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Why Do Some Separatist Kashmiris Want Independence? Are They Aware Of The Consequences?

Don't confuse IoKashmiris with Pak Kashmiris. People in G-B has been demanding for decades to be made province of Pakistan. Azad Kashmiris fought to become part of Pakistan. Rememer Kashmir banega Pakistan slogan? That originated from GB and Azad Kashmir.

Being of AJK origin myself you have hit the nail on head. We don't want an "independent state". We fought to be with Pakistan and are Pakistanis first and foremost.
There is a section of Kashmir’s society that’s been shouting from the rooftops for ‘Independence’ of Kashmir. They neither want to remain with India nor join Pakistan. Do these hotheads know the consequences of an independent Kashmir?

This country would include Indian Administered Kashmir (Excluding Jammu and Ladakh) and Pak Administered Kashmir.

Let’s check it out.

Reasons why an independent Kashmir is not viable.

1) Located in one of the most unstable regions in the world in terms of terrorism.

2) Could only set themselves up for an invasion from any one of possibly 3 neighboring countries.

3) Independence doesn’t guarantee stability.

4) Independence doesn’t guarantee safety.

5) A predominantly Muslim nation could fall prey to an extreme form of Islam and set up a strict Sharia Law society like what the TTP/ISIS aim to establish.

6) Not economically viable since there are no industries or natural resources. Agriculture and tourism cannot sustain a country’s economy. Investors would think twice before investing in a land locked country. Independence doesn’t guarantee economic prosperity.

7) How would the country even generate tax income in an area that has no resources?

8) How would they find resources for raising an army for internal as well as external threats? A minimum of three divisions would be required and probably an indep armored brigade. Cost? At least $ 10 billion! Where is the money? Or where would it come from?

9) Kashmir is predominantly rural and makes nearly all of its paltry income from agriculture in a region as rocky as the Himalayas. There won’t be much money available to sustain a government in Kashmir and have enough funds for education, infrastructure, healthcare, defense, etc. It would not be able to fund such projects with the limited sources of income without running up monstrous debts which would quickly cripple the economy of the nation, scaring away investors, resulting in perpetual poverty, and finally resulting in a collapse.

At present India sinks into Kashmir almost Rs 50,000 crores a year ($9 billion) on subsidies, aids and grants. How would an independent Kashmir sustain itself without this enormous amount being pumped into Kashmir’s economy every year? Would Pakistan be able to lend this enormous amount annually as aid? Probably China? No way!

I would love to get a counter point to this from the separatists who spare no effort in vilifying India and hankering for an independent Kashmir.

What do you guys think? Is an independent Kashmir viable?

You're spot on there Orion.
Being of AJK origin myself you have hit the nail on head. We don't want an "independent state". We fought to be with Pakistan and are Pakistanis first and foremost.

Azad Kashmiris deserve to have their butts whooped ! :whistle:

The only real Kashmiris are neither in AJK nor in IOK but in Pakistani Punjab ! :smokin:

The rest of you are softies ! :bunny:
I don't care about the valley but Hindu Jammu and Buddhist Ladakh are staying with India.
Azad Kashmiris deserve to have their butts whooped ! :whistle:

The only real Kashmiris are neither in AJK nor in IOK but in Pakistani Punjab ! :smokin:

The rest of you are softies ! :bunny:

Lol...You couldn't whip our butts. We'll use your own whips to whip your butts. That's how hardcore are. :taz:
Not even Jammu hindus like the idea of becoming part of India.
Really? :woot: That was epic! When did you conduct a survey of Hindus in Jammu to arrive at this conclusion? Or are you just shooting from the hip?
Really? :woot: That was epic! When did you conduct a survey of Hindus in Jammu to arrive at this conclusion? Or are you just shooting from the hip?

Survery? Even most staunch Jammu hindus on this forum supported article 370.
Survery? Even most staunch Jammu hindus on this forum supported article 370.

I think this needs to be cleared up. They support it as they don't want masses of settlers from other parts of India coming to the region and disturbing the geography and demographic balance. The Dogra community is very small (5.5 million) and unique, and wants to perceive their culture and identify. There is also the issues of economic balance and rights of settlement , that really only belong to the natives of that land.

However they are staunchly pro-India and serve in large numbers in the Indian army. They have sworn to defend their territory from any outside influence, and want it to remain an integral part of India. Their issues to do with article 370 are more an inter-Indian issue.
I think this needs to be cleared up. They support it as they don't want masses of settlers from other parts of India coming to the region and disturbing the geography and demographic balance. The Dogra community is very small (5.5 million) and unique, and wants to perceive their culture and identify. There is also the issues of economic balance and rights of settlement , that really only belong to the natives of that land.

However they are staunchly pro-India and serve in large numbers in the Indian army. They have sworn to defend their territory from any outside influence, and want it to remain an integral part of India. Their issues to do with article 370 are more an inter-Indian issue.

I know, thats why i said they don't really want to become part of India. From distance yes but not allow anyone especially bhaiyas to settle there.
These clowns want to get to the other side of the border, thinking that there is the land of milk and honey and that we the non believers have held them against their universal right to attain heavens.

In fact, they don't even realize that we want them to get lost and even they will be happy. But their brethren will not let them enter until they get their land for these brothers. Which is simply not happening.
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