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Why does the U.S not have a "Muslim problem". Inviting your opinion

No,you do have.Even muslims is less than 1% of USA population,9.11 still happened.That was a pretty big terrorism activity.How could you forget it?
Europe invites all kind of trash that have no qualifications and not doing background checks etc. In the US you need a highly regarded degree to get a visa. Plus I would assume Europe is more liberal, so people take advantage.
Europe invites all kind of trash that have no qualifications and not doing background checks etc. In the US you need a highly regarded degree to get a visa. Plus I would assume Europe is more liberal, so people take advantage.
European countries don't have absolute free speech in the way the US does. If you're a terrorist supporter in the US you can only get arrested if you're directly involved in the activity. This isn't true in Britain where you can be arrested simply for expressing your support for such groups without actually acting on it.
Maybe they are too conservative?

Unemployment among the blue collar class may also play a role. Wars in the middle east are perhaps making them more nervous? A lot of these right wing parties propping up are lead by people of that demography.

Also, I doubt if they actually talk to one another. Fighting through a computer is not talking.

Maintaining good relations and coming together among people is very important, which I believe is lacking over there.

Also, their police forces were being too soft on those nut jobs.

Europe invites all kind of trash that have no qualifications and not doing background checks etc. In the US you need a highly regarded degree to get a visa. Plus I would assume Europe is more liberal, so people take advantage.

Not necessarily.

European countries don't have absolute free speech in the way the US does. If you're a terrorist supporter in the US you can only get arrested if you're directly involved in the activity. This isn't true in Britain where you can be arrested simply for expressing your support for such groups without actually acting on it.

Long ago in the UK while I was a child, I attended a wedding being held at a community center at a mosque. A bunch of mullahs literally crashed the wedding. The occasion was not 'halal' enough according to them.

We did call out to the police, some questioning here and there, and the next day, they were never heard from again. No compensation for the physical and emotional damage those people caused.

And that was way back in 1997.

Ideas can spread.
Europe invites all kind of trash that have no qualifications and not doing background checks etc. In the US you need a highly regarded degree to get a visa. Plus I would assume Europe is more liberal, so people take advantage.

Lets assume what you and a few other posters say is true,

But extremism and terrorism is not necessarily a byproduct of illiteracy and poverty. In fact, given the available options for growth and development accorded by the Europeans (including welfare checks). Most illiterate poor people strive to make good their life in a liberal and rich society which does not discriminate and provides equal opportunity in a safe environment.. Many other nationalities and non Muslims have done quite well - in some cases even better than the local community. Many Muslims have tasted success too.

The OP has a valid point - the first generation immigrants struggled and have succeeded to a degree - what went wrong with the second or third generation - and how would one explain the hard-line taken by new converts to Islam in Europe?
This is a subject and a question that I've been curious about and have not found any real answers to.

We are seeing the rise of Salafists, Sharia patrols and No go muslim zones in Europe. Deep seated antagonism between Muslim citizenry and the locals. We are seeing Europeans really struggle with a rise of right wing groups as a challenge to their so called " Muslim problem". I'm afraid there is going to be all out war in the streets soon .

YET- How come we don't see this play out in the U.S.?
Sure, we have some isolated issues here and there but our Muslim communities are well integrated and peaceful by many miles. What is the reason for the two diametrically opposite storylines, yet both happening within a Western culture?

@Oscar @Horus @FaujHistorian [USER=2]@WebMaster @waz[/USER]
Because you guys have a "John Doe" solution for it. Of course there is a problem if that nature there as well.

It is just that USA deals with it coolly and with professional ruthlessness that only China can match while idiotic countries like my own waste their time trying to convince troublemakers to snap out of it.
one reason, opportunity for all. Only in America if you have the qualification and desire to excel you would regardless of your color, race, or religion
It also depends upon the quality of immigrants among other things
Most Muslim immigration to Europe was of unskilled workers hence they are low on the socio-economic ladder
The U.S has same issues that Europe faces with Mexican immigration
the difference there is its more of a drug/gang problem

