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Why dont I prefer Modi?

BJP does not need Absolute majority to be able to project Modi as PM. I believe if they themselves get 180-200 odd seats then the other allies will come even if they project Modi. Remember Jayalalitha supports Modi, Shiv Sena and Akali Dal will also support BJP. together these 3 themselves will give around 40 - 50 seats. The other small parties will also join as they see a chance to be oin the govt.

However if BJP wins less than 180 on its own then it will be difficult to project Modi as JD(U) will not back him.

Ha ha ha you think Jayalalitha and Shiv sena support going to make a change first both these two dont have major support now locally.
Ha ha ha you think Jayalalitha and Shiv sena support going to make a change first both these two dont have major support now locally.

I dont think the people of Tamil Nadu will especially be happy with Jayalalitha's power cuts :D

Tamilnadu is suffering almost 14 hours / day of power cuts. I went to my hometown recently, and heck, I drive into the city at 7 pm, the city is dark like a cemetery :confused:
This is one of most stupid comment as Narendra Modi give the free hand to rioter. Ahmedabad has a police force of 6,000, including 1,500 armed personnel and 4 companies of RAF each having 530 Jawans. And Mobs that Simultanesoly come at more than dozen placed with number from 2000 to 10000. So force was not enough.

It is not me but Modi's own then Intelligence chief reported and had deposed. This is what an ex home minister deposed to the citizens tribunal. This is also corroborated by Modi's own admission of destruction of police call records and vehicle logs (if he was really innocent he would have preserved them to prove his innocence). Read the second part of my blog for the full story and references for all. There is enough prima facie evidences. In any case, I am sure Modi stooges will hide behind procedures and legality, just like how congress stooges hide behind CBI's clean chit to Sonia in Bofors scandal even during NDA/BJP's rule at center or CBI's clean chit to the top congress ring leaders in Sikh riots. Congress stooges also cite the fact that Army was called in blah blah, but thats not much use at the end - 1000+ people have already died by then in gujarat by the time army was called in after few days. Both parties scratch each others back, while grandstanding only in public.
Oh, and BTW, the courts have not even started going through the SIT report and cross examinations. SIT may have let off Modi, but Amicus Curiae has objected, and so have some IPS officers and courts have directed the SIT to provide the report to them to prepare their argument. The matter is far from settled for Modi. Anyway, this is becoming ridiculous now. I wont argue with Modi stooges on his culpability. Just argue on the economic and social indicators in the first part of my blog.
This is I want to say to you. In democracy, everyone has right to criticize the person. But you should present the both thing good as well as bad.

Now for example: you are saying literacy rate has been dropped. But this is complete false statement. The state's literacy rate saw a 10.17% growth in 2011. In 2001, the male literacy rate was 79.66% while for females it was 57.8%. This saw an increase in 2011. Literacy rate for males had gone up to 87.23% while for females it was 70.73%. Yes we are behind the Kerala , tamil nadu and Maharashtra. But the fact is that 15% of Gujarat population in Gujarat is ST. So government has now being trying to put the effort on empowerment of ST.

Gujarat's literacy rate rises by over 10% - Times Of India

Yes Human development index is not good for Gujarat. And that is why guj government is looking after that. And target has been set to achienve the better HDI till 2015.

Gujarat achieves Human Development Index for 2015

Let me tell you without seeing your blog , I am aware of facts and I am not speaking in air.My every point is based and backed up by source. You are free to refute me.

Namo has never mentioned that Gujarat has been completely developed. There are shortcomings in development. And which I am sure this government will take care.

haha.... Didnt I already suggest you to read the blog. Look how silly you sound now! :D This is another typical propaganda hype from Modi brigade (one was that Sarchar report which was quoted earlier in this thread) I have already quoted that increase in literacy rate etc, but obviously, when India is growing at such rates, none of the states would see a decrease in literacy rate. The point is, inspite of being one of the fastest growing states, its rank actually slipped down (meaning, even slower growing states improved literacy rates better). This is clearly a bad handling of development!

Also, as for HDI, it ranking wasnt good in 2004 HDI report either. And once again, as I have pointed out in the blog, inspite of such high growth rates, its rank fell from 6 in 2004 to 8 in 2011.

Read my blog for more facts and complete references for cross-verification. I wont be replying to you again if you are adamant on not reading any facts thats contrary to your Modi's propaganda, and keep posting silly figures and arguments thats already there in that blog.
I dont think the people of Tamil Nadu will especially be happy with Jayalalitha's power cuts :D

Tamilnadu is suffering almost 14 hours / day of power cuts. I went to my hometown recently, and heck, I drive into the city at 7 pm, the city is dark like a cemetery :confused:

Not only power cuts she has abandoned many infra structure projects and hiked the fares for electricity,bus which directly affects the poor.
Why dont people read a 1 or 2 page blog before commenting?! I feel like an idiot saying the same thing again and again!

Nope there is less proof to support his claim. only Saniv Bhatt have said that. he said many police officers attended it. But many officers dont even remember seeing him. He is IPS, so were the other police in that meetings.
This accusation was never proved.

