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Why does the U.S not have a "Muslim problem". Inviting your opinion

Don't forget; hate gives birth to more hate.
I think a major contributing factor is the persecution most Muslims suffer in European countries especially in the UK at the hands of numerous fascist groups. This gives rise to a sense of victimisation to minorities. They are often harassed and judged in public, therefore resorting to live in similar ethnic communities to avoid this type of harassment. These communities, with the passage of time expand to large minority populated towns and cities like Birmingham and Bradford. And when a people feel victimised, they tend to lash out and try to reject their association with what they see as oppressors. This can be seen as demands to implement Sharia laws in the constitution, hate speech by various preachers etc etc.
In turn, individuals, with supremacy complexities form their own groups like Britain First, EDL and BNP among others. This cycle continues and gains mass until it turns ugly and depressing.
I witnessed some fellows in their mid-teens a train I was on, harassing a couple of ethnic origin. The couple had a baby with them, asleep. The teens kept making loud sudden noises standing near the couple, disturbing the baby's sleep. The guy from the couple asked them if they could not make a noise around the baby. This simple request resulted in an explosive reaction from the teens. The stood over the couple and began shouting, 'This is England! I'll do what ever the f**k I f*****g want, you curry smelling bast**d. Let the train stop, I'll f*****g deck you.' The baby by this point was bawling, of course. The couple sat their in silence being shouted at. The rest of the passengers didn't do anything and pretended they didn't notice the 7 teens bullying this couple.
When the train stopped at a station, the couple rushed out followed by the teens. The couple ran to a near-by ticket inspector to complain whereas the teens ran off, howling.
That's why I think this entire issue is a two-paged story. You can't just read one and claim to know the entire story.
Yet when I type this stuff people think I am nuts...I dont know why ignoring events is ok and a norm while voicing it out is extremism (post 13)!
The real reason is that Americans are no pansies like Europeans and English people. The muslims in America know that the Americans would fight back as violently. Besides, Americans are all armed with guns hence these thugs pretending to be muslims know they'll get their arse handed back to them if they try to act all funny.

Besides, I noticed that the first generation immigrants in America integrate quite well unlike Europe. In America, if you're born in America, you're American, simple. In England, even if you're a third generation Pakistani, you're still a "British Pakistani". Same is the case with Europe.

PS: Most immigrants in Europe are refugees. Refugees are literally the worst people you could find. They never make a single attempt to integrate, and they belong to work shy cultures and hence prefer to live on welfate. USA didn't let in too many refugees.

PS PS: And Indians, !@#$ off. Whenever a topic like this is touched upon, you always get a bunch of Indians jumping in telling everyone how Indians are the best immigrants(and muslims the worst) in the world, and how everyone should let them in.
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Has anybody lived both in UK and USA. How is racism in USA compared to UK. I know USA is a big country, but am happy to hear anecdotes.
Has anybody lived both in UK and USA. How is racism in USA compared to UK. I know USA is a big country, but am happy to hear anecdotes.

At risk of greatly simplifying the issue, the ranking is probably Australia > Mainland Europe > UK > USA > Canada.
At risk of greatly simplifying the issue, the ranking is probably Australia > Mainland Europe > UK > USA > Canada.
lolz.. I look at all australians as racists unless they prove themselves otherwise individually..
I am a bad person.. :coffee:
That is not true in its eventuality. The issue at hand is much more to do with the lack of cultural diversification in Europe and the continous migration of people to America. The education system there tells the Americans that they came themselves from Europe
I thinks economics does play a major role here
other factors like you pointed out are also in play hence i said "among other things" in my original post
But even in America with its positive outlook towards immigration voices are being raised like in the tea party to close the Mexican border and even deport those millions who don't have legal documentation
lolz.. I look at all australians as racists unless they prove themselves otherwise individually..
I am a bad person.. :coffee:

Even at its worst, Australian society is probably less racist than many other so-called "fair and heavenly" countries out there. It is all relative.
Probably because USA only took people who they thought that would fit in the country and be a part of American culture. For me, the concept of multiculturalism is something that's not practical. Despite being called multicultural, USA has its own culture. I notice this among my close relatives in the USA, there is very little Sri Lankan about them and there is nothing Sri Lankan at all among the cousins who were born in the USA and they identify themselves as American.

