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Why does the U.S not have a "Muslim problem". Inviting your opinion

Jihadi in media parlance
the way the media uses a word does not define it. the word itself has a meaning look it up. that is the difference between being fed by the media and being aware.
the way the media uses a word does not define it. the word itself has a meaning look it up. that is the difference between being fed by the media and being aware.

As I said, it doesn't matter - at least to me.

When Hafiz Sayeed declares jihad multiple times against India - I equate that directly with terrorism.
When Hafiz Sayeed declares jihad multiple times against India - I equate that directly with terrorism.
so when the leaders say multiple times that there were flying space crafts do you believe it also? or do you pause and think??
so when the leaders say multiple times that there were flying space crafts do you believe it also? or do you pause and think??

You are going all over the place dude.

As I said, it's not us who has made all those terms a dirty word - it's not our fault.
As I said, it's not us who has made all those terms a dirty word - it's not our fault.
I said Jihadi's - not Muslims, are you implying that there's no difference between them?
that was the question i answered
I said Jihadi's - not Muslims, are you implying that there's no difference between them?
that was the question i answered

again... answered with what? did you read the original post I answered to or the one that poster answered to? go and do that for a start. Because the one I answered to got what I meant.
again... answered with what? did you read the original post I answered to or the one that poster answered to? go and do that for a start. Because the one I answered to got what I meant.
u know forget it stay how you are it is wrong trying to tell someone something is offensive. the term if it is used alot does not make it ok to use. never in a Muslim country will that word be used in media to define any terrorist. What you see is western media where they call them Islamists also which makes all muslims evil.

is that clear enough if it is offensive or not?
This is a subject and a question that I've been curious about and have not found any real answers to.

We are seeing the rise of Salafists, Sharia patrols and No go muslim zones in Europe. Deep seated antagonism between Muslim citizenry and the locals. We are seeing Europeans really struggle with a rise of right wing groups as a challenge to their so called " Muslim problem". I'm afraid there is going to be all out war in the streets soon .

YET- How come we don't see this play out in the U.S.?
Sure, we have some isolated issues here and there but our Muslim communities are well integrated and peaceful by many miles. What is the reason for the two diametrically opposite storylines, yet both happening within a Western culture?

@Oscar @Horus @FaujHistorian [USER=2]@WebMaster @waz[/USER]

Well, it's not nearly as bad here in Europe as you think it is :)

Sure we have some violently inclined muslims heading over to ISIS territory to fight, and some wanting to come back to NL after that, some because they didn't like the violence, some to become sleeper agents for ISIS in NL. Fortunately the budget cutbacks for our domestic intelligence service have been slowed significantly, and latest reports are that the muslims coming back from a fight in the middle east are now properly tracked.

But the vast vast majority of muslims here are just here to enjoy the peace and prosperity that NL offers to it's citizens, I consider them well behaved moderates who may have some sympathies for violent resistance in the middle east. But the wave of feelings to introduce Sharia law in Holland has been properly thwarted, and calls for such have ended as far as I can detect in the news (that I do follow daily).

We had a problem, about 10 years ago, of muslim youths on forums here complaining too much about the situations in the middle east. It was in part people like me who offered to take things to the international stage on their behalf, in exchange for these local Dutch muslim youths focussing on getting some prosperity of their own in peaceful NL, rather than get all uncomfortable all the time about something they can't (easily) fix themselves (for real) anyway.

