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Why do people marry, wonders Malala

I guess where she lives it is not an issue at all to be in open relationships and the benefits are in front of everyone. Now for Pakistani society, as the religious and other aspects have already been covered in other posts, one of the many societal issues is that, moving to open partnership will be a be huge blow to women rights here, as women will even lose the few benefits and rights they can claim under law due to marriage vs just open partnerships with no legal or religious framework.
Every 15 seconds a child dies of hunger, by the time you have scrolled down to read this comment, another child will be lost. Lets ask ourselves, what is worthy of our energies, of our time and passion. Sure, you can waste your time and energy debating about the personal choice of some person 3,800 miles away, or you could look at the actual problems in the world and work to come up with solutions as a collective.

One morning, when Nanji Jafar was playing in the street, Jinnah, then aged about fourteen, came up to him and said, "Don't play marbles in the dust; it spoils your clothes and dirties your hands. We must stand up and play cricket."

The boys in Newnham Road were obedient: they gave up playing marbles and allowed Jinnah to lead them from the dusty street to a bright field where he brought his bat and stumps for them to use. When he sailed for England at the age of sixteen, he gave Nanji Jafar his bat and said, "You will go on teaching the boys to play cricket while I am away."

All Jinnah's story is in the boyhood dictum—'Stand up from the dust so that your clothes are unspoiled and your hands clean for the tasks that fall to them.'

- Hector Bolitho - Jinnah: Creator of Pakistan 1954
Its a state failure that it hasn't filtered out such individuals and make them redundant as early as first sign of agenda and narrative they follow appears. Media should be tightly controlled as to who gets projection and who is flushed out. Her constant projection on Pakistani media is absolute non sense and must end.
Its a state failure that it hasn't filtered out such individuals and make them redundant as early as first sign of agenda and narrative they follow appears. Media should be tightly controlled as to who gets projection and who is flushed out. Her constant projection on Pakistani media is absolute non sense and must end.
what agenda? random kid on a street may have pondered this
A few weeks before my marriage I announced it at work so people would know that I am off to Pakistan for 6 weeks. Many of my German colleagues congratulated me and were happy for me. One of my male colleagues asked me what the purpose of marriage in our modern times is. He had a girlfriend (of course Ex-girlfriend now) and a daughter with her. It was all fine and good they lived together, she was „the love of his life“ and he insisted that there is no difference between having a „long-term“ girlfriend and a wife. My question was ok, people nowadays live together and don’t marry but when there is no difference and you met the love of your life, why aren’t you getting married?

I got no answer to that question, he said something like „it wouldn’t change our relationship“ and „I am not ready.“

The thing is wife and husband are different from boyfriend and girlfriend, people live together for years, raise children together but don’t marry? Even as tax saving concept it makes sense for most couples, but still these „papers“ imply too much commitment and dedication.
what happened to Ahmed nawaaz I wonder


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no love for him from the whitey’s ? .
What about the other girls shot / injured in the attack they don’t deserve not even a headline ? Not even a name check .

No offense - but here is Western Conservative point of view (not mine obviously) - Just found it amusing.


Technically - if Malala and another guy were alone on an island they could be in partnership.

But frankly she just doesn’t want to admit she is into open relationships - which is fine really. Glad to see the dupatta covering going beyond religion and as a cultural or fashion statement

She is obviously a paid shill - but a superbly confused one, not able to articulate her thoughts.

I remember this...

So she likes her choice cuts of meats 😂😂😂
Time and time again hijabis proving to be wilder than they act to be.
A few weeks before my marriage I announced it at work so people would know that I am off to Pakistan for 6 weeks. Many of my German colleagues congratulated me and were happy for me. One of my male colleagues asked me what the purpose of marriage in our modern times is. He had a girlfriend (of course Ex-girlfriend now) and a daughter with her. It was all fine and good they lived together, she was „the love of his life“ and he insisted that there is no difference between having a „long-term“ girlfriend and a wife. My question was ok, people nowadays live together and don’t marry but when there is no difference and you met the love of your life, why aren’t you getting married?

I got no answer to that question, he said something like „it wouldn’t change our relationship“ and „I am not ready.“

The thing is wife and husband are different from boyfriend and girlfriend, people live together for years, raise children together but don’t marry? Even as tax saving concept it makes sense for most couples, but still these „papers“ imply too much commitment and dedication.
Western society has embraced hypergamy nature of women whereas muslim societies has tried to ignore hypergamy by preaching morality, or outright tried to make men SIMPS
Fact is women won’t think twice about dropping you if you’re laggin in certain categories and there are other men offering themselves who fulfill that role. Have seen it many times. So I’m not surprised western men don’t want to get married. I can tell from my win experience, when I was a teen, guys with little to no money… girls no matter how innocent would go out with the guy with money even if he was an arse…
Heck my first crush (whom I thought I’ll marry eventually and prayed everyday about xD ) got married the day I graduated high school to a MBA dude, she was the most beautiful girl I’ve seen to date… both in outer and inner beauty, religious too… and liked me too but eh well, someone far ahead in life came along and she didn’t say no 💁🏻‍♂️

seen her 2 years back… 3 years post marriage? Man she looked miserable. I was shocked.
she would have been happy with me lol

then let’s talk about the girl who I actually fell in love with… she got a bf right after she joined college in another country hiding it from me. 🤷🏻‍♂️
I don’t blame women, it’s in their nature to look out for self interest since Stone Age…

when you’re looking at it logically, a whining trouble officially registered to yourself isn’t worth it. Just acquire money and enjoy life with immediate family.
It's hard for her growing up without access to education.

Had she gone to school as a child, she would have the answer for it.
Too bad taliban shot her head because she wanted to know the answer 🥴
for a woman who claims to be all about girls' education and rights, I'm surprised that the ditsy malala didnt' realize that "signing that document" provides legal protection to the rights of a wife, which, in an unofficial partnership would never happen. One has to wonder if she is really about education or if she is just milking the west by feeding them what they want to hear. 🤔
She’s thinking of it from western common law logic.
The reason people have marriage is if you have just a partnership, then children like Malala are born.
Can’t be sure bruh. Girls being born in a Muslim household is a huge responsibility and risk. It’s now easier than ever to become whores and encouraged in every society
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