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Why does India still play second fiddle to China? | The Telegraph

Well said, no wonder why some Indians in India waving the British colonial flag.


Hong Kong was better off under British rule. China was under a lot of turmoil in the 50s and 60s. India today would be better off under British rule. Goa would still be better off under Portugese control.
I can assure you, you will go down the democracy road too soon. That is the only way you can preserve your prosperity for the long term. If you read my posts carefully I was only commenting on what you said, not that there really is a conspiracy against India by the west :lol:. and if you read carefully I said there is an error in the way the surveys are done which is why the rsults are kooky. Or maybe NGOs boost up these numbers coz it gets them more funding. :big_boss:

This is a VERY VERY BIG claim, but again, we are used to hear the grandiose claims like this from our dear Indian friends already, from your President, PM, to the Internet warriors such as yourself.

China was, is, and will be continuing to find the best way to her national rejuvenation. We simply do not believe the western style democracy is THE BEST and ONLY way of governance. So far, China has been doing a great job in finding her own path to be a great power, and they have the results to show for.

I am not arguing if those numbers provided by NGOs are accurate or not. I am just questioning why the West would want to slander the other democratic country such as India, which is their own creation after all.
Have anyone of you followed my earlier posts?where i explained in detail as to why even if india becomes 100Trillion dollars GDP,we still will call them poor?to be precise natural poor?
Have anyone of you followed my earlier posts?where i explained in detail as to why even if india becomes 100Trillion dollars GDP,we still will call them poor?to be precise natural poor?

Precisely the reason why your opinion doesn't matter, because it is not grounded in facts. You yourself admit that your opinion of India will not differ even if facts indicate otherwise. Only to the extremely moronic does it sound like a good thing to claim that even if a country became the largest economy in the world you would still call it poor.

This is a VERY VERY BIG claim, but again, we are used to hear the grandiose claims like this from our dear Indian friends already, from your President, PM, to the Internet warriors such as yourself.

China was, is, and will be continuing to find the best way to her national rejuvenation. We simply do not believe the western style democracy is THE BEST and ONLY way of governance. So far, China has been doing a great job in finding her own path to be a great power, and they have the results to show for.

I am not arguing if those numbers provided by NGOs are accurate or not. I am just questioning why the West would want to slander the other democratic country such as India, which is their own creation after all.

Without democracy, your government's claim that it speaks for the people of China is a lie. Legitimacy is important - to you it seems to flow out of economic achievement. But your claim is shared by which other country? Look at the list of non-democratic countries in the world. Which of them is even a half-respectable place?
India would most definitely be better off under British rule. Britain giving up its rule of India is a curse for India. Indians don't have the capability to develop itself as many members on this forum has proven.

Britain gave India a country, Britain knows exactly how to develop India.

I though anti-imperialism was the moral high ground whereupon the world was supposed to look up to an otherwise thuggish regime that denies democracy, human rights and free speech to its people, tortures and jails dissidents such as Falun Gong members, carries on genocide against its minorities in Tibet, Xinjiang, etc. Whatever happened to anti-imperialism?
Precisely the reason why your opinion doesn't matter, because it is not grounded in facts. You yourself admit that your opinion of India will not differ even if facts indicate otherwise. Only to the extremely moronic does it sound like a good thing to claim that even if a country became the largest economy in the world you would still call it poor.

Without democracy, your government's claim that it speaks for the people of China is a lie. Legitimacy is important - to you it seems to flow out of economic achievement. But your claim is shared by which other country? Look at the list of non-democratic countries in the world. Which of them is even a half-respectable place?

India is the prove that democracy does not always work. Democracy can also produce sorry countries. But then again, certain countries was created by the colonist. Without the colonization, India would never exist as a country.
India couldn't win a single gold medal last Olympics.

1.2 billion people and a 'superpower' in their own delusional minds, can't win a single gold. Shameful.

What a bunch of clowns.

If you can live with being governed by a regime that has not even been elected in the first place, we can surely live with not winning Olympic medals. Shameful. What a bunch of clowns that get scared and tyrannized by CPC bullies and fall at their feet.
I though anti-imperialism was the moral high ground whereupon the world was supposed to look up to an otherwise thuggish regime that denies democracy, human rights and free speech to its people, tortures and jails dissidents such as Falun Gong members, carries on genocide against its minorities in Tibet, Xinjiang, etc. Whatever happened to anti-imperialism?
That some classic pdf Chinese cognitive dissonance for you

Sometimes I wonder if pdf Chinese members fantasies about remergence of British rule in India has something to do with their insecurity of miserable Chinese resistance against the British when compared to India.
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India is the prove that democracy does not always work. Democracy can also produce sorry countries. But then again, certain countries was created by the colonist. Without the colonization, India would never exist as a country.

Let's talk about dictatorships/autocracies, such as China. Which are the flourishing dictatorships/autocracies in the world, exactly?
India would most definitely be better off under British rule. Britain giving up its rule of India is a curse for India. Indians don't have the capability to develop itself as many members on this forum has proven.

Britain gave India a country, Britain knows exactly how to develop India.

India couldn't win a single gold medal last Olympics.

1.2 billion people and a 'superpower' in their own delusional minds, can't win a single gold. Shameful.

What a bunch of clowns.

Indians first alligiance is to their community, which is their caste. There are still constant conflicts between castes. Their nation state was created by the British. So they have no understanding of how to run their country except just emulate the British on everything. Their government, court system and their number 1 sport are all British.
That some classic pdf Chinese cognitive dissonance for you

Some I wonder if pdf Chinese members fantasies about remergence of British rule in India has something to do with their insecurity of miserable Chinese resistance against the British when compared to India.

True. British completely controlled the whole China for almost 200 years. When did the British created India?

India did not resisted British rule as India didn't exist.
Indians first alligiance is to their community, which is their caste. There are still constant conflicts between castes. Their nation state was created by the British. So they have no understanding of how to run their country except just emulate the British on everything. Their government, court system and their number 1 sport are all British.

True. British completely controlled the whole China for almost 200 years. When did the British created India?

The British didn't have to control the Chinese. They just got them hooked on to opium. After that the Chinese willingly opened their doors just to get high.

China represents the best of autocracy. India stands for a failure in democracy.

So the Soviets thought, until they were no more. Today the stump that they left behind limps along, with delusions of grandeur past. China's fate will be similar, make no mistake.
Indians first alligiance is to their community, which is their caste. There are still constant conflicts between castes. Their nation state was created by the British. So they have no understanding of how to run their country except just emulate the British on everything. Their government, court system and their number 1 sport are all British.
Dont scan TOI all day, you people aren't really of capable of distinguishing real news, propaganda and BS. :blah:
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