There's a bigger 'muslim problem' in the UK, where there are actual attacks (mosly lone wolf attacks) against innocents, but in NL, Belgium, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, there are also large imported muslim enclaves that behave as peacefully as here in NL according to the EU news that I read..
Boston University professor Richard Landes traces Britain's - and by extension Europe's - extremists problems to -

"...British elites...intimidated into silence about Muslims, somehow, they find their voice in denouncing the “real” genocidal evil empire: Israel... By failing to denounce toxic Muslim communitarianism and instead adopting its shrill discourse of demonization about Jews, Brits feed the monster that devours them. If it continues apace, if the British do not make Muslim civility towards Jews the shibboleth of assimilation to a free and democratic culture, they risk losing that civil polity entirely. As always with real anti-Semites, the Jews are only their first target." link

America good, Britain bad , Muslim bad , Jew good ........ It's all about Jerusalem, all the answers lie in that city
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America good, Britain bad , Muslim bad , Jew good ........ It's all about Jerusalem, all the answers lie in that city
America is big on civil rights and there are no religious tests.
Europe's civil rights have a weaker foundation and are far more subject to manipulation by the powers-that-be and social pressures.

The foundation of the post-Ottoman order was that people have the same civil rights regardless of religion and while the anti-Zionist crowd will trumpet every real or imagined flaw Israel's violations of such are now and always have been puny compared to the likes of Syria, Isis, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, etc. It's to Muslims' detriment that they were never held to a higher standard. For the oil-hungry West it was always easiest to take the oil, process it, and lubricate dictators with a portion of the dollars gained.
u know forget it stay how you are it is wrong trying to tell someone something is offensive. the term if it is used alot does not make it ok to use. never in a Muslim country will that word be used in media to define any terrorist. What you see is western media where they call them Islamists also which makes all muslims evil.

is that clear enough if it is offensive or not?

I never said that it's used in Muslim countries or Muslim media to describe terrorists - you have varied definitions for different groups based on ideology, sectarian divides, cult and region.

The non Muslim media don't delve deeper into the differences because it doesn't matter to all of us, who cares if he is salafi, deobandi, jamaati, wahaabi, takfiri etc etc? - every Islamic terrorist is a Jihadi in media parlance - it's better to keep it simple so that it's easier to destroy them. Why give low lives a human face or a name?
who cares if he is salafi, deobandi, jamaati, wahaabi, takfiri etc
these are sects while jihad is a concept like i said rather then argue read about it and stop replying till you do

n not wikipedia a proper link
This is a subject and a question that I've been curious about and have not found any real answers to.

We are seeing the rise of Salafists, Sharia patrols and No go muslim zones in Europe. Deep seated antagonism between Muslim citizenry and the locals. We are seeing Europeans really struggle with a rise of right wing groups as a challenge to their so called " Muslim problem". I'm afraid there is going to be all out war in the streets soon .

YET- How come we don't see this play out in the U.S.?
Sure, we have some isolated issues here and there but our Muslim communities are well integrated and peaceful by many miles. What is the reason for the two diametrically opposite storylines, yet both happening within a Western culture?

@Oscar @Horus @FaujHistorian [USER=2]@WebMaster @waz[/USER]
As per my observation,the muslim problem doesn't arise out of economic immigration like people who are abroad to earn for their families. If you'd notice, almost entirety of attacks by muslims were conducted by converts/radicalized citizens or by the educated young immigrants mostly students. I am yet to come across a news piece where immigrants doing subsistence jobs were found involved.
In US a good thing is that most of the immigration to US is predominantly economic in nature. Immigrants from radical muslim regions haven't flooded the country like they had done in UK and most of the Core Europe. These countries especially UK is now having a very large number of breed born and raised there along with huge influx of students coming with all sorts of intentions. So that has created a greater risk of misadventure and import of imams for the local communities who preach the similar mindset as being done in a typical madrissah of Pakistan portraying the West and US as biggest enemies of Islam. On the other hand, US has certain advantages vis-a-vis Europe
1-Its greater distance from radical countries create a natural cushion. You won't see a lot of people preferring US over Europe for say tourism.
2-The economic migrants are least hostile by virtue of their needs. They are more focused on meeting their and their kin's needs than heading to other things. Plus they tend to integrate well in multicultural communities as well.
3- The expensive nature of US College education and beyond also puts a natural constraint on the flow of students to US.
So by design, US is much immune to the threat of religiously motivated terrorism than Europe.
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