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Why does the U.S not have a "Muslim problem". Inviting your opinion


Probably because the Americans are more bad @ss aggressive then the salafi jihadi compared to the Europeans - the Black community, the Mexicans, the Cubans, the Italians, the red necks for e.g., average joe Jihadi shariah seekers wouldn't mess with them. similar to jihadi's getting owned in Russia or Israel for e.g.

Probably because the Americans are more bad @ss aggressive then the salafi jihadi compared to the Europeans - the Black community, the Mexicans, the Cubans, the Italians, the red necks for e.g., average joe Jihadi shariah seekers wouldn't mess with them. similar to jihadi's getting owned in Russia or Israel for e.g.

Muslims are not as gutless as the Hindus

America for all of its foreign policy faults is much more accepting of different cultures

Probably because the Americans are more bad @ss aggressive then the salafi jihadi compared to the Europeans - the Black community, the Mexicans, the Cubans, the Italians, the red necks for e.g., average joe Jihadi shariah seekers wouldn't mess with them. similar to jihadi's getting owned in Russia or Israel for e.g.

So you included all races, from the Red Necks to the Blacks to Mexicans to Salafi's.....but you didn't include the Indians who might have extremist views? We do have a lot of people from RSS and BJP's "Talent Pool" in the US (Hindi Jahadists). The SAME RSS and BJP that have been behind hundreds of killings, home burnings, torture of Christians and Muslims within India. Now they are forcefully changing Christians and Muslims towards Hinduism. When you write unproductive posts like the above, do add the Hindu factor also. That's the next big religious movement that world will be dealing with for the next 30 years. Slightly different tactics then Taliban but it'll be just like the Taliban, inside India. Forcefully changing people's religions to Hinduism and if you don't agree, your house may be burnt with the entire family inside, like its been happening for years, but intensified into an organized effort since your new PM took the office.
Muslims are not as gutless as the Hindus

America for all of its foreign policy faults is much more accepting of different cultures

I said Jihadi's - not Muslims, are you implying that there's no difference between them?

So you included all races, from the Red Necks to the Blacks to Mexicans to Salafi's.....but you didn't include the Indians who might have extremist views? We do have a lot of people from RSS and BJP's "Talent Pool" in the US (Hindi Jahadists). The SAME RSS and BJP that have been behind hundreds of killings, home burnings, torture of Christians and Muslims within India. Now they are forcefully changing Christians and Muslims towards Hinduism. When you write unproductive posts like the above, do add the Hindu factor also. That's the next big religious movement that world will be dealing with for the next 30 years. Slightly different tactics then Taliban but it'll be just like the Taliban, inside India. Forcefully changing people's religions to Hinduism and if you don't agree, your house may be burnt with the entire family inside, like its been happening for years, but intensified into an organized effort since your new PM took the office.

I don't know where you going with this, but Indians aren't an agressive bunch in the US..

oh, I forgot to mention -the American police, who probably will shoot first and ask questions later.
I said Jihadi's - not Muslims, are you implying that there's no difference between them?

I don't know where you going with this, but Indians aren't an agressive bunch in the US..

oh, I forgot to mention -the American police, who probably will shoot first and ask questions later.

Your post tells me there is no difference between them so I was just re-iterating what you wrote. This isn't India where everyone belongs to RSS and support "annihilation" of other religions so Hidutva will be left by itself with all following it.

Indians are very aggressive. They just use the $$$$ and pour it into anyone's mouth questioning it.

American people, your post makes us sound like barbaric warriors who won't care to ask questions and shoot others. If you do a comparison, you'll see, we don't shoot first and ask later. We don't burn down villages at a time in ethnic towns where Muslims, Jews, Hindus and all live and we think they are non-Christians so they should be "annihilated" like you do to your minorities in India who aren't Hindus. Please keep your irrational agenda and silly point scoring to yourself. When you have something positive to contribute, I'd love to debate with you.
Your post tells me there is no difference between them so I was just re-iterating what you wrote. This isn't India where everyone belongs to RSS and support "annihilation" of other religions so Hidutva will be left by itself with all following it.

Indians are very aggressive. They just use the $$$$ and pour it into anyone's mouth questioning it.

