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apart from most of the ppl of tamilnadu and few ppl in kerala and bengal i see no difference between the facial features of majority of pakistanis and indians.to me they both look alike with a mix of caucassian and dravidian features with the latter dominating.the only minor difference is ppl of south ind have small noses comparatively.ppl with central asian features are minority in pak.just watch pakistani news channels which show common ppl to know wat am saying.
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@dravidianhero , Thank you for your sentiments, let me extend on that, not long ago , a group of your Mukh Mantris happened to be in Pakistan on 14th August, while enjoying the delicacies of Lahore food street and taking in the atmosphere, they couldn't help commenting, why Muslims wanted independence and what freedom means in it's essence.
And before some smart Alec comments,....the Indian politicians were speaking to the media.
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Indians need to stop thinking they are center of the world.
What you guys think of us, we think of you.

You guys think we only speak Urdu? We think you only speak Hindi.
You guys think we are all Muslim? We think you are all Hindu.
You think we a terrorist state? We also think you are a terrorist state.
You think India should win in cricket? We also think Pakistan should win in cricket.


May be you wanna tell this to those Pakistanis who are posing as Indians to get a job and good treatment?


see man why would any educated pakistani or indian behave rudely towards each other in some foreign country.what the OP experienced might be an exception.No decent human being hurts others when there is no animosity between them on a personal level.

I feel like punching some Yemeni refugees back to their shythole today. ;)

Ungrateful wretches are the worst of the lot you know.

@dravidianhero @Vinod2070 I rest my case...Either @Vinod2070 is not decent or @dravidianhero conclusion is wrong :blink:

Don't know. 20000 Shia have been killed in Pakistan I think.

Shia kapir, Shia kapir, dragged from the buses and shot point blank, mosques blown, wajib ul qatl.

Yes, we are glad you are outta our great country. There is more to be done. Uska bhi time ayega. ;)

1st it is Kafir ...

2ndly, we have gone through this on each thread....Which part is hard to grasp? :blink: Oh sorry forgot you are trolling!

3rdly, from the QURAN get me the word
wajib ul qatl
I swear the 1st time I heard that word was here on PDF....
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Indians need to stop thinking they are center of the world.
What you guys think of us, we think of you.

You guys think we only speak Urdu? We think you only speak Hindi.
You guys think we are all Muslim? We think you are all Hindu.
You think we a terrorist state? We also think you are a terrorist state.
You think India should win in cricket? We also think Pakistan should win in cricket.




Pakistanis pose as Indians after NY bomb scare – The Express Tribune
Read my post again i just SUGGESTED it as one of the reasons...:)

N its not about close mindedness but i said limited information that too mostly negative about a particular nationality. Believe it or not but the 2 most prominent reasons Pakistan is ever discussed by Indians r Terrorism n Cricket thats all...
Ok, read my post again too :)

Most people(Except for Indian Punjabis ofcourse) don't even know that Pakistanis speak Punbaji n Sindhi, most people thinks u guys just speak Urdu...:lol:
That's sad and ignorant (not as a taunt but as per the meaning of the word itself!

As far as PDF Indians r concerned they know about Pak bcoz the defense structure between the two countries attracts their interest there but 95% Indians don't go searching over net about Pak.
Well, PDF Indians HAVE SHOWN limited knowledge when it comes to Islam and other issues...Just by common interest about Defence doesn't make you know us...Just makes you know our govt ....which we have clearly shown we do not like....make you know PART of our policies, where MOST are just written stuff and NOT AT ALL implemented...Back to square one...Indians know NOTHING basically about Pakistan and hence, SHOULDN'T jump to conclusions!

However, this does not mean that every Indian just hates Pakistanis but in general Pakistanis don't carry a good image in the minds of Indians.
Well likewise :enjoy:

So a cold shoulder is nothing unusual IF the guy was a new immigrant Indian who has NOT spent much time abroad....:)
So true! Many on PDF also have not spent time abroad... :angel:

@Langda Tyaagi If true that is sad...racial discrimination!! THAT TOO in a country that cries that people of so and so country are OPPRESSED and tortured and SHOULD BE LIBERATED...:blink:

plus it is 2010 news...
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@Talon [/MENTION]
Lol what if it is 2010 news? I was replying to somebody who thought that it never happened!! I just introduced him to reality.
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@Langda Tyaagi you stooping low and taking a ride on oppression that too 2 yrs old? :blink: :astagh:

I kind of agree to this. Yes I am stopping low but some people in denial left me no choice. When someone doesn't know something then we should help them by educating them about the reality. That's what I did though.
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One picture speaks a thousands words..
Btw Indian average height is lower than Pakistanis...

yes pictures speak a thoudsand words





sukhbir badal in pakistan.. taller than most pakistanis


in india he is shorter than most..
I kind of agree to this. Yes I am stopping low but some people in denial left me no choice. When someone doesn't know something then we should help them by educating them about the reality. That's what I did though.
@Langda Tyaagi hate reciprocated by hate will only generate hate...so instead of EDUCATING you are igniting more hate...thats how WE see it at least....
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