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Why do Bangladeshis have Inferiority Complex against Pakistanis?

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ok let me explain . one of the greatest and amazing thing happen on planet earth was bangladesh .its changed position of whole galaxy. after its happen to south asia poor pakistanis and indians have grwon hope of better future . world hope for peace .UNO has shortage of solders they get S-300 solders type greatest men on earth .i can say world is changed totally . a unlucky country pakistan lose that land of gold and diamond and still crying on it . every month thousands of pakistanis apply visa to move back on old great bangla but failed .only few lucky gone back and enjoyed paradise .:lol:

please yaar, dont say things like that, what if Pakistan was in their place and they make fun of us like u and indians r, would you like that?

always put urself in others shoes b4 saying such nonsense.
ok i read upto page 5 )replied a few) and wondering how come i still see it upto page 14+, must be a lot of anti-BD, anti-IND, anti-PAK rhetoric's.
I would like to say to all-
Lets not compete on how bad we are, lets compare what we can do for each other. Lets not compete on what we can do to destroy each other in how many ways, lets race to what we can build together (or in by ourselves like space, alternate energy source).
I think if we can except this simple thing, we can live in peace together.
A greater union in South Asia means no more outsiders can dictate to us what we can do or can not do, rather we can dictate it. We still doesn't have a veto power in UNSC.

P.S. No one in Bangladesh forgot or will ever forget what India or Pakistan have done to us/for us.

And please Mod close this thread.
Thank You
yes yes but more then blow up daily die in hunger and live in dirtiest place on earth ? may i show you ? in your country people die in hunger and poverty in 1 month equal to Pakistanis die in terror in a year .

just look you shitty capital our junkyard ship breaking GIDANI id same like your capital .

dude, stop bashing bangladesh 4 nothing, they didn't comment bad about Pakistan until you started making jokes about them.

you complain about west and arabs making fun of us and mocking us, but here you lot are doing the exact same thing to bangladeshis. :angry:

shame, shame, shame.

To bangali friends, ignore there posts and just report them, they dont represent the mindset of majority of Pakistanis towards bangladesh, 99.99% Pakistanis dont care about bangladesh and want nothing to do with it (goo or bad), meaning we don't hate nor love bangladesh, we want nothing to do with bangladesh affairs. We have our own problems to take care of.
Hmmm i read all the comment here ..
I will sue all of you for wasting my valuable time
yes yes but more then blow up daily die in hunger and live in dirtiest place on earth ? may i show you ? in your country people die in hunger and poverty in 1 month equal to Pakistanis die in terror in a year .

just look you shitty capital our junkyard ship breaking GIDANI id same like your capital .

recent pictures ive seen of Dhaka seem to portray is as looking much more clean and organized now -- i dont know about rest of Bangladesh or india -- but im still fairly confident that on a broader scale Pakistanis are still best off in terms of standard of living

but we also have poverty in our country and we have hunger......all South Asian countries need to crush corruption and place more emphasis and appreciate the benefits of good education and good public services for the PEOPLE
I respected few posters before reading their comments on this thread which is based on a comments of one Bangladeshi out of 163 millions and is also an unknown person. :tdown:
I only know one actor from Pakistan Umar Sharif and watched his one movie where he was some Police spy acting like Charlie Chaplin and landlord of his village killed his father by spraying some Deodorant or Room freshner which attracted hungry Dogs to his father and in the last of the movie he also killed the villain in same way.

Umar Sharif is a good actor but Moin Akhtar was a whole different class. A legend indeed. :)
, 1.That report by Banana is itself a banana. These sorts of reports/disinfo/misinfo are manufactured and put in the media from time to time by mischief mongers out to create differences between BD and other Muslim states. These are also aimed at trying to demoralize and confuse us. We are aware of these, and we don't care.

2. Regarding Pakistan it should be understood that the project called Pakistan was born in Dhaka with the birth of Muslim League. One of our eminent sons, A K Fazlul Huq, then Premier of United Bengal, had moved the Pakistan Resolution in Lahore. Huq was bestowed with the title "Sher e Bangla" not by us but by the people of Lahore.

3.Our vision of Pakistan was born out of our fear that the Muslims of SA faced extermination/ethnic cleansing at the hands of the Hindus. Our dream saw Muslims living peaceful life and practicing their faith without any hindrance in the Western zone and the Eastern zone. Hyderbad was also included because culturally it was very much pro-Muslim.

4. We mince no words in accusing the perpetrators of killings and atrocities in 1971. Pakistani intellectuals and upright leaders like Air Marshal Asghar Khan also add voice with us. We demand compensation and division of assets. There is no secret about these.