American people, your post makes us sound like barbaric warriors who won't care to ask questions and shoot others. If you do a comparison, you'll see, we don't shoot first and ask later. We don't burn down villages at a time in ethnic towns where Muslims, Jews, Hindus and all live and we think they are non-Christians so they should be "annihilated" like you do to your minorities in India who aren't Hindus. Please keep your irrational agenda and silly point scoring to yourself. When you have something positive to contribute, I'd love to debate with you.

Stop with your inane name calling dude, you don't have to answer me if you don't like what you see. This is isn't about India.

As for the aggressive bunch - I would like to see Jihadi's / Salafi's pull the stunts on the streets in the US that they do routinely in Europe. Now don't go around telling me that America doesn't have any Salafi / wahaabi/jihad followers because you will look stupid if you do.

And for my point, I would like to see them do it and see what happens to them.

The Americans wrecked havoc in terror central because of 9/11 thankfully, Obama gets approximately 20 threatening messages a week - most from Islamist groups, the FBI, CIA and homeland spends billions on internal security, monitoring and preventing terror strikes. They get a million intelligence inputs a day related to possible Islamist terrorist plans in America and throughout the world. FBI spends considerable resources and manpower infiltrating Islamic centers and cultivating possible future jihadis and catching them beforehand.

The Americans are preventing Islamic terrorism quite successfully before it happens in their country, and this includes the whole gamut of Islamic terrorism - may it be the network, the indoctrination, the possible jihadis, the funding etc etc. They monitor millions of phone calls, twitter, social media and mails to prevent terrorist strikes. They possibly monitor millions of their citizens and that includes many Muslims.

A possible Jihadi cannot fly to America if he is even remotely red flagged or has a name similar to any other terrorist in the list of thousands of them.

This high alertness is what's preventing the Jihadi's from creating the same problems they so easily do elsewhere and not because America is the land of opportunities and it gives work opportunities to the hardline Islamists.

I doubt the Islamist jihadi would have pleasant thoughts about Gauntanamo, Abu Graib etc. or what they do to their network when the terrorists succeed god forbidding.

This is what's different to what the Europeans are not doing and what the Americans have done successfully till date to prevent terrorists.
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This is isn't about India.

As for the aggressive bunch - I would like to see Jihadi's / Salafi's pull the stunts on the streets in the US that they do routinely in Europe. Now don't go around telling me that America doesn't have any Salafi / wahaabi/jihad followers because you will look stupid if you do.

And for my point, I would like to see them do it and see what happens to them.

1) This is about India. Everything you guys do or say is by India. Why is it you are failing to acknowledge that RSS followers exist in India and consider the US their proxy to get the $$$$ and the military might they needed in the short run. While they'll try to "stick it to us" as they'd have become a bigger power than the US? Just like there may be some craxy Islamists living here in the US, we also have a lot of Hindu nationalist who are supporting with their money, the nationalist movement to convert everything to Hinduism with force.

So, both, to me present Terrorism. Whether you want to differentiate because you belong to one side, is a different story. Both RSS / Hindutva lovers and the Salafis / Talibans, etc are doing the same thing, in the name of two different religions, Hinduism and Islam. Can't close your eyes and call one a "good terrorist" and the other a "bad terrorist".

2) If Jihadi's or anyone tried to cause drama in the US, they know VERY well, just like the President Busch once said, we'll blow their holes in smoke. And there is no doubt about it. We don't want drama in our society, we love our country and our system the way it runs. Someone trying to mess with it, we'll hunt them down. No matter which part of the world they live in. Period.
1) This is about India. Everything you guys do or say is by India. Why is it you are failing to acknowledge that RSS followers exist in India and consider the US their proxy to get the $$$$ and the military might they needed in the short run. While they'll try to "stick it to us" as they'd have become a bigger power than the US? Just like there may be some craxy Islamists living here in the US, we also have a lot of Hindu nationalist who are supporting with their money, the nationalist movement to convert everything to Hinduism with force.

So, both, to me present Terrorism. Whether you want to differentiate because you belong to one side, is a different story. Both RSS / Hindutva lovers and the Salafis / Talibans, etc are doing the same thing, in the name of two different religions, Hinduism and Islam. Can't close your eyes and call one a "good terrorist" and the other a "bad terrorist".

2) If Jihadi's or anyone tried to cause drama in the US, they know VERY well, just like the President Busch once said, we'll blow their holes in smoke. And there is no doubt about it. We don't want drama in our society, we love our country and our system the way it runs. Someone trying to mess with it, we'll hunt them down. No matter which part of the world they live in. Period.