Britain on the other hand indiscriminately allowed a large number of people who have no ability to maintain a healthy level of contact with the original British people let alone integrate within the British community. Later on these immigrants started making their own dynasties within Britain which resulted in heavy segregation that also breeds violence. This is the reason why today some immigrants live their whole life in Britain without speaking a single English word. Best solution is to drop the fake multiculturalism and promote British values within the society.
Has anybody lived both in UK and USA. How is racism in USA compared to UK. I know USA is a big country, but am happy to hear anecdotes.
I have, was in UK for 6 months. On a scale from 1-10 uk is like 7 (an extremely racist country, mind u only the new generation) and us is not even 1. Anyone who has lived in the us will never ever want to live in the uk.
Nazi germany would be a 10 on that scale if you were jewish.
I have, was in UK for 6 months. On a scale from 1-10 uk is like 7 (an extremely racist country, mind u only the new generation) and us is not even 1. Anyone who has lived in the us will never ever want to live in the uk.
Nazi germany would be a 10 on that scale if you r a jew.
sh*t.. that is depressing..
The original term that the british coined for Pakistanis was '****-pox' , as in small-pox , chicken-pox , now they call all brown skinned people '****'
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This is a subject and a question that I've been curious about and have not found any real answers to.

We are seeing the rise of Salafists, Sharia patrols and No go muslim zones in Europe. Deep seated antagonism between Muslim citizenry and the locals. We are seeing Europeans really struggle with a rise of right wing groups as a challenge to their so called " Muslim problem". I'm afraid there is going to be all out war in the streets soon .

YET- How come we don't see this play out in the U.S.?
Sure, we have some isolated issues here and there but our Muslim communities are well integrated and peaceful by many miles. What is the reason for the two diametrically opposite storylines, yet both happening within a Western culture?
Boston University professor Richard Landes traces Britain's - and by extension Europe's - extremists problems to -

"...British elites...intimidated into silence about Muslims, somehow, they find their voice in denouncing the “real” genocidal evil empire: Israel... By failing to denounce toxic Muslim communitarianism and instead adopting its shrill discourse of demonization about Jews, Brits feed the monster that devours them. If it continues apace, if the British do not make Muslim civility towards Jews the shibboleth of assimilation to a free and democratic culture, they risk losing that civil polity entirely. As always with real anti-Semites, the Jews are only their first target." link
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That is not true in its eventuality. The issue at hand is much more to do with the lack of cultural diversification in Europe and the continous migration of people to America. The education system there tells the Americans that they came themselves from Europe

read The Boy by Roald Dahl you will find out it was common till not long ago.

Study the world before chugging out whatever you wish. For your information the reason the United States is more comfortable is because the slaves that were bought to the United states were Muslims at one time. from that point on they have been a small part of society and have lived peacefully in the United States

religions are not a disease that one needs to secure themselves. Otherwise the world is electronic now

that was perfectly said

That is insulting learn what the word means before using it

Doesn't matter what one calls it - the significance of it matters or what it 's supposed to denote by it's usage in the media.

Jihad, Mullahs, Wahhabi, salafi, Fatwas etc have become bad words not because of us, but because of its usage or the actions of those who claim themselves to be one. I agree that the true meaning has been lost or rather convoluted by it's usage. "Allah o Akbar" is getting there very fast. I wouldn't be surprised if a few people take cover when they hear someone shouting AOA in a non Mulsim country. It's what all those terrorist attack videos show the terrorists shout before blowing themselves up or before beheading someone or shooting someone in the head - the same is with Jihad when terrorists proclaim that they are waging jihad against whomsover.

Jihadi in media parlance denotes a Islamist, fundamentalist, terrorist, an extremist, an Islamic nutjob, a hardcore illiterate non considerate mercenary etc etc.
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