I think this is the best answer....It is not like any religion people are bad..rather it is the nut people who creates issues....And also culturally I am not sure about Gov of America policy, but people of America is different and they always respect people across all religioon. To respect other people is the culture of America...But in Europe, they have their own culture so they ususally do not accept other culture people so easily...But again at the end of the day, it is their land and their country..Outsiders can not simply expect which is not their due too..Every nation is not America...
Firstly these groups do not represent a religion. There are 1.6 billion muslims in the world. You can't judge them over the actions of a few thousand. Thats just racist and you are suffering from mental retardation.
t also depends upon the quality of immigrants among other things
Most Muslim immigration to Europe was of unskilled workers hence they are low on the socio-economic ladder
That is not true in its eventuality. The issue at hand is much more to do with the lack of cultural diversification in Europe and the continous migration of people to America. The education system there tells the Americans that they came themselves from Europe
Discipline in Tudor schools was savage.
read The Boy by Roald Dahl you will find out it was common till not long ago.
Geographically USA is a isolated continent away from Asia and Europe without any land connection.Asia and Africa is where the main Islamic Population resides and to get into USA illegally, you take the Mexico route which is guarded,there is only one avenue of getting illegally into USA from the mexican side
Study the world before chugging out whatever you wish. For your information the reason the United States is more comfortable is because the slaves that were bought to the United states were Muslims at one time. from that point on they have been a small part of society and have lived peacefully in the United States
I gave the geographical reason as to why Americas are better secured because they have no land links with ASIA or AFRICA.
religions are not a disease that one needs to secure themselves. Otherwise the world is electronic now
If you want to equate with Islamic nations and ME...then they will also need to drop their "secular" pretense and call themselves for what they are "Christian"! Sad to say that isnt true coz they arent Christians and hate divine rules as possible! Liberalism is the new cult!
that was perfectly said
I said Jihadi's - not Muslims, are you implying that there's no difference between them?
That is insulting learn what the word means before using it
that was perfectly said
Man that had soo many errors even I couldnt recognize I wrote it...Just fixed it...I hope it makes more sense now!

*Thank you jet lag!*
Man that had soo many errors even I couldnt recognize I wrote it...Just fixed it...I hope it makes more sense now!
ok there must be something wrong with my head that made sense to me even before you corrected it
*Thank you jet lag!*
lots of water air travel dehydrates people and leads to self doubt on one's own writing skills i guess :P
Simple... US homeland sec agencies would whip the shyte out of the mullahah madarcords types if they even get a whiuff of any conspiracy ..specially after 9/11...You can see that fear in the eyes of the muslim immigrants.

Plus most American public, be it of any ethnicity, strives to protect their way of life and would not shy down from slapping sense to a mullah if he /she/trans where to give a effed up sermon. contrary to what the media potraysm dearborn is not a no go area for christians unline some streets in britain.

This would indicate that the US has a policy of terrorizing Muslim immigrants so are you saying that Muslims in US are in constant fear and as a result US does not have 'a muslim problem' ?
Don't forget; hate gives birth to more hate.
I think a major contributing factor is the persecution most Muslims suffer in European countries especially in the UK at the hands of numerous fascist groups. This gives rise to a sense of victimisation to minorities. They are often harassed and judged in public, therefore resorting to live in similar ethnic communities to avoid this type of harassment. These communities, with the passage of time expand to large minority populated towns and cities like Birmingham and Bradford. And when a people feel victimised, they tend to lash out and try to reject their association with what they see as oppressors. This can be seen as demands to implement Sharia laws in the constitution, hate speech by various preachers etc etc.
In turn, individuals, with supremacy complexities form their own groups like Britain First, EDL and BNP among others. This cycle continues and gains mass until it turns ugly and depressing.
I witnessed some fellows in their mid-teens a train I was on, harassing a couple of ethnic origin. The couple had a baby with them, asleep. The teens kept making loud sudden noises standing near the couple, disturbing the baby's sleep. The guy from the couple asked them if they could not make a noise around the baby. This simple request resulted in an explosive reaction from the teens. The stood over the couple and began shouting, 'This is England! I'll do what ever the f**k I f*****g want, you curry smelling bast**d. Let the train stop, I'll f*****g deck you.' The baby by this point was bawling, of course. The couple sat their in silence being shouted at. The rest of the passengers didn't do anything and pretended they didn't notice the 7 teens bullying this couple.
When the train stopped at a station, the couple rushed out followed by the teens. The couple ran to a near-by ticket inspector to complain whereas the teens ran off, howling.
That's why I think this entire issue is a two-paged story. You can't just read one and claim to know the entire story.
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