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Why do Indians consider Pakistan one of their own vs Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh?

Indian IQ :tsk:

This comment is so dumb that I don't even know where to start.

The Romans used up fight Celtic people's in northern Italy and France. The Irish people are Celtic. Does that mean the Irish were living in northern Italy and France?

So no, South Indians did but used to live in Pakistan. They have only ever lived in South India.

This is why you don't drink cow ka kola people
It kills your brain.
Sad that you can't accept facts. But understandable.
Sad that you can't accept facts. But understandable.

you know one time a guy with down syndrom told me that he ate the moon.
It was also sad that I could not accept that fact too :toast_sign:
Yes let me post the link to a wiki page, the holy book of Indians
OK, so you don't. Got it.

Dubba dubba ding ding bippity boppity.
Probably your most same post yet.

The first link is to an indian source which means there is no credibility. The 2nd is a link to a book which is not providing ANY evidence to your claims. Only the forward to the book is available to read there.
So buy the book. It is written in 1990.


you know one time a guy with down syndrom told me that he ate the moon.
It was also sad that I could not accept that fact too :toast_sign:
Nice to see guys with Down Syndrome volunteering to help you out.
The post you quote was in the context of reply to another post.
We don't need to justify our existence on past laurels, history is there for everyone to see.
Personally, I don't have a gripe with anyone, including the Indians. All I want is for my own country to be secure and to do well, bend it's back and raise itself out of poverty. Unfortunately we are situated next to a neighbor that isn't prepared to let us exist as equals and insists on hegemony and domination over us, necessitating the use of the middle finger from time to time.
We as a nation will never bend the knee to India.
Pakistan will pursue peace based on fairness and justice. We will always fight domination and coersion with whatever we have at our disposal and whatever the size and stature of the enemy.
Our history of the last 40 years bears witness to this.
We are so deep into our respective narratives as two nations that it is hard to specify what lead to what. All I know is that there are no evil/peaceful countries, there are just upswings and down turns in a nation's path to prosperity.
Smart choices/compromises are a necessity to eventually become a behemoth and dictate terms (if that's your thing).
We are a part of a much smarter world, where warfare seems to become more and more irrelevant by the day. Competition though, is more relevant than ever.
IMHO, I think Pakistan's chief dilemma is this - Kashmir vs every other prosperity metric.
The sad part is that Pakistan will have to yield eventually and focus on the other metrics, just as the arab world had to in case of the Israel/Palestine conflict. An emotional drive against sustenance is a losing battle. By the time you realise that it's not worth spending precious resources on, you'd be further back as there is an opportunity cost here (India has the same problem but its magnitude obviously is lesser in terms of the overall impact on growth, we have other issues to deal with).
Imran Khan may not have the economic acumen, he is got the right philosophy of knowing that the economy comes first, the K-cause a second.
OK, so you don't. Got it.

Probably your most same post yet.

So buy the book. It is written in 1990.

Nice to see guys with Down Syndrome volunteering to help you out.

/in documentary voice

and here we have a hindutva scum showing his true intelligence.
he has no point, he has no argument, he has no facts.
All he has is super retarded anger strength.
retarded anger strength is usually enough to allow them to survive until the next day.
There is no dignity in his existence but he fills a vital roll in the ecosystem as laughing stock for the internet.
/in documentary voice

and here we have a hindutva scum showing his true intelligence.
he has no point, he has no argument, he has no facts.
All he has is super retarded anger strength.
retarded anger strength is usually enough to allow them to survive until the next day.
There is no dignity in his existence but he fills a vital roll in the ecosystem as laughing stock for the internet.
OK, now stop frothing at the mouth. Don't wanna trouble the kid with Down Syndrome helping you with your bib.
OK, now stop frothing at the mouth. Don't wanna trouble the kid with Down Syndrome helping you with your bib.
This isn't even fun any more, you can't even think of anything outside of my own analogy of a down syndrome kid.

