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Why do people marry, wonders Malala

She is alien to Sunnah about Nikah/Islamic Marriage Contract not because of her Oxford education but unfortunately, she had no education in her childhood especially by parents though her father was teaching him to be an actor and how to proceed to West and earn good money. The culture she grew in and the environment she is taught to live in, have a lot of impact on her. Also, it's just that poor quality education or total lack of Islamic syllabus that she don't have any book in Oxford to read and understand and instead of asking questions in a dramatic yet dubious way; should have chosen for her partner without Nikah and try to propagate then to convince her aspirants in Pakistan etc. After all, this is how she seems to be programmed and exposed a lot of loopholes in her parenthood, Oxford Education and her access to literature or even trusting to ask her parents. Never mind as this what she is supposed to be after receiving a Nobel Prize.
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What else is she wondering?? Some "brain storming":
  • Why Pak was created?
  • Why the Paks aren't like the Indian/BD Muslims?
  • Why NA thugs shouldn't practice pedophile?
  • Why the Pak Army doesn't get disbanded?
  • Why Pak doesn't support Israil?
  • Why Paks don't become Hindutva?
  • Why don't all the males become pimps, and the females become prostitutes?
  • Etc...
:disagree: :disagree: :disagree: :disagree: :disagree: :disagree: :disagree: :disagree: :disagree: :disagree: :disagree: :disagree: :disagree: :disagree: :disagree: :disagree: :disagree: :disagree: :disagree: :disagree: :disagree: :disagree: Wait one day IK steps down and West try to impose on us like Myanmar Kim and liberals will be supporting her and establishment will be giving salutes on the red carpet like on Iranian leader return in 1979. 😀.
Head line will be saviour of Pakistan returns after so much suffering by the hands of TLP.
When our establishment can make deals with the Nawaz and Shahbaz then everything is possible in our country. She wants to be a politician and another Benazir is in the making made in UK and imposed by establishment on us.
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I challenge her to add the word "gay" in there, why do gay people get married? And then see the libturds jumping and shouting like monkeys.
Looks like she lost attention and needs more attention, so easy way is to say something controversial.

Malala jee our Rasool (saws), that's right my master, your master has told the Muslims they will complete half their deen marrying.
He stated that he would be proud of his ummah and boast in a loving way to his brother Prophets of how large his ummah is, and it will be the largest. He told us to increase our numbers and that's how he would know us by.
What other example do you need?

Partnership? You mean cohabiting with its ridiculous low rate of success where men have no woman of their own, rather it's their turn.
What of the children who come forth who are born in an unstable relationship where the ties are loose?
Also islamically speaking such children are also considered illegitimate in Islam so can't be judges, can't lead salat, are denied inheritance rights. Is this advice for Muslims?
This lady will become a politician in the future and then all of you will be sorry. Benazir 2.0
Possibly - because that is the intention of her “support” or at the least a Gulalai with a much broader appeal. I genuinely believe her heart was clean but her father took advantage of events to be where it is today.
Possibly - because that is the intention of her “support” or at the least a Gulalai with a much broader appeal. I genuinely believe her heart was clean but her father took advantage of events to be where it is today.
Why the heck would a small kid in 15s be evil minded.

Although, Now she is grown and yet dumb sh*t
But her father is the worst scum here. Can sell mum and sis for money as well.
Thanks for the correction.

Malala can put forward an argument as to why she believes a civil partnership is more fair and just than Holy matrimony.

In terms of social justice why women technically have more legal protection than civil partnership or vice versa and given free will, will men and women choose differently and why?
Every body has an agenda.

I feel bad and have sympathy for the fact she was attacked.

But these comments about marriage are suspect. (i.e. pushing a liberal Western narrative)

Also, I have no idea why she is on the Friend's reunion????

She and that jew friends actor will go well together. Both have a wicked mangled looking face.
:astagh: :astagh:
Thanks for the correction.

Malala can put forward an argument as to why she believes a civil partnership is more fair and just than Holy matrimony.

