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Why do India celebrate 'Vijay Diwas' on 16th December?

My point is not that.

The article says Vijay Diwas is celebrated every year to commemorate India's victory over Pakistan in the 1971 war that led to the creation of Bangladesh.

Don't you think it should be Bangladesh's victory over Pakistan?
There was no war between Bangladesh and Pakistan in 1971 since there was no Bangladesh at this time. The formal declaration of war happened between India and Pakistan in which Pakistan was defeated. Pakistani army signed instrument of surrender to Indian Army and Pakistani soldiers were taken POW by the Indian Army. Pakistani PM of that time then met the Indian PM and signed the Simla Agreement. I guess that makes it allright for India to celebrate this as the victory day. Bangladesh probably should term it more as a independence day or foundation day. Victory day is fine too though :)
My point is not that.

The article says Vijay Diwas is celebrated every year to commemorate India's victory over Pakistan in the 1971 war that led to the creation of Bangladesh.

Don't you think it should be Bangladesh's victory over Pakistan?
no, this is because it was a war between Pakistani army Vs Indian army and Bangladeshi civilians. On 16th december, the leader of Pakistan Army surrendered before Indian Army. Technically, it was the victory of Indian Army in the war where as Bangladeshi civilians got Independence.
[/QUOTE]There was no war between Bangladesh and Pakistan in 1971 since there was no Bangladesh at this time. The formal declaration of war happened between India and Pakistan in which Pakistan was defeated. Pakistani army signed instrument of surrender to Indian Army and Pakistani soldiers were taken POW by the Indian Army. Pakistani PM of that time then met the Indian PM and signed the Simla Agreement. I guess that makes it allright for India to celebrate this as the victory day. Bangladesh probably should term it more as a independence day or foundation day. Victory day is fine too though [/QUOTE]
I dont understand one thing why is he so offended by something he should be proud of?
Let me ask something how many Mukthi went to war in the western front?
Silly and ridiculous
But if you say it in Bangladesh , most people will get deeply offended and hurt by such statement. Victory Day is a very emotional part for all Bangladeshis. People don't want to give away major credit to India or any other nation for independence. Its very own victory over another nation. Here India's role in 1971 is seen as supportive role. If you say its Indo-Pak war Bangladeshis will get offended very deeply.

The fact is ... in India people dont care about Vijay/Bijoy divas and as a nation we don't celebrate it either ... 16th Dec'2013 is like any other normal working day ... all the govt. and private offices, banks and financial markets function like normal ... having said that ... vijay divas is celebrated by Indian Army in remembrance of the fallen soldiers who help us achieve this phenomenally unparalleled victory by any army in the history of modern warfare.... very much like they celebrate the success achieved during the Kargil conflict

Let me enlighten you on a point or two

Please note that this is the data for Bangladesh Liberation War,
it does not include the no.s for the western front though it was also very critical because it weakened the pakistani establishment and left the eastern front defenseless and on the mercy of Indian Armed Forces and Mukti Bahini ( the Pakistani Strategy was "the defense of East Pakistan lies in the defense of West Pakistan" here is the link for that Evolution of Pakistan Eastern Command plan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)... nevertheless .... here are some facts:

  • Strength of Indian Armed Forces: 250000
  • Strength of Bangladesh Forces: 175000
  • Indian soldiers killed in action: 1426
  • It was India which opened the borders and provided shelter to the majority of the refugees
  • It was the only war where India used all its three arms (Army, Navy and Airforce) of the defense establishment
  • It was India which took the risk of a Chinese and US invasion
  • It was Indian Army which provided training and arms to the Mukti Bahini
  • It was the Indian army to which the Pakistani Army surrendered
  • It was Indira Gandhi who went on a diplomatic mission to all influential countries to sensitize them of the atrocities done in Bangladesh
  • It was India which was the first country to recognize Bangladesh as an independent nation and sent missions to persuade the international community to do the same
  • It was India which brought Pakistan on its knees to sign the Shimla Agreement and recognize you as a sovereign and independent state ... after the drama by Bhutto in the Security Council of United Nations in which he categorically said that he's not going to accept Bangladesh as a sovereign and independent State
"supportive" is a wrong word to describe India's contribution to your struggle for independence ... every Aspect of your so called "Bijoy Dibas" has India return on all over it ..... and its really very ungrateful and perfidious of Bangladeshis to take offence to that ..... India deserves more than just credit .... in the end it is your decision what you want to teach your future generations..... you can either tell them the truth or feed them lies like Pakistan .... and bear the consequences also like Pakistan ......
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You are dead right! Its India's Victory...on the backdrop of Bengali Ghaddari to their motherland:coffee:
grow up moron,get a life for you. If you want another war against India. we will make balochistan liberation. :pakistan:
I dont understand one thing why is he so offended by something he should be proud of?
Let me ask something how many Mukthi went to war in the western front?
Silly and ridiculous

:P yeh how dare Bangladeshis claim credit when these were Indian State actors
Okay guys. Peace.
Enjoy this Bangla song now. :smitten:

Hi dude,

Is there anything wrong in celebrating a friends success. Especially if you have put in some efforts in it. Grow up, the celebration is to commemorate the lives sacrificed by brave soldiers across the border to defeat the cruel devils who were on a genocidal rampage. It was a victory of democracy over army rule....hence you can see both India and Bangladesh have been thriving without any military coup. Wish you a very happy "Bijoy Dibosh".
India celebrates Vijay Diwas






With better relationships with Pakistan( now not the time) then Vijay Diwas celebrations can be dropped. If ****-India relationship continue as at present,then Vijay Diwas can continue.
With better relationships with Pakistan( now not the time) then Vijay Diwas celebrations can be dropped. If ****-India relationship continue as at present,then Vijay Diwas can continue.

It will always continue. It was independent India's biggest and most comprehensive military victory. Unless there is an even bigger victory in future with even bigger consequence, that day will continue to be celerated as vijay diwas.

Better relations with germany doesn't prevent russia from holding the victory day parade in Moscov every year on the anniversary of the fall of berlin. Many european countries and even far flung places like new zealand and australia still commemorate the vicotries of WW-1.
Common public in India does not celebrate or enjoy or even knows that 16 Dec is important day.....

So Bangladeshis dont worry.... enjoy and celebrate ur freedom day,,,
But if you say it in Bangladesh , most people will get deeply offended and hurt by such statement. Victory Day is a very emotional part for all Bangladeshis. People don't want to give away major credit to India or any other nation for independence. Its very own victory over another nation. Here India's role in 1971 is seen as supportive role. If you say its Indo-Pak war Bangladeshis will get offended very deeply.
I would like to point out that this celebration is entirely restricted to the Army circles and is not a civilian celebration.I bet most Indians don't even know what is today's significance.:agree:
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