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Why does the U.S not have a "Muslim problem". Inviting your opinion

1)Geographically USA is a isolated continent away from Asia and Europe without any land connection.Asia and Africa is where the main Islamic Population resides and to get into USA illegally, you take the Mexico route which is guarded,there is only one avenue of getting illegally into USA from the mexican side rest i dont know about the Canadian border i guess its very guarded an you dont have illegal immigrant problem there as in case of mexican border ,other two sides you have a vast ocean protecting you, you cannot go on foot ,car,boat or drop in a plane without alerting the coastal guard etc.
2)There is a strict immigration policy in USA who allows only educated people,professionals to immigrate when compared to EU.
3)The percentage of population of Muslims is very low compared to EU, when it increases in future you can expect many things happening and new demands like halaal food etc.
Right now your nation USA can be compared to Japan which has more or less very small percentage of Muslims and don't face any such problems.
sigh ignorance is a bliss! If ISLAM was the problem....then even a small percentage would have caused "the same problem"

Please learn to differentiate ISLAM from BS! Muslims from BS!

I believe you have never filled in immigration for EU! Rubbish people are not allowed even in EU! It is a different story if they manage to cross the border....Mexicans, Latino are also a problem in America...so there goes your theory from point no.2!
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He is suicide troll who gets banned over and over. He made a post and quickly deleted it. I played around with him a little to teach him a lesson.

He is suicide troll who gets banned over and over. He made a post and quickly deleted it. I played around with him a little to teach him a lesson.
I know he isnt worth getting a ban for...just report him if he comes back with more!
sigh ignorance is a bliss! If ISLAM was the problem....then even a small percentage would have caused "the same problem"

Please learn to differentiate ISLAM from BS! Muslims from BS!

I believe you have never filled in immigration for EU! Rubbish people are not allowed even in EU! It is a different story if they manage to cross the border....Mexicans, Latino are also a problem in America...so there goes your theory from point no.2!

Dude delete that and just reported him!
FYI, i am educated in EU and i chose to return back to my country instead of staying back and settling down as EU citizen.So i am well aware of the Immigration policies of EU and USA
Talk about yourself then.
Latinos,Mexicans are a problem mainly drug cartels etc. but they all happen to be Christian and USA is Christian Majority nation so there is not so much friction.

What i quoted in general was of Islamic population resides in Africa and Asia and there is no land link to USA from Asia and African continents.

I dont understand what is so offensive about what i posted that you had to report?
It also depends upon the quality of immigrants among other things
Most Muslim immigration to Europe was of unskilled workers hence they are low on the socio-economic ladder
The U.S has same issues that Europe faces with Mexican immigration
the difference there is its more of a drug/gang problem
U nailed it
FYI, i am educated in EU and i chose to return back to my country instead of staying back and settling down as EU citizen.So i am well aware of the Immigration policies of EU and USA and if i apply i would definitely qualify in the HSMP Law in UK.
Talk about yourself then.
Latinos,Mexicans are a problem mainly drug cartels etc. but they all happen to be Christian and USA is Christian Majority nation so there is not so much friction.

What i quoted in general was of Islamic population resides in Africa and Asia and there is no land link to USA from Asia and African continents.

I dont understand what is so offensive about what i posted that you had to report?

Christian crime people are ok but boo hoo if their religion is Islam? Seriously? You are not far from being a racist!

HSMP isnt as easy as writing online that you qualify! If you were educated in EU you would know what you wrote was pure trash....
What i quoted in general was of Islamic population resides in Africa and Asia and there is no land link to USA from Asia and African continents.
THIS is what you wrote:
Asia and Africa is where the main Islamic Population resides
Do you ACTUALLY think there are NO Muslims in America? You do know EVERYONE in America is IMMIGRANT!

There is a strict immigration policy in USA who allows only educated people,professionals to immigrate when compared to EU.
You think so?
However, they do have people who do simple low paid jobs in WALL MART, who pick up trash and work for the sanitary dept , who are cashiers and so on...

Do you thin the PhD's there are doing all those jobs?

The percentage of population of Muslims is very low compared to EU, when it increases in future you can expect many things happening and new demands like halaal food etc.
Right now your nation USA can be compared to Japan which has more or less very small percentage of Muslims and don't face any such problems.
Do you actually think there is NO Halal food in America? Man where do you come up with such weird stuff...Ever heard of MSA? What about Kosher? EU doesnt have proper kosher laws as Americans have....EVERYONE is immigrant there and they cater for all ...Stop treating it like India or something!

I dont understand what is so offensive about what i posted that you had to report?
Really ? Read it again...and then compare yourself with one who is racist...he speaks about colour you speak the same about religion!
This is a subject and a question that I've been curious about and have not found any real answers to.

We are seeing the rise of Salafists, Sharia patrols and No go muslim zones in Europe. Deep seated antagonism between Muslim citizenry and the locals. We are seeing Europeans really struggle with a rise of right wing groups as a challenge to their so called " Muslim problem". I'm afraid there is going to be all out war in the streets soon .

YET- How come we don't see this play out in the U.S.?
Sure, we have some isolated issues here and there but our Muslim communities are well integrated and peaceful by many miles. What is the reason for the two diametrically opposite storylines, yet both happening within a Western culture?