See you next time kid.
This is a subject and a question that I've been curious about and have not found any real answers to.

We are seeing the rise of Salafists, Sharia patrols and No go muslim zones in Europe. Deep seated antagonism between Muslim citizenry and the locals. We are seeing Europeans really struggle with a rise of right wing groups as a challenge to their so called " Muslim problem". I'm afraid there is going to be all out war in the streets soon .

YET- How come we don't see this play out in the U.S.?
Sure, we have some isolated issues here and there but our Muslim communities are well integrated and peaceful by many miles. What is the reason for the two diametrically opposite storylines, yet both happening within a Western culture?

@Oscar @Horus @FaujHistorian [USER=2]@WebMaster @waz[/USER]

I believe there are 2 reasons:

Major reason:

Because of prejudice,racism etc... unlike USA which is a melting pot of cultures etc... England was conservative and not tht much accepting.. when the immigrants went there in the 50-60s... they faced alot of shit... their kids although were born n raised in UK... they wernt accepted...they faced the same shit... racism,prejudice... non acceptance as "brits" ... so i guess they found refugee in their own identities... either as muslims or their couintries of origin.... and thats probably how it began... this can still be observed today... a muslim or a non european guy is like 80% less likely to get a job when compared with a white/native or christian person...

Another reason:

Unlike USA which attracted educated immigrants...(take the example of Pak.. they are one of the most educated communities in USA).. UK attracted labourers... guys from poor n conservative/rural family backgrounds....

See you next time kid.

Sure, one of your friends just posted elsewhere that India, thousands of years ago had built space ships, nuclear weapons, had cars and cell phones, :crazy: Your government has added this bull crap in children's text books in India starting from day one of their school. lol :omghaha:. Someone once told me, you can't hide your agenda through bullshit
According to the op, there are "Sharia patrols" and "No go zones for non Muslims" :rofl:
I wont blame him.. I have irrational fear of visiting US... with all the massacre news and race relation.. and police excesses... some of it might be true.
The problem is I get very filtered news from US in UK media (like something really important, usually bad stuff happens) .. so thats all my impression about US...
I guess lot of people think India is full of elephants and rapists .. or pakistan is full of terrorists.
Sure, one of your friends just posted elsewhere that India, thousands of years ago had built space ships, nuclear weapons, had cars and cell phones, :crazy: Your government has added this bull crap in children's text books in India starting from day one of their school. lol :omghaha:. Someone once told me, you can't hide your agenda through bullshit


WTH has all your replies to me have anything to do with the topic?

by your posts what I get or suspect is that..

1) you are a Sunni Muslim because of your hatred for Hindus.
2) you are of Pakistani origin because of the similarity of your posts with most Pakistanis and because of your hatred for India.

Your bias is too obvious.
This is a subject and a question that I've been curious about and have not found any real answers to.

We are seeing the rise of Salafists, Sharia patrols and No go muslim zones in Europe. Deep seated antagonism between Muslim citizenry and the locals. We are seeing Europeans really struggle with a rise of right wing groups as a challenge to their so called " Muslim problem". I'm afraid there is going to be all out war in the streets soon .

YET- How come we don't see this play out in the U.S.?
Sure, we have some isolated issues here and there but our Muslim communities are well integrated and peaceful by many miles. What is the reason for the two diametrically opposite storylines, yet both happening within a Western culture?

@Oscar @Horus @FaujHistorian [USER=2]@WebMaster @waz[/USER]

I would not be so sure that the US does not have its fair share of Nutjobs. There are on and off reports of Salfism along with extremists from the Deoband group forming closet communities in the Muslim Majority areas. Thankfully, areas in Texas are so far safe from them even though there are many preaching centres that go around declaring other American Muslims(who have blended into their societies) as heretics.

The main reason I see is that unlike Europe, the US was the target of September 11(essentially the main event regardless of 7/7 and other attacks). Hence, those American Muslims(and students/employees.. immigrants) who truly went there for a new life suddenly found themselves facing a hostile society. To offset that they automatically expunged or shoved under the carpet those elements who were prone to extremism. Europe on the other hand, simply let them thrive under the guise of freedoms and free speech.. which is why today you have them practising their idiocy in Europe whilst in the US they are all law abiding citizens(except some neighbourhoods in Michigan and Illinois).
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