C'mon hindutva, you people have enough creativity to make up a million gods but can't even think of any creative insults.
simple becoz none of the mentioned country is bhayya.
Nepal,Bd,Srilanka r all nonbhayya countries.
While despite claiming otherwise Pakistan is,,n hence our bhayyas consider it thr own.
As far as Pakistanis claiming,,dont look similar,different different,,,well,perhaps u shud ask other nonbhayya people of this world.:D

"Bhayya" most non "Bhayya" people like me can recognise "Indians and Pakistanis" from a mile.
Remember, you said "Other non-bhayya" people of this world. And not Europeans or Americans. Which that's what sick racially motivated mind of yours was really meaning to say.
Therefore, me as a "Pushtoon" is a non-bhayya. I can recognise An Indian from miles away compared to my Pakistani brothers and sisters.
For example Indian girls would mostly be "darker" less attractive, more bound to substitute their "less attractiveness" with revealing clothes. Compare to that when you see fair skinned like "Red Roses" girls in the UK streets, some supporting Head Scarfs, you know you are looking at a Pakistani pretty. :lol: Unless it is a "Sikh" girl, which once again are a different race, more aligned with Punjabis of Pakistan than rest of India.
Face the fact, Most Indians, except "Sikhs" do not look anything remotely like most Pakistanis.
Why not Sri Lanka which is racially similar to South India?

A bit of an inaccuracy there.. Only 20% of Sri Lankans are of Dravidian origin (Tamils and Tamil Muslims) 70% are (Sinhalese) genetically more closer to Bengali and Gujarati origins, Rest have Middle Eastern/North African (Moors), South East Asian (Malays) and Dutch (Burgher) roots.. Sure majority have a darker complexion living under the tropical sun for 3 millennia.. But majority of Sri Lankans are definitely not racially closer to South Indians than they are to other parts of the world
We are so deep into our respective narratives as two nations that it is hard to specify what lead to what. All I know is that there are no evil/peaceful countries, there are just upswings and down turns in a nation's path to prosperity.
Smart choices/compromises are a necessity to eventually become a behemoth and dictate terms (if that's your thing).
We are a part of a much smarter world, where warfare seems to become more and more irrelevant by the day. Competition though, is more relevant than ever.
IMHO, I think Pakistan's chief dilemma is this - Kashmir vs every other prosperity metric.
The sad part is that Pakistan will have to yield eventually and focus on the other metrics, just as the arab world had to in case of the Israel/Palestine conflict. An emotional drive against sustenance is a losing battle. By the time you realise that it's not worth spending precious resources on, you'd be further back as there is an opportunity cost here (India has the same problem but its magnitude obviously is lesser in terms of the overall impact on growth, we have other issues to deal with).
Imran Khan may not have the economic acumen, he is got the right philosophy of knowing that the economy comes first, the K-cause a second.
What you advocate is very rational and anyone outside the bubble would agree that in order to progress certain sacrifices may have to be made and certain bitter pills swallowed.
Personally, I came to this conclusion a long time ago and I think many Pakistanis would think the same.
However, the burden of history may not allow this option to be exercised for the reason that this dispute, for Pakistan, is not wholly about territory, it is about people. We, the Pakistani people cannot abandon the Kashmiri people, people who speak the same language as us, follow the same religion as we follow, who are buried draped in our flags. Who right from the off were never happy to be Indian, who were promised a choice not just by the world in the form of the UN but by Nehru and India which has, as we all know, has been denied to them through political chicanery.
We as a nation would never be able to look ourselves in the mirror. It would be akin to selling your own child for a few dollars.
The Arabs abandoned the Palestinians because in the end it became the only way to save their sorry dictatorships. Their lack of popular support left them no way out except to compromise with those who are propping up their dictatorships or be picked off one by one à la Libya, Iraq, Syria.
Pakistan has the opposite problem. No Pakistani government would get away with abandoning the Kashmiri people against their will, there would be civil war.
The tragedy is that this government came in with the express intention of sorting this problem out once and for all and was, IMO, willing and able to make the necessary compromises to achieve peace and progress, only to be rebuffed in it's efforts. It was IMO a grave miscalculation and misreading of IKs intentions by the Indians and an opportunity lost.
It is to be hoped that strong and wise people on both sides will see each others constraints and be able to compromise with dignity, to the satisfaction of the Kashmiri people, for the betterment of all of the people of the Subcontinent.
The alternative is more of the same and that will be to the detriment of both countries.
Thanks for having a sane discussion rather than the usual ranting and boasting we've come to expect from Indian posters.
What you advocate is very rational and anyone outside the bubble would agree that in order to progress certain sacrifices may have to be made and certain bitter pills swallowed.
Personally, I came to this conclusion a long time ago and I think many Pakistanis would think the same.
However, the burden of history may not allow this option to be exercised for the reason that this dispute, for Pakistan, is not wholly about territory, it is about people. We, the Pakistani people cannot abandon the Kashmiri people, people who speak the same language as us, follow the same religion as we follow, who are buried draped in our flags. Who right from the off were never happy to be Indian, who were promised a choice not just by the world in the form of the UN but by Nehru and India which has, as we all know, has been denied to them through political chicanery.
We as a nation would never be able to look ourselves in the mirror. It would be akin to selling your own child for a few dollars.
The Arabs abandoned the Palestinians because in the end it became the only way to save their sorry dictatorships. Their lack of popular support left them no way out except to compromise with those who are propping up their dictatorships or be picked off one by one à la Libya, Iraq, Syria.
Pakistan has the opposite problem. No Pakistani government would get away with abandoning the Kashmiri people against their will, there would be civil war.
The tragedy is that this government came in with the express intention of sorting this problem out once and for all and was, IMO, willing and able to make the necessary compromises to achieve peace and progress, only to be rebuffed in it's efforts. It was IMO a grave miscalculation and misreading of IKs intentions by the Indians and an opportunity lost.
It is to be hoped that strong and wise people on both sides will see each others constraints and be able to compromise with dignity, to the satisfaction of the Kashmiri people, for the betterment of all of the people of the Subcontinent.
The alternative is more of the same and that will be to the detriment of both countries.
Thanks for having a sane discussion rather than the usual ranting and boasting we've come to expect from Indian posters.

