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Why does India still play second fiddle to China? | The Telegraph

Agreed pakistan is still 1 bit ahead of afghanistan. Public executions do not take place in pakistan. Hope pakistan equalizes it soon.
But they are worse than bangladesh in foreign reserves , they beat them by good margin.

Then what the heck is a pakistani is doing here. looking for cheap entertainment by dancing for chinese ?

You are in Pak defence forum, and telling Pakistani origin members to mind their own business? If you have problem with Pakistani origin members, perhaps it is better for you to start commenting on your own forums instead of Pakistan defence forum. If you wanna stay in Pak defence forum, then stick to the topic. :D
You are in Pak defence forum, and telling Pakistani origin members to mind their own business? If you have problem with Pakistani origin members, perhaps it is better for you to start commenting on your own forums instead of Pakistan defence forum. If you wanna stay in Pak defence forum, then stick to the topic. :D
He can't do that. Indian forums are more dead than the dodo itself.:partay:
Damn them evil Baniyas :D

More than safety of travel, you should be worried about getting an Indian visa.

India visa policy considers you people Somalia equivalents.

Why classify us with Somalia and Pakistan on visa policy system, China asks India - timesofindia-economictimes

MEA trolling big time :lol:

This is a VERY VERY BIG claim, but again, we are used to hear the grandiose claims like this from our dear Indian friends already, from your President, PM, to the Internet warriors such as yourself.

China was, is, and will be continuing to find the best way to her national rejuvenation. We simply do not believe the western style democracy is THE BEST and ONLY way of governance. So far, China has been doing a great job in finding her own path to be a great power, and they have the results to show for.

I am not arguing if those numbers provided by NGOs are accurate or not. I am just questioning why the West would want to slander the other democratic country such as India, which is their own creation after all.

national rejuvenation my @$$. If you rejuvenate like you did in 1970s you're screwed in ways you can't even imagine. even in the most recent changes there were power struggles. Democracy is the only way to let off steam in states. My personal conviction- there has a been a lot of studying of state structures over the last decade. Hong Kong is especially studied extensively. CCP current leadership is a fairly smart group and knows that the best way to secure long term stability is by making the political structure more representative. Their concern is probably not whether that should be done but rather how to do it without causing major disruption. They'll probably start by opening a few low level positions within CCP itself open for elections, then slowly allowing it move upwards. That way they'll be sure that chaos does not ensue. During the student protests in Tinamen Square Deng was not concerned as much about the demand for democracy but that 'it was not time' to do it. I guess since the big economic project is now nearly complete, the next steps need to be taken.

'Big big claims' is actually the forte of the Chinese, not Indians.
MEA trolling big time :lol:

national rejuvenation my @$$. If you rejuvenate like you did in 1970s you're screwed in ways you can't even imagine. even in the most recent changes there were power struggles. Democracy is the only way to let off steam in states. My personal conviction- there has a been a lot of studying of state structures over the last decade. Hong Kong is especially studied extensively. CCP current leadership is a fairly smart group and knows that the best way to secure long term stability is by making the political structure more representative. Their concern is probably not whether that should be done but rather how to do it without causing major disruption. They'll probably start by opening a few low level positions within CCP itself open for elections, then slowly allowing it move upwards. That way they'll be sure that chaos does not ensue. During the student protests in Tinamen Square Deng was not concerned as much about the demand for democracy but that 'it was not time' to do it. I guess since the big economic project is now nearly complete, the next steps need to be taken.

'Big big claims' is actually the forte of the Chinese, not Indians.

mm, you are not as civilized as I thought. The rest is just some old rhetoric. My question was simple and straight forward: why western countries would want to slander a democratic India?
Indian rupee was at 4.23 INR per Chinese yuan (CNY) on 2 Jan 1996.
Value of Indian rupees has fallen to 10.18 INR per 1 CNY in 1 Jan 2015.
India is catching up on GDP growth speed vis-a-vis China:

China is 5 times the GDP of India. and India growth is likely bogus.

India's growth numbers are a total mystery - Feb. 9, 2015

While you are quoting old news, IMF already has come up with an update after correction:

IMF cut India's 2015 GDP growth forecast from 7.5 percent to 7.3 percent. This is lower than the 7.6 percent growth forecast put out by the government and the 7.4 percent by the Reserve Bank of India.

Read more at: IMF slashes India, global 2015 GDP forecast by 0.2% each - Moneycontrol.com

While Chinese GDP growth is dipping:

While you are quoting old news, IMF already has come up with an update after correction:

IMF cut India's 2015 GDP growth forecast from 7.5 percent to 7.3 percent. This is lower than the 7.6 percent growth forecast put out by the government and the 7.4 percent by the Reserve Bank of India.

Read more at: IMF slashes India, global 2015 GDP forecast by 0.2% each - Moneycontrol.com

While Chinese GDP growth is dipping:

View attachment 272452
Care to venture a guess, India vs Guangdong&Jiangsu Province, both 2 trillion dollars economy, one is 7%, another 2 provinces combined grow at 8%, how many years will it take for India to catch up with these two provinces?
How many years will it take for China to add another India's nominal GDP? 3, 4 or 5?
Care to venture a guess, India vs Guangdong&Jiangsu Province, both 2 trillion dollars economy, one is 7%, another 2 provinces combined grow at 8%, how many years will it take for India to catch up with these two provinces?
How many years will it take for China to add another India's nominal GDP? 3, 4 or 5?

IN G20, Modi still claimed India's GDP growth would be 7.5% for 2015, and 8% for 2016. The reality? Check it out!

India's Q1 GDP growth disappoints at 7% versus 7.5% QoQ - timesofindia-economictimes
September industrial output growth slows to 3.6 per cent: Government - The Economic Times
Rice prices may reach boiling point in coming months - The Economic Times
Care to venture a guess, India vs Guangdong&Jiangsu Province, both 2 trillion dollars economy, one is 7%, another 2 provinces combined grow at 8%, how many years will it take for India to catch up with these two provinces?
How many years will it take for China to add another India's nominal GDP? 3, 4 or 5?

Its the overall national numbers where China is going down as per the IMF projection.

BTW you closed your eyes on Shanxi with 5%, Heilongjiang with 5.5% & Jilin with 6.3% of growth?
Its the overall national numbers where China is going down as per the IMF projection.

BTW you closed your eyes on Shanxi with 5%, Heilongjiang with 5.5% & Jilin with 6.3% of growth?
How about those deadly Hindu states where growth is abysmal? The provinces you mention are heavy industry regions where radical economic reforms are ongoing. You are talking about some agrarian country which claims 2012 super power, a heavily polluted country even before industrialisation. Different economic phase dude.
Shining stats...number is so Modified.

In the same time
From the newest report from CSIS (September 2015)
A Reconstruction of China’s 2008 GDP.png
How about those deadly Hindu states where growth is abysmal? The provinces you mention are heavy industry regions where radical economic reforms are ongoing. You are talking about some agrarian country which claims 2012 super power, a heavily polluted country even before industrialisation. Different economic phase dude.


Its all about national numbers as projected by IMF.
There is no debate between deadly Hindus vs Yellow skin.

Yes, IMF predicted 7%, Indian Gov inflated it to 8-10%, then you ended up delivering 6%. This has been your story for the last 10 years. Over promising and under delivering have been in your blood.
mm, you are not as civilized as I thought. The rest is just some old rhetoric. My question was simple and straight forward: why western countries would want to slander a democratic India?

I'm quite 'free' with my vocabulary. I really am not very civilized :D. I didn't say west slandered India. I said there is an execution error/ maye NGOs are spiking up the numbers to get more funding.
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