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Why do Bangladeshis have Inferiority Complex against Pakistanis?

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Bangladesh is a independent country, it rejected India in 1947 and again rejected rest of what remained of India in 1971. Bangladeshis always think, they are better than rest of Indians and could do it all alone.

You got it??? I hope so.

Thread reported along with Banana and Monkey.


You always like this or like this always

its not a philosophy class, its defence forum
even if 1000 Budha, Christ or Shiva take avatar, people who disciminate others will never change and you and the person who thanked you are in the list of people whom the God himself has lost faith in.
You have been tought the wrong ideology at home," if I can do it any one can do it, and if any one can do it I can do it " is the thing that is taught to us as moral.
So what ever Indians can do, BD people can also do it, and vise versa

Its looks good on paper, but in reality its very much different.
ohhhh again sonar bangla thread? :D man they are super just admit it as soon as you admit you can sleep with relax brain otherwise they will never let you go of-line;)
ok let me explain . one of the greatest and amazing thing happen on planet earth was bangladesh .its changed position of whole galaxy. after its happen to south asia poor pakistanis and indians have grwon hope of better future . world hope for peace .UNO has shortage of solders they get S-300 solders type greatest men on earth .i can say world is changed totally . a unlucky country pakistan lose that land of gold and diamond and still crying on it . every month thousands of pakistanis apply visa to move back on old great bangla but failed .only few lucky gone back and enjoyed paradise .:lol:
ok let me explain . one of the greatest and amazing thing happen on planet earth was bangladesh .its changed position of whole galaxy. after its happen to south asia poor pakistanis and indians have grwon hope of better future . world hope for peace .UNO has shortage of solders they get S-300 solders type greatest men on earth .i can say world is changed totally . a unlucky country pakistan lose that land of gold and diamond and still crying on it . every month thousands of pakistanis apply visa to move back on old great bangla but failed .only few lucky gone back and enjoyed paradise .:lol:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Bangladesh people in this forum are always complaining,and shouting,

"Leave Us Alone,Indians"


Just export more clothes to EU and USA, and practice Cricket.
Your country will be fine.
Posting from another Forum written by a Bangladeshi:

Bangladeshis Feel they are the Number 2 in South Asia but never get the Respect because India and Pakistan Look Down upon BD.

What has BD done to get the Respect?

They try to act like Cheap Attention Seekers. Look at the Recent Hacking of Indian Sites, Boycott of Indian Goods and TV to get Indian Public Attention.

Bangladeshis feel like number 2? You guys aint saints with your poverty and terrorism.

Respect? No religious tension, Poverty reduction, Un peacekeeping.....

The hacking were done by kids, the boycott was done to gain votes from disgruntled bangladeshis.

PS: pathetic trolling attempts by the OP
Bangladeshis feel like number 2? You guys aint saints with your poverty and terrorism.

Respect? No religious tension, Poverty reduction, Un peacekeeping.....

The hacking were done by kids, the boycott was done to gain votes from disgruntled bangladeshis.

PS: pathetic trolling attempts by the OP
all most all of the Indians held a sympathetic view towards Bangladesh, before coming to this forum....but Bangladeshis (not all but people like Munshi ,AL zakir,idune and a few others) with their useless rants have successfully managed to make us BD haters.
Bangladeshis feel like number 2? You guys aint saints with your poverty and terrorism.

Respect? No religious tension, Poverty reduction, Un peacekeeping.....

The hacking were done by kids, the boycott was done to gain votes from disgruntled bangladeshis.

PS: pathetic trolling attempts by the OP

what about your countrymen who troll, curse and bash India In every thread. 99% thread in BD section turns Into anti india thread. You blame every thing to AL and blame India accussing AL is puppet of India. I control myself from trolling more because you and apoclypse but it has limit. We never curse you if not initiated drom your side. Tell me thatHow many Indian create anti-bd or bash bd thread? But bangladeshi are opposite and every thread is India centric.
For South Asia and the world its still all about Pakistan, "Pakistan's role in Afghanistan", "Pakistan's dispute in Kashmir", "Pakistan fight the Soviets", "Pakistan supporting the Taliban" ,"Pakistan's Intelligence agency", Then its "Pakistan's nuclear weapons progamme", "Pakistan and China", "Pakistan and India, "Pakistan and US", "Pakistani spies" Its still all about Pakistan and its like a broken record!

Damn from where get all these points I never thought of this, are you tryin to portray Pakistan as naughty .

Ya our elders did made mistakes thats y we dont have Bangladesh today but relationship between Pak and BG are becoming good. People on both side of borders have respect and magnanimity for each other. Best example I can give is of recent cricket World Cup the support given by Srilanka and Bangladesh was outstanding. And its BD who is visiting Pakistan since Srilanka cricket visit incident.

But Pak-China kind of relationship will not be attained until Sheikh 'Hasina' is the leader of BD
all most all of the Indians held a sympathetic view towards Bangladesh, before coming to this forum....but Bangladeshis (not all but people like Munshi ,AL zakir,idune and a few others) with their useless rants have successfully managed to make us BD haters.

Like as if i give a damn whether you have a sympathetic view of us or not.

Hate us? Fine no problem. But why create stupid and baseless thread that you guys just farted up?
Seems like troll thread, Bangladesh was formed in 1971 , despite that they done better than India and Pakistan in many areas ,specifically health.
I think Banglabadhu just duped the Bangladeshis.They thought that West Pakistan was stealing all their jute and after independence they would become 1st world country with trillion dollar economy and land of honey and milk by exporting that jute.
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