Even if we discount Sanjiv Bhatt (whose name I have not even included in my blog), there is Gujarat Intelligence head at the time of riots Sreekumar, and a former home minister Haren pandya and Modi's own admission to destruction of police call records and vehicle log (which would have proved his innocence, if he indeed was, or prove otherwise).
For the people who say mode is from land of pure,let me give you an small e.g. I lived in Ahmedabad,generally people live in communities like muslim and hindu .They if you take areas like shahpur,jamalpur,khanpur,fatewadi,narol where muslims are in huge numbers the basic amenities like roads,street lights and garbage cleaning suck hard time,when you compare places like iskon temple navranpura,c.g road,s.g highway and new ahmedabad areas where hindu people majority is high,why these double standards in the same city just because they are muslims.People just see the chocolate cream upper part not the hollow cone inner.
haha.... Didnt I already suggest you to read the blog. Look how silly you sound now! :D This is another typical propaganda hype from Modi brigade (one was that Sarchar report which was quoted earlier in this thread) I have already quoted that increase in literacy rate etc, but obviously, when India is growing at such rates, none of the states would see a decrease in literacy rate. The point is, inspite of being one of the fastest growing states, its rank actually slipped down (meaning, even slower growing states improved literacy rates better). This is clearly a bad handling of development!

Also, as for HDI, it ranking wasnt good in 2004 HDI report either. And once again, as I have pointed out in the blog, inspite of such high growth rates, its rank fell from 6 in 2004 to 8 in 2011.

Read my blog for more facts and complete references for cross-verification. I wont be replying to you again if you are adamant on not reading any facts thats contrary to your Modi's propaganda, and keep posting silly figures and arguments thats already there in that blog.

I gone through you blog. It is waste of time. and honestly you need to search more. There is nothing like propaganda in my post. And I have clarified your points with proof. Carry on with your hatred. You have not refuted me on single claim. No need to reply to you more. as for me you seems in delusion. and i live here and i know facts and around development.

Btw , do you know what is the capital of gujarat? or what is the only hill station in gujarat?
I have a question, for those who don't support Modi.

If you had to choose between Neranda Modi... or Rahul Gandhi... who would you choose?

(This is assuming that everything else is equal).
He may be great for Gujrat from an industry perspective, but I dont think he has the grace and manners of a statesman or a country's leader. His demeanor and approach is very goon like.. Specially in public speeches.. Plus does not shy away from personal attacks and using un parliamentary language..

Really! who do you prefer then. Digvijay singh manish tiwari kapil sibal manmohan singh! Sonia Gandhi
Un-parliamentary language! that's new. Give me an example and will tell you how is he heads and shoulder better than the rest.

Our country needs a strong administrator sans corruption and nepotism. At present there is no single person in this country who can provide the kind of leadership and initiative that this man has.
Don't just say anything for the heck of it
I have a question, for those who don't support Modi.

If you had to choose between Neranda Modi... or Rahul Gandhi... who would you choose?

(This is assuming that everything else is equal).

Both are good for nothing,one religious and the former is useless.
For the people who say mode is from land of pure,let me give you an small e.g. I lived in Ahmedabad,generally people live in communities like muslim and hindu .They if you take areas like shahpur,jamalpur,khanpur,fatewadi,narol where muslims are in huge numbers the basic amenities like roads,street lights and garbage cleaning suck hard time,when you compare places like iskon temple navranpura,c.g road,s.g highway and new ahmedabad areas where hindu people majority is high,why these double standards in the same city just because they are muslims.People just see the chocolate cream upper part not the hollow cone inner.

You forgot to add the Juhapura also where Muslim population is more.
I have a question, for those who don't support Modi.

If you had to choose between Neranda Modi... or Rahul Gandhi... who would you choose?

(This is assuming that everything else is equal).

I dont like modi but I would choose him over Rahul gandhi because I want Gandhi family out of politics. Moreover my stand on Modi is that he should be punished for riots against muslims. Other than that he is a great leader.
Modi, the Untouchable is an alleged Politician who was believed to be behind the Gujrat Riot.Not only the Muslim communities of India blame him, even lots of reports from Kolkata were published to point finger on him. His ultimate dream is to 'Unify India', not the India we know now;an India which includes Pakistan and Bangladesh annexed. Indian Courts got some proves of his involvement. Yet, it's just prove the corruption of Indian Judiciary as they failed to bring him to judgement. Modi worked really hard just to gain favor to get much bigger piece of cake. He uses abusive languages in front of media,proving he doesn't care anything! The other aspect I found of him is trying to rebuild his bond with West. This is just because to create more pressure over Current Indian Govt. and start a World wide Islamophobia. Up until now India was neutral, considering religious stability for larger Economic growth. But it seems Modi's current political team is after raising Islamophobia. They are writing 100s of blog posts in News paper to justify the reason why to elect Modi. The no.1 reason for his eligibility from their point of view is Islamophobia. India is going to be an Islamic Nation and then Muslims will massacre them! This kind of nonsense propaganda is keep flowing and current religious instability in India has lots to do with Shiv Shena,BJP and Modi. Modi is nothing but a leftist and his agenda is Islamophobia.
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