...get the picture? India doesnt want an unstable govt in her neighbourhood, so back off your pseudo-machoistic claims that India is not going forward with strikes in Pakistan because of Pakistani PAF and 'nuculear' weapons!

TIME TO WAKE UP to the real world of realpolitik, my friends!

The hand india offers pakistan is a hand of a backstabber.

Just to make you aware that noone said anything about islamic dominance in south asia.

india will never dominate south asia india is a like a cheap prostitue that has no ethics and morals and gets in to bed with anyone that can pay.

As far as our internal problems are concerned well before you point them out have a closer look at india where everyone is in uprising from Assam to delhi.

Because the indian economy has grown subtantially does not mean that india is a super power or on the way to be a super power.

India cant touch pakistan history has shown that from time of mughals to present, why are indians so anti us is because they carry some of the blood of the conquerers of the mughals etc?.
Not at all ;) but deleting Hanmya's off topic rants and banning him to kingdom come would have been my reaction. :cool:

LOL kharian beast....like I really care about my profile here! :bunny:
Just goes on to show how scared you are of meaningful conversations, apologies to the mods for going off on a tangent off topic - but seems like it happens in every other forums - I will get to the points elaborated by the mods in an appropriate thread when I get an opportunity asap.
I couldnt defend yesterday because like I said I've got a life, go figure!

Back on the topic, I would like to ask the proponents of this 'Russ-Pak friendship' to define reasons as to why Russia would agree to a defense co-operation pact with Pakistan, and thus stand to lose its strategic partnership with India. Lets see what kind of indepth analysis you can come up with, countering the deep Indo-Russia partnership.

Instead of trolling and spewing hatred, I would welcome well defined points/arguments, and the Mods would definitely agree :smokin:
The hand india offers pakistan is a hand of a backstabber.

Just to make you aware that noone said anything about islamic dominance in south asia.

india will never dominate south asia india is a like a cheap prostitue that has no ethics and morals and gets in to bed with anyone that can pay.

As far as our internal problems are concerned well before you point them out have a closer look at india where everyone is in uprising from Assam to delhi.

Because the indian economy has grown subtantially does not mean that india is a super power or on the way to be a super power.

India cant touch pakistan history has shown that from time of mughals to present, why are indians so anti us is because they carry some of the blood of the conquerers of the mughals etc?.

My bad, about the Islamic rule of South Asia comment. You are right, it wasnt said here, but those are the comments coming from some rouge elements in Pakistan. You might have an idea who I am talking about.

About rest of your 'comments' - do you even know what you are trying to say here? Atleast try to put forth coherent points, it looks like a huge typo!

Hey Mods, this is off topic but very important so please excuse me here...

An open question...how many of you Pakistanis here have really met an Indian f2f?
All I see here is blind hatred for anything Indian, why is that so? This is an open question to you all, mods included, How many of you have met other desis f2f? And what were your experiences? FYI desis includes all south asians....
Mods..why dont you start a thread on this, about experiences of desis meeting other desis f2f. I want to know what your experiences are...and I will share mine. You might really be surprised!
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My bad, about the Islamic rule of South Asia comment. You are right, it wasnt said here, but those are the comments coming from some rouge elements in Pakistan. You might have an idea who I am talking about.

About rest of your 'comments' - do you even know what you are trying to say here? Atleast try to put forth coherent points, it looks like a huge typo!

Hey Mods, this is off topic but very important so please excuse me here...

An open question...how many of you Pakistanis here have really met an Indian f2f?
All I see here is blind hatred for anything Indian, why is that so? This is an open question to you all, mods included, How many of you have met other desis f2f? And what were your experiences? FYI desis includes all south asians....
Mods..why dont you start a thread on this, about experiences of desis meeting other desis f2f. I want to know what your experiences are...and I will share mine. You might really be surprised!

I'll give you my fair views about Indians living in the Netherlands, or atleast the ones I usually come across in downtown Amsterdam.
Start a new thread on this if u want, you'll be surprised what you might hear about your fellow countrymen/women abroad.
Please, Neo has already stated that we should focus on the thread now, please let us do that from now on.
I'll give you my fair views about Indians living in the Netherlands, or atleast the ones I usually come across in downtown Amsterdam.
Start a new thread on this if u want, you'll be surprised what you might hear about your fellow countrymen/women abroad.
Please, Neo has already stated that we should focus on the thread now, please let us do that from now on.

I would like to ask the proponents of this 'Russ-Pak friendship' to define reasons as to why Russia would agree to a defense co-operation pact with Pakistan, and thus stand to lose its strategic partnership with India. Lets see what kind of indepth analysis you can come up with, countering the deep Indo-Russia partnership.

I already posted about this. Can you bring out some pointers as to how it can be done?

PS: By surprise I meant how we get along here very well! What with a cricket team of desis playing off against another desi cricket team from another city/town. This is just one example.
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