@Oscar @Horus @FaujHistorian [USER=2]@WebMaster @waz[/USER]
You know how difficult for anyone from "non-developed world" to migrate to US right? Both natural and man-made barriers for immigration is the main reason. Major concentration of Muslim refugees (educated, uneducated and all) go directly to EU. Only selected few come to US. Even then, the amount of right wing politics is way too high compared to EU. In EU, they are gaining ground, but you already have mainstream right wing parties controlling politics...

PS: Bummer. By the time I typed this, lot many have essentially said the same thing...
Christian crime people are ok but boo hoo if their religion is Islam? Seriously? You are not far from being a racist!

HSMP isnt as easy as writing online that you qualify! If you were educated in EU you would know what you wrote was pure trash....

THIS is what you wrote:
Do you ACTUALLY think there are NO Muslims in America? You do know EVERYONE in America is IMMIGRANT!

You think so?
However, they do have people who do simple low paid jobs in WALL MART, who pick up trash and work for the sanitary dept , who are cashiers and so on...

Do you thin the PhD's there are doing all those jobs?

Do you actually think there is NO Halal food in America? Man where do you come up with such weird stuff...Ever heard of MSA? What about Kosher? EU doesnt have proper kosher laws as Americans have....EVERYONE is immigrant there and they cater for all ...Stop treating it like India or something!

1)The reply was in the context of why there is no muslim problem in USA when compared to EU as asked by the OP
and yes there is crime in USA and NO people dont kill others because they happen to be from other religion and yes i didnt see any other religion try to do a 9/11 in USA.
Accept facts as they are.
Why are your worried about my Qualification? and whether i qualify or not what would i get out saying lies to some online anonymous?

2) I gave the geographical reason as to why Americas are better secured because they have no land links with ASIA or AFRICA.

3)There are such people in every nation,but USA does have a good immigration law, only recently did EU make strict immigration laws but still they cannot stop illegal immigrants because of the land link connection.

4)I know kosher and halaal markets but not like those demanded that halaal be available in all markets by a certain community in EU/.
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You know how difficult for anyone from "non-developed world" to migrate to US right? Both natural and man-made barriers for immigration is the main reason. Major concentration of Muslim refugees (educated, uneducated and all) go directly to EU. Only selected few come to US. Even then, the amount of right wing politics is way too high compared to EU. In EU, they are gaining ground, but you already have mainstream right wing parties controlling politics...

PS: Bummer. By the time I typed this, lot many have essentially said the same thing...
Another religion hater? IF ISLAM was a problem then even that SMALL population would have caused enough problems there too!

Christian crime people are ok but boo hoo if their religion is Islam? Seriously? You are not far from being a racist!

HSMP isnt as easy as writing online that you qualify! If you were educated in EU you would know what you wrote was pure trash....

THIS is what you wrote:
Do you ACTUALLY think there are NO Muslims in America? You do know EVERYONE in America is IMMIGRANT!

You think so?
However, they do have people who do simple low paid jobs in WALL MART, who pick up trash and work for the sanitary dept , who are cashiers and so on...

Do you thin the PhD's there are doing all those jobs?

Do you actually think there is NO Halal food in America? Man where do you come up with such weird stuff...Ever heard of MSA? What about Kosher? EU doesnt have proper kosher laws as Americans have....EVERYONE is immigrant there and they cater for all ...Stop treating it like India or something!
Thank you for quoting me!

I dont understand what is so offensive about what i posted that you had to report?
Really ? Read it again...and then compare yourself with one who is racist...he speaks about colour you speak the same about religion!
Another religion hater? IF ISLAM was a problem then even that SMALL population would have caused enough problems there too!
Who said religion is the problem? Religion, like hate speech, is completely benign until some idiot(s) try to implement/practice it. Plus, who said US isn't having it's share of problems? Just it isn't big enough to affect % of people that of EU.
Who said religion is the problem? Religion, like hate speech, is completely benign until some idiot(s) try to implement/practice it. Plus, who said US isn't having it's share of problems? Just it isn't big enough to affect % of people that of EU.
Yet you used Muslims as an example? :pop:

You know how difficult for anyone from "non-developed world" to migrate to US right? Both natural and man-made barriers for immigration is the main reason. Major concentration of Muslim refugees (educated, uneducated and all) go directly to EU. Only selected few come to US. Even then, the amount of right wing politics is way too high compared to EU. In EU, they are gaining ground, but you already have mainstream right wing parties controlling politics...

PS: Bummer. By the time I typed this, lot many have essentially said the same thing...
Thank you for quoting me!

Really ? Read it again...and then compare yourself with one who is racist...he speaks about colour you speak the same about religion!
I only gave reasons of what i think why USA does not have a muslim problem when compared to EU as asked by the OP.
US is a melting pot, Europe is not. In the US you can be who you are and still be accepted while in Europe you either have to fit in or you don't belong. Quality of migrants etc is also a valid argument, however the US is very much like the hay day of the Ottoman Empire. Inclusive, egalitarian and progressive.

In reality it has been always Europe which is a melting point be it during the time of the Greek Empire, Seleucid Empire, Roman empire or Byzantine Empire or even during the colonialism era. The reason for Europe is being so innovative is because of the ideas and culture which has being bring by the people of different nations. Its mainly due to the mixture of culture and traditions. Europe has forget its tradition of multiculturalism but in case of United states its the super power because of the people of many nation dwelling there.
I only gave reasons of what i think why USA does not have a muslim problem when compared to EU as asked by the OP.
good to know how biased your thinking is!

Read post 4 and 13 ...

Thank you!
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