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Why Do Some Separatist Kashmiris Want Independence? Are They Aware Of The Consequences?


May 28, 2011
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There is a section of Kashmir’s society that’s been shouting from the rooftops for ‘Independence’ of Kashmir. They neither want to remain with India nor join Pakistan. Do these hotheads know the consequences of an independent Kashmir?

This country would include Indian Administered Kashmir (Excluding Jammu and Ladakh) and Pak Administered Kashmir.

Let’s check it out.

Reasons why an independent Kashmir is not viable.

1) Located in one of the most unstable regions in the world in terms of terrorism.

2) Could only set themselves up for an invasion from any one of possibly 3 neighboring countries.

3) Independence doesn’t guarantee stability.

4) Independence doesn’t guarantee safety.

5) A predominantly Muslim nation could fall prey to an extreme form of Islam and set up a strict Sharia Law society like what the TTP/ISIS aim to establish.

6) Not economically viable since there are no industries or natural resources. Agriculture and tourism cannot sustain a country’s economy. Investors would think twice before investing in a land locked country. Independence doesn’t guarantee economic prosperity.

7) How would the country even generate tax income in an area that has no resources?

8) How would they find resources for raising an army for internal as well as external threats? A minimum of three divisions would be required and probably an indep armored brigade. Cost? At least $ 10 billion! Where is the money? Or where would it come from?

9) Kashmir is predominantly rural and makes nearly all of its paltry income from agriculture in a region as rocky as the Himalayas. There won’t be much money available to sustain a government in Kashmir and have enough funds for education, infrastructure, healthcare, defense, etc. It would not be able to fund such projects with the limited sources of income without running up monstrous debts which would quickly cripple the economy of the nation, scaring away investors, resulting in perpetual poverty, and finally resulting in a collapse.

At present India sinks into Kashmir almost Rs 50,000 crores a year ($9 billion) on subsidies, aids and grants. How would an independent Kashmir sustain itself without this enormous amount being pumped into Kashmir’s economy every year? Would Pakistan be able to lend this enormous amount annually as aid? Probably China? No way!

I would love to get a counter point to this from the separatists who spare no effort in vilifying India and hankering for an independent Kashmir.

What do you guys think? Is an independent Kashmir viable?
Independent Kashmir will basically mean beating the crap out of the remaining non muslims and chasing them out or worse, and then becoming another "strategic depth" playground for Pakis. Thats all there is to it really.
Who gives a crap?

An Independant Kashmir would make Pakiatan and India friends and partners while Kashmir would have to 'work hard' to get whatever it wants from both states.

I have stated it in the past that a 'Republic of Kashmir' made up of IAK and PAK will be the best solution. It would end the unwanted trouble both of our countries face.

If Kashmiris can govern themselves, than why not? - It would have as much power and would create as much trouble as Bhutan does.

Pakistan and India has much to gain from cooperation and reduced tensions. Kashmir as a country is the price both countries should pay for a better future.
Who gives a crap?

An Independant Kashmir would make Pakiatan and India friends and partners while Kashmir would have to 'work hard' to get whatever it wants from both states.

I have stated it in the past that a 'Republic of Kashmir' made up of IAK and PAK will be the best solution. It would end the unwanted trouble both of our countries face.

If Kashmiris can govern themselves, than why not? - It would have as much power and would create as much trouble as Bhutan does.

Pakistan and India has much to gain from cooperation and reduced tensions. Kashmir as a country is the price both countries should pay for a better future.
Do you really think Pakistan would allow Kashmir to become entirely independent? Looking at it purely from a strategic perspective and not ideological (Muslim land, the K in Pakistan yada yada yada), an independent Kashmir would be tiny and would likely fall under Indian influence as many of the smaller states in the region have- Nepal, Maldives, Sri Lanka, BD, Bhutan etc etc would Pakistan really allow such a situation to occur? Highly doubtful IMHO, I mean look at what Pakistan is doing in Afghanistan to prevent an Indian presence/hold there.

Additionally I doubt either nation's leadership can sell Kashmiri independence to their people, not now- not for a long long time. And I don't really see why India, the de facto dominant power here, would be interested in such a concession- it is not the 1980s anymore, Kashmir is not bleeding the coffers of the Indian defence budget dry anymore. With the passing of every year IAK becomes more peaceful, self-sustaining and viable whilst India's ability to hold onto its territory is also growing with its expanding economic and military might.
An independent Kashmir is the best solution.

For any change in status quo, a military conflict is an absolute must. Only in case one of the sides manages to secure a decisive victory can such terms be forced.
Tourism from Pakistan and India alone is enough to sustain it. It doesn't have to be another Singapore. But the threat of invasion if a conflict arises between the 2 hotheads is real.
Don't confuse IoKashmiris with Pak Kashmiris. People in G-B has been demanding for decades to be made province of Pakistan. Azad Kashmiris fought to become part of Pakistan. Rememer Kashmir banega Pakistan slogan? That originated from GB and Azad Kashmir.

Occupied Kashmiris don't see many options left, maybe Hindus will not mind giving IoK independence but they will have problem if IoK merged with Pakistan. Bharat has been wasting precious resources on land which does not belong to them and neither they wan't to be part of India. Not even Jammu hindus like the idea of becoming part of India.

India spend $15 billion or more every year in IoK. If India had occupied entire Kashmir then it would have been worth it. Access to central asia plus no border of Pakistan with China.
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