Fully agree. A very articulate and rational post.
Oh the truth,, thanks.
How about telling chinese about the truth about human embryos,dogs,rhino horns or shrak fins for a change.
Perhaps the stuff raised ur appetite but,,,,mind it
Yea sure... I will, maybe in time. For now I am educating you about cow urine. :D
OK, so you don't. Got it.

Probably your most same post yet.

So buy the book. It is written in 1990.

Nice to see guys with Down Syndrome volunteering to help you out.

Which has been debunked since around 2017/18:


We are so deep into our respective narratives as two nations that it is hard to specify what lead to what. All I know is that there are no evil/peaceful countries, there are just upswings and down turns in a nation's path to prosperity.
Smart choices/compromises are a necessity to eventually become a behemoth and dictate terms (if that's your thing).
We are a part of a much smarter world, where warfare seems to become more and more irrelevant by the day. Competition though, is more relevant than ever.
IMHO, I think Pakistan's chief dilemma is this - Kashmir vs every other prosperity metric.
The sad part is that Pakistan will have to yield eventually and focus on the other metrics, just as the arab world had to in case of the Israel/Palestine conflict. An emotional drive against sustenance is a losing battle. By the time you realise that it's not worth spending precious resources on, you'd be further back as there is an opportunity cost here (India has the same problem but its magnitude obviously is lesser in terms of the overall impact on growth, we have other issues to deal with).
Imran Khan may not have the economic acumen, he is got the right philosophy of knowing that the economy comes first, the K-cause a second.

Not quite. Pakistan is a way more militarily powerful than the Arab nations and india is phenomenally much weaker than the Israeli/American Zionist nexus so that dichotomy doesn't exist vis-a-vis Pakistan/india.........:azn:
I agree, but we are India centric for a reason. Obviously, the sticking point is Kashmir. If the Indians want a detente that ossifies the status quo then I can understand why Pakistan hasn't accepted. If the Indians had come up with a proposal that would address the Kashmiris grievances then we might not be where we are now.
Looking at this through a purely national interest lens, I think the status quo suits Pakistan in Kashmir. Having 900k troops tied up in a notoriously difficult region to pacify is extraordinarily costly. It massively impacts their defence budget, research and new deployments. It helps Pak stay in touching distance of the enemy.

Trying to resolve the Kashmir situation for any Indian party is potentially political suicide. They don't like the current situation and revoking the special status smacks of desperation.
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Which has been debunked since around 2017/18:


Not quite. Pakistan is a way more militarily powerful than the Arab nations and india is phenomenally much weaker than the Israeli/American Zionist nexus so that dichotomy doesn't exist vis-a-vis Pakistan/india.........:azn:
Read your own link.

This isn't even fun any more, you can't even think of anything outside of my own analogy of a down syndrome kid.

C'mon hindutva, you people have enough creativity to make up a million gods but can't even think of any creative insults.
Still frothing at the mouth eh? Calm down.
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