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Why doesn't Pakistan build an aircraft carrier?

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why dont China and India go to war instead of fighting here, that will decide who is ahead??? And I thought this was a thread discussing PN not IN or PLAN
Hey I think you need that kinda industrial base too, money can't buy everything....

you mean industrial base like TATA, HAL, DRDO ? fail to deliver what they promise? TO FOOL AROUND millions of poors of bharat...and than buy stuff from russians ....
you mean industrial base like TATA, HAL, DRDO ? fail to deliver what they promise? TO FOOL AROUND millions of poors of bharat...and than buy stuff from russians ....

Only fool here is one who cannot understand basic English. and I like pakistani style :D. NO industrial base , make nothing , and No fooling of millions of pakis :D.
Considering that Pakistan is a nuclear power, a major player in the Muslim bloc and having wide ranging interest in the Gulf and Arabian Sea. PN should have blue water capability. Or at least brown water with a fleet able to operate independently and for long duration. Therefore, a carrier is needed in PN. How far can Pakistan afford a carrier is another matter.
Considering that Pakistan is a nuclear power, a major player in the Muslim bloc and having wide ranging interest in the Gulf and Arabian Sea. PN should have blue water capability. Or at least brown water with a fleet able to operate independently and for long duration. Therefore, a carrier is needed in PN. How far can Pakistan afford a carrier is another matter.
nuclear power: pff, big deal. No threat but for the animosity with the neighbors
Muslim bloc: what bloc?
Gulf and Arabian Sea Interests: not any different or more pressing than for most nations.

you mean industrial base like TATA, HAL, DRDO ? fail to deliver what they promise? TO FOOL AROUND millions of poors of bharat...and than buy stuff from russians ....


That wasnt too well thought out was it?
There is only one interest that should interest Pakistan for the near future, the interest of Pasistan and only Pakistan. We have been fighting someone else's wars for most of our existance as a nation. It is about time that take a stock of oursleves and get on an even keel.

The PN fleet configuration should be based upon the need of Pakistan for the next twenty years; The protection of our maritime trade, protection of our EEZ, and sea denial. All else is a fools dream.

The only pressing strategic need for PN is to create the third leg of our nuclear deterence. That is a limit of our naval strategic imperative. Otherwise, all else is incapsulated in the aobve mission statement.
1 would be enough. Maybe after 2020....
Muslim Power - I would consider Iran as Muslim Power.
Brown Water Navy can be augmented - Get some type 26 frigates and retire over 40 year old Type 21s

F22P are actually corvettes designated as Frigates in PN. To be called as Frigate F22P should have a decent ADS which it lacks.

To become a true Brown water Navy you need atleast 3 decent 4000 Tons frigates capable is Subsurface, surface and Basic Air defence. An investment of perhaps 5 Bn

Add to that auxillary shis like Refuilers atleast 11000 tons add another a Billion.

Not talking of Submarine Support System and MPA...PN apparently has 3 functional Orions
And another one...................and another one...............

non stop invasion of "Intelligent" indian memebrs remind me of countless brainless zombies rising from the darkest, deepest shithole some horror movie.......... ok smart pants india has one Aircraft carrier and secnd is being built and third is on the drawing board and fourth is in the dreams..................... you keep PAF busy in counting their juicy targets.

I want to know what are efforts are being done by pakistan regarding the naval aircraft carrier ... Do they have such a plan ?...
I know, we in India have it. And a new one is being built in Russia.
And another one...................and another one...............

non stop invasion of "Intelligent" indian memebrs remind me of countless brainless zombies rising from the darkest, deepest shithole some horror movie.......... ok smart pants india has one Aircraft carrier and secnd is being built and third is on the drawing board and fourth is in the dreams..................... you keep PAF busy in counting their juicy targets.
Hey, stop ranting, he asked a question can you now answer on topic?
We are already struggling to get number of Frigates and Submarine which we have give in our future plans for our Navy and here comes a thread about Air Craft Carrier :hitwall: :rofl: and also even if with best economy we still don't need AirCraft carrier until and unless Muslims Army form Joint Navy and other forces to than we will need Air Craft Carrier
We are already struggling to get number of Frigates and Submarine which we have give in our future plans for our Navy and here comes a thread about Air Craft Carrier :hitwall: :rofl: and also even if with best economy we still don't need AirCraft carrier until and unless Muslims Army form Joint Navy and other forces to than we will need Air Craft Carrier
your post does not make sense..
I don't reply to trolls, why don't you answer him?
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