In terms of social justice why women technically have more legal protection than civil partnership or vice versa and given free will, will men and women choose differently and why?
Women usually want commitment and marriage. Men if given chance would love to be a single mom making machines.
She really is turning out to be a Western prostitute.

idk why it posted in boldface.
Absolutely second you.
This Zionist CIA propaganda whore has completely lost her mind . Recently she is in a close friendship with Mia khalifa like seriously man . And now is advocating making babies without marriage lol.
I have no problem with someones personal beliefs but that doesn't suit someone who is trying to become a representative of Pakistani Muslim women and a champion of human rights . Doesn't she know without a marriage a kid doesn't have any inheritance or blood rights ?
She is exposed so bad this time . I hope after this atleast everyone from Pakistan will hate her. And most importantly people will understand her true nefarious agenda.
The amount of cringe comments in this thread is disappointing, but not surprising.
You so called pakistanis who live in western countries failed to completely understand the mentality and culture of pakistan. So you aren't eligible to give your opinion here.
Just to b clear because of a comment she has made about marriage ( which is wrong in my opinion just wanted to clarify this) and she can make an opinion there's nothing wrong with it but pakistanis have started calling her puppet, prostitute, randi, probably would be getting death threats in her DM, 99% pakisanis believe she's a fraud, ridiculed because of the deformation of her face and there was a thrend on twitter just last night "headshot in 2012 knocked out her brain in 2021". Bohat khoob pakistanio.
She is alien to Sunnah about Nikah/Islamic Marriage Contract not because of her Oxford education but unfortunately, she had no education in her childhood especially by parents though her father was teaching him to be an actor and how to proceed to West and earn good money. The culture she grew in and the environment she is taught to live in, have a lot of impact on her. Also, it's just that poor quality education or total lack of Islamic syllabus that she don't have any book in Oxford to read and understand and instead of asking questions in a dramatic yet dubious way; should have chosen for her partner without Nikah and try to propagate then to convince her aspirants in Pakistan etc. After all, this is how she seems to be programmed and exposed a lot of loopholes in Muslim parenthood, Oxford Education and her access to literature or even trusting to ask her parents. Never mind as this what she is supposed to be after receiving a Nobel Prize.
Let me get this straight she went to Oxford because of charity and an agenda and not because of academic excellence.And how many schools has she set up back in Pak?

I think the day she left Pakistan to become a spokesperson for a certain group of people who wanted to use her for their own propaganda, she was lost.

I blame her as much as I blame any random person raised in an ultra liberal environment in the west. Her parents chose this for her, and even though she wears that dupatta and such, it is a cultural symbol not a religious one.

This article wasn't just her random musings on the subject, I suspect. There is a lot that goes into getting something published on this scale. There are people who are carefully 'guiding and managing' her.

Unfortunately for them, they themselves are too out of touch with the reality in Pakistan that have forwarded this which, as far as Pakistan is concerned in general, way outside the pale of acceptable.

I suspect she is more for the consumption of certain people in the west than Pakistan.

I highly doubt she has any future in Pakistan's politics. I highly doubt she'd be able to win an MPA seat in the most liberal of constituencies in Pakistan let alone anything higher.

I think the day she left Pakistan to become a spokesperson for a certain group of people who wanted to use her for their own propaganda, she was lost.

I blame her as much as I blame any random person raised in an ultra liberal environment in the west. Her parents chose this for her, and even though she wears that dupatta and such, it is a cultural symbol not a religious one.

This article wasn't just her random musings on the subject, I suspect. There is a lot that goes into getting something published on this scale. There are people who are carefully 'guiding and managing' her.

Unfortunately for them, they themselves are too out of touch with the reality in Pakistan that have forwarded this which, as far as Pakistan is concerned in general, way outside the pale of acceptable.

I suspect she is more for the consumption of certain people in the west than Pakistan.

I highly doubt she has any future in Pakistan's politics. I highly doubt she'd be able to win an MPA seat in the most liberal of constituencies in Pakistan let alone anything higher.
She is Centcom's dream come true.
Sad to see Malala is actually becoming what the west want her to become. Even my colleagues at work were surprised at this statement.
I am westernised and was born in the UK - I cherish my customs my religion my heritage and being born in the west hasn’t made me forget my roots and principals.
One feels this Pakistani girl is trying harder than her goraay friends to show she is more westernised and whiter than they are.
Malala is a lost soul and maybe lost to her nation is she continues to spout nonsense.
She was the same from the start. Those who liked her then should still do so. As her views are consistent.
somehow she is right but then how she know she is still single . only marred man know it :D

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