5. However, a Muslim always stands by his brother in distress. This is something quite different and should not be confused with 1971. When Jihad was declared against the Soviets and later in the Kashmir Jihad our youth had joined in spontaneously and in droves. After the Afghans and the Pakistanis we were the largest contingent - even bigger than the Arabs. These ordinary youth responded to the call of Jihad, traveled to Pakistan mostly by land route and without documentation, fought for the cause of Islam without salary, pension, award, etc. The very fact that a man could participate in Jihad was the prize enough.

5. Bengalees by nature are soft spoken, shy and gentle. We go out of the way to be hospitable and agreeable to a guest. That should not give any wrong signals as we proved in 1971, against Gen Maam Singh, Maratha raider Vashkar Pandit, etc. BD is a nation of Bengalee Muslims surrounded by unhappy Indian states where Muslims may have crossed the 50% mark by the grace of Allah SWT.
Going to leave this Racist forum. its disgusting.. A senior member with thousands of posts trolls....Shame.
all most all of the Indians held a sympathetic view towards Bangladesh, before coming to this forum....but Bangladeshis (not all but people like Munshi ,AL zakir,idune and a few others) with their useless rants have successfully managed to make us BD haters.

Yeah I thought BD is our friendly nation but PDF changed everything. No more mercy just deport BD refugee scumbags frm India if BD is not willing to accept them just kill those people and throw into bay of bengal.

one day before joining PDF If I knew that BSF killing so many people than I would be mad on BSF but after seeing bangladeshi member comment. I thinks that our enemy is killed in border not any civilian.

Yaar bangladeshis on this forum are a very small and baised sample set.Don't generalise bangladeshis on this basis.And add lightning fighter, asad71 and captain planet to that list of yours. basis.

Mods, please do the needy.

Why the fck this trhead still alive?/ And those Indian kids .. the attention seeker??? Who is facing inferiority complexity here Imran Khan or Banana or those monkeys with a banana.

yes bro im with u THIS THREAD SHOULD BE CLOSED IMMEDIATELY . We all are dummies fighting on pathetic thread

6 pages are already acquired to put nonsense

And please Mod close this thread.
Thank You

Man mods have given up on bangladeshi defence section.I have rarely seen a thread getting closed here.Seems like they too consider it as joke section.The only thread that was closed here was one in which some doctor threatened to track down farhan and hang him from his balls.
3.Our vision of Pakistan was born out of our fear that the Muslims of SA faced extermination/ethnic cleansing at the hands of the Hindus. Our dream saw Muslims living peaceful life and practicing their faith without any hindrance in the Western zone and the Eastern zone. Hyderbad was also included because culturally it was very much pro-Muslim.

I am from Hyderabad and nobody except Qasim Rizvi and the Nizam aka the Mayor of Hyderabad City (not Hyderabad State) share the fantasy you are talking about.
Thank you Asad.

I think those who know history well know that Bengalis were a formidable force during the days leading up to the Pakistani peoples' revolution.

cant change the past; but lets work to correct whatever mistakes were made (largely by the government) through cooperation.

its unfortunate, though -- that your current leader seems to hold grudges and do india's bidding. It isnt Pakistanis waging violence on Bengali people now or encroaching on their land
i love bengali people/food bt they need to stop being mexico of south asia
Ok, this is to fellow Bangladeshi's here, what are we doing here in this forum, taking this insult? I am new here, although I had reservations about coming to a Pakistani forum. All of us who participate, in a way help the Pakistani cause and show our friendship to them, that we have gotten over our past and moved on. But this is what we get in return?

This post is only for fellow Bangladeshi's, anyone from other countries, please don't bother to reply.

Note, the racism that we faced when Pakistan was formed, from Hindustani Muslims and Muslims of the Western wing, has not gone away and will not go away. They hate us because of our Australoid features and they make fun of it. I have intentionally made my name kalu_miah to pull their leg and see how they feel when they see a Bangladeshi user with a name like kalu_miah.

It is disgraceful that we have to be here after the open hatred and insults that were hurled at our people and nothing is done by the mods to censure these users.

But there might be another issue here. Some among the Pakistani's might be doing it intentionally, because they want to silence our voice in this forum and make us go away. For good or bad, this is a high traffic forum. May be because of strategic importance of Pakistan, may be because Pakistan is terror central, but one cannot dispute the fact, that there are many people here from many different countries. Your thoughts please.
one thing i know , by the time i reach the end of this thread , most people will be having infractions
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