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Why Do Some Separatist Kashmiris Want Independence? Are They Aware Of The Consequences?

There goes my dream of declaring myself as the Shahanshah & renaming Kashmir as the Kingdom of Buttistan ! :(

Kingdom of Buttistan


Don't worry bro. Your dream can be a reality in another way. :lol:
Kingdom of Buttistan


Don't worry bro. Your dream can be a reality in another way. :lol:

Oh come on Waz Bhai - I'm homophobic ! :bad:

You forget I claim descent from Occupied Kashmir.....iss tarhan kay shauq Azad Kashmiriyon keh hoteiii hain ! :bunny:

I was thinking of having a Playboy Mansion built in the heart of Srinagar & having it as my Royal Palace ! :smokin:
Oh come on Waz Bhai - I'm homophobic ! :bad:

You forget I claim descent from Occupied Kashmir.....iss tarhan kay shauq Azad Kashmiriyon keh hoteiii hain ! :bunny:

I was thinking of having a Playboy Mansion built in the heart of Srinagar & having it as my Royal Palace ! :smokin:

Sorry bro, you just used the word Buttistan and I thought I'd pull your leg.

As for your palace, as long as you build in Srinagar and not the Neelum Valley, I'm fine with it. Just remember to send me an invite. :o:
Sorry bro, you just used the word Buttistan and I thought I'd pull your leg.

As for your palace, as long as you build in Srinagar and not the Neelum Valley, I'm fine with it. Just remember to send me an invite. :o:

Haaan takiii Bhabi uses me for target practice ! :fie:
well its what the people want so let democracy win
well its what the people want so let democracy win

I know this is difficult for you guys to understand, but democracy doesn't mean anarchy and separatism. It simply means rule of law by the people and for the people.

There is a world of difference.
There is a section of Kashmir’s society that’s been shouting from the rooftops for ‘Independence’ of Kashmir. They neither want to remain with India nor join Pakistan. Do these hotheads know the consequences of an independent Kashmir?

This country would include Indian Administered Kashmir (Excluding Jammu and Ladakh) and Pak Administered Kashmir.

Let’s check it out.

Reasons why an independent Kashmir is not viable.

1) Located in one of the most unstable regions in the world in terms of terrorism.

2) Could only set themselves up for an invasion from any one of possibly 3 neighboring countries.

3) Independence doesn’t guarantee stability.

4) Independence doesn’t guarantee safety.

5) A predominantly Muslim nation could fall prey to an extreme form of Islam and set up a strict Sharia Law society like what the TTP/ISIS aim to establish.

6) Not economically viable since there are no industries or natural resources. Agriculture and tourism cannot sustain a country’s economy. Investors would think twice before investing in a land locked country. Independence doesn’t guarantee economic prosperity.

7) How would the country even generate tax income in an area that has no resources?

8) How would they find resources for raising an army for internal as well as external threats? A minimum of three divisions would be required and probably an indep armored brigade. Cost? At least $ 10 billion! Where is the money? Or where would it come from?

9) Kashmir is predominantly rural and makes nearly all of its paltry income from agriculture in a region as rocky as the Himalayas. There won’t be much money available to sustain a government in Kashmir and have enough funds for education, infrastructure, healthcare, defense, etc. It would not be able to fund such projects with the limited sources of income without running up monstrous debts which would quickly cripple the economy of the nation, scaring away investors, resulting in perpetual poverty, and finally resulting in a collapse.

At present India sinks into Kashmir almost Rs 50,000 crores a year ($9 billion) on subsidies, aids and grants. How would an independent Kashmir sustain itself without this enormous amount being pumped into Kashmir’s economy every year? Would Pakistan be able to lend this enormous amount annually as aid? Probably China? No way!

I would love to get a counter point to this from the separatists who spare no effort in vilifying India and hankering for an independent Kashmir.

What do you guys think? Is an independent Kashmir viable?

Please see all these demands for ' independence' like the demand for newer states.

Its just a reason to make money by the local politicians. In the case of J&K see it as insurance for Pak for both access upto Himachal - Chamba and an for water.

Thats all.

Its a non starter, the only option is to convert the LOC into an IB.
I know this is difficult for you guys to understand, but democracy doesn't mean anarchy and separatism.

On the contrary democracy may mean independence. I don't think you have forgotten 1971
, it's just 'selective amnesia' for people like you.
On the contrary democracy may mean independence. I don't think you have forgotten 1971, it's just 'selective amnesia' for people like you.

We didn't spread democracy then. Neither do we do now.

That was simply a war.

What has democracy got to do with this?

There is a section of Kashmir’s society that’s been shouting from the rooftops for ‘Independence’ of Kashmir. They neither want to remain with India nor join Pakistan. Do these hotheads know the consequences of an independent Kashmir?

This country would include Indian Administered Kashmir (Excluding Jammu and Ladakh) and Pak Administered Kashmir.

Let’s check it out.

Reasons why an independent Kashmir is not viable.

1) Located in one of the most unstable regions in the world in terms of terrorism.

2) Could only set themselves up for an invasion from any one of possibly 3 neighboring countries.

3) Independence doesn’t guarantee stability.

4) Independence doesn’t guarantee safety.

5) A predominantly Muslim nation could fall prey to an extreme form of Islam and set up a strict Sharia Law society like what the TTP/ISIS aim to establish.

6) Not economically viable since there are no industries or natural resources. Agriculture and tourism cannot sustain a country’s economy. Investors would think twice before investing in a land locked country. Independence doesn’t guarantee economic prosperity.

7) How would the country even generate tax income in an area that has no resources?

8) How would they find resources for raising an army for internal as well as external threats? A minimum of three divisions would be required and probably an indep armored brigade. Cost? At least $ 10 billion! Where is the money? Or where would it come from?

9) Kashmir is predominantly rural and makes nearly all of its paltry income from agriculture in a region as rocky as the Himalayas. There won’t be much money available to sustain a government in Kashmir and have enough funds for education, infrastructure, healthcare, defense, etc. It would not be able to fund such projects with the limited sources of income without running up monstrous debts which would quickly cripple the economy of the nation, scaring away investors, resulting in perpetual poverty, and finally resulting in a collapse.

At present India sinks into Kashmir almost Rs 50,000 crores a year ($9 billion) on subsidies, aids and grants. How would an independent Kashmir sustain itself without this enormous amount being pumped into Kashmir’s economy every year? Would Pakistan be able to lend this enormous amount annually as aid? Probably China? No way!

I would love to get a counter point to this from the separatists who spare no effort in vilifying India and hankering for an independent Kashmir.

What do you guys think? Is an independent Kashmir viable?

You forgot the most important of them all; half of their population (by today's spread) is displaced. It is not a 'Kashmiri demand' it is a religion-based demand.
Well we already have one Azaad Kashmir, why do we need another one, when we knew how much Azaad the Azaad Kashmir is..................
We didn't spread democracy then. Neither do we do now.

That was simply a war.

What has democracy got to do with this?.

Yeah, the 'war' was the direct consequence of a democratic election being nullified. I didn't know that the indians on this forum were so hopelessly stricken by 'selective amnesia'. I feel pity for them.
Arre bhai, it was just to tell the assholes who are dying for so called 'independence' of Kashmir, the stupidly of asking for it! :smokin:

The BS there is that there is no provision called an independent kashmir, why would you make the effort of trying to give reasons for something that isnt even on the table?
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