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Why did not a single country back India when forced to surrender Galwan Valley?

Read with your eyes open? Who was Abdul Kalam and who is Subramanian Swamy?
Abdul Kalam wrote a book about how India can be a superpower. Lol @ Subramaniam Swamy - he is not even a Minister or a Spokesperson for the Government. So, where has India declared itself a superpower?

So you are contend to just lie through life?
Lie about what?
Then-BJP President Amit Shah seconded this statement shortly thereafter prior to it being reiterated by Modi’s Minister of State in September when he promised his people that India is on the “verge of being a superpower”.
Verge? That's not the same, is it? Pakistan has been on the verge of getting to Srinagar for 70 years, no? Big difference.
because everyone just takes a selfie with a dead Elephant, no body wants to dispose of the rotten body ..

if you know what i mean
Verge? That's not the same, is it? Pakistan has been on the verge of getting to Srinagar for 70 years, no? Big difference.

You people do believe in it, and if Indians don't why behave in a way...

‘Super Poor’ India Dreams of Becoming ‘SuperPower’
India dreams to become a super power. But lack of basic facilities to 1.3 billion people is an imminent challenge that should be focused.

Andrew Korybko
February 19, 2020


Superpower 2020”?
Indians entered the current decade with bated breath, having been indoctrinated since shortly before the turn of the century with the completely false expectation that their country would finally become a “superpower” by 2020. They didn’t know exactly what this would mean in practice, but it sounded prestigious enough and was a welcome distraction from the abject poverty that marks many of their lives.

After all, Prime Minister Modi told them last March that they were now a “space superpower” after successfully conducting an anti-satellite missile test. He then declared less than a month later ahead of the parliamentary elections in May of that year that only he could fulfill India’s “superpower” dreams.

The US recently reclassified India as a “developed economy” ahead of Trump’s visit to the country later this month where he’s expected to sign major military and trade deals with America’s new strategic partner

Then-BJP President Amit Shah seconded this statement shortly thereafter prior to it being reiterated by Modi’s Minister of State in September when he promised his people that India is on the “verge of being a superpower”. Once again, nobody ever really explained what being a “superpower” entailed, but the hyper-nationalist population wanted so desperately for the rest of the world to recognize them as one anyhow.

An Epic Disappointment Decades In The Making
That was why it was a disappointment of epic proportions for them that India entered 2020 without becoming the envy of the world like they falsely expected. The popular Indian online news site Scroll.in published a powerful piece at the time titled “India Superpower 2020: Tracing the brief history of a spectacularly incorrect prediction”, which touched upon the 1998 origin of the “superpower 2020” prediction and then explained its viral evolution across the proceeding years to the point where it basically became the country’s unofficial slogan over the last decade.

Also.... Hahaahahhaha. Where he said in the 21st century India should become a superpower not just in economy but also in sport. Where did he claim India IS a superpower? Come on, trawl and crawl all over. There must be somewhere you can find it.

You people do believe in it, and if Indians don't why behave in a way...

‘Super Poor’ India Dreams of Becoming ‘SuperPower’
India dreams to become a super power. But lack of basic facilities to 1.3 billion people is an imminent challenge that should be focused.

Andrew Korybko
February 19, 2020


Superpower 2020”?
Indians entered the current decade with bated breath, having been indoctrinated since shortly before the turn of the century with the completely false expectation that their country would finally become a “superpower” by 2020. They didn’t know exactly what this would mean in practice, but it sounded prestigious enough and was a welcome distraction from the abject poverty that marks many of their lives.

After all, Prime Minister Modi told them last March that they were now a “space superpower” after successfully conducting an anti-satellite missile test. He then declared less than a month later ahead of the parliamentary elections in May of that year that only he could fulfill India’s “superpower” dreams.

The US recently reclassified India as a “developed economy” ahead of Trump’s visit to the country later this month where he’s expected to sign major military and trade deals with America’s new strategic partner

Then-BJP President Amit Shah seconded this statement shortly thereafter prior to it being reiterated by Modi’s Minister of State in September when he promised his people that India is on the “verge of being a superpower”. Once again, nobody ever really explained what being a “superpower” entailed, but the hyper-nationalist population wanted so desperately for the rest of the world to recognize them as one anyhow.

An Epic Disappointment Decades In The Making
That was why it was a disappointment of epic proportions for them that India entered 2020 without becoming the envy of the world like they falsely expected. The popular Indian online news site Scroll.in published a powerful piece at the time titled “India Superpower 2020: Tracing the brief history of a spectacularly incorrect prediction”, which touched upon the 1998 origin of the “superpower 2020” prediction and then explained its viral evolution across the proceeding years to the point where it basically became the country’s unofficial slogan over the last decade.

Nothing wrong in dreaming or aspiring.
How has India ended up so isolated?

This is what they used to say about Pakistan not getting any foreign help in a conflict but how have they ended up in that same situation themselves?

I found Indians clutching straws desperately over the last couple of months looking for some pro-Indian articles from Western media but none came. When some random articles came here and there, by then Indian Government had already renegged it's claim on the surrendered territory.

Also notice, how Russia did not approve the military spares until after India surrendered.
Other countries have their own problems to deal with. India is for them to be used when it suits them. They only provided India lip service. If China decide to start a war with India the world will not care.
Russia will entice them to buy more weapons and US will use this as an opportunity for their own gains only.

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