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Why did not a single country back India when forced to surrender Galwan Valley?


How is it in their interests or in Indian minorities interests to support a hindutva extremist India?

It's more in their interests that China gives India a beating and puts India in its place

Frankly the entire region including Indian minorities are tired of India
That is internal matter of india that will be solved by indian citizens .
Lol go read your real history ,
You people surrendered infront of every invader , you are even ashamed of accepting your forefathers , your tormentors who made you to surrender before them are your heroes .
We kept fighting hundreds of years and finally freed india . But we respect all our citizens muslims and hindus alike , but we we dont glorify our attackers .they are not our heroes.

LoL, my little indian friend, our forefathers converted to the light, but india was very willing to bend over to receive her price, she was abused so many times and allowed all to join the party.
When did India claim to be Superpower?

Why hasn't it?

Why can't you be superpower? Even when you have contained China in 2 weeks people don't want to be called super power. That's racism i tell ya
LoL, my little indian friend, our forefathers converted to the light, but india was very willing to bend over to receive her price, she was abused so many times and allowed all to join the party.
You people even are ashamed of mention of your ancestors , but very proud of your invaders and perpetrators of history .
You are suffering from stockholm syndrome , patient starts praising his tormentors .
Why hasn't it?

Why can't you be superpower? Even when you have contained China in 2 weeks people don't want to be called super power. That's racism i tell ya
What's the big deal about containing China?
We have never claimed to be a super power. If you wish to project your insecurities, that's fine. Play the racism card. Play the damsel in distress. Play any card from the deck.
You are suffering from stockholm syndrome , patient starts praising his tormentors .

Why so angry my little indian friend, india was gangbanged for a thousand years and enjoyed it.
Of course, but since cheerleaders think they could mince meat of us, what do you think of their meak behavior of just capturing 60 sq km of joint patrolling land and left out 115000 sqkms of land they claim still in our possession?
Do you have comprehension disability? Read again what I wrote. And in WWE when 2 wrestlers are teamed up against the opponent 2,it is not called cheerleader. Pakistan thrashed you last year February and now our Chinese partners did. I don't know who is Bharti partner but whoever it is ranaway after the slamming bhart got.

60 km of joint patrolling. Stop making propaganda out of your rear. China have rejected all your requests. While Chinese construction is seen continue on the liberated lands, India plans of any construction were stopped by China. China went in 64sq km and went back 4sqkm and the half of that 4sqkm is decided to be patrolled jointly. Not the entire 64sqkm. Your main siachen supply route is now under Chinese monitoring and can be cutoff at the will of China. Your own defense analysts and members of parliament crying about that including your puppets from ladakh. Your surrender modhi have exposed n@ked your bhart mata in front of the world twice now. World have understood that bhart mata is only good for milking but not good for fighting. Now keep buying the weapons so that this milking of bhart mata continues.
No Bhakt clapped on. We are not 20 year olds to seek revenge in blood for blood. That shit suit Pakistanis not us. Also how do you know that there weren't just as many Chinese killed on that night?

We will get back at them in our own way and not risk our own soldiers lives when we know clearly we are at a disadvantage with respect to economics and firepower.

Modi did the right thing (even if he lied) by dissuading the situation which was baying for Chinese blood which was only going to turn the things worse for India when it was already reeling from Pandemic.

Modi is smart. He is going to use these events to his advantage and that of India. He'll show this as Chinese agression on India and firmly get India into western camp which was suffering from 'non aligned' idiocy till yesterday. Sometimes you need to take a hit and be silent about it just like China did 1967.
Ofcourse ofcourse,,,, like I said, bravely taking it up our behinds n being silent has been the policy of Bharat since milleniums,,,hence the relentless subjugation by foreign forces.
N bhakts r clapping on,,defending the undefendable,,burying thr head n honor,,for them some party n politician r greater thn country.
N true, we definitely r not 20yrs old to seek revenge in blood like men,,, we acted within our aukaat like 8yr old girls by banning mobile apps in retaliation.
Btw,by disadvantaged with respect to economics n firepower,,,, r u implying we r going to be at a better position in future.I don't see tht happening in this century.
I think Militarily we had the advantage initially but lack of political will to act diluted that.
Our men died,,, thr men died too,,,, but they were the agressors occupying our territory. We needed to attach a price for thr naked aggression with kinetic force.
Probably next time right.
Modijee is smart,,he can do no wrong,,,whats more,he lies openly to benefit India,,,, he will definitely find a way.
That is internal matter of india that will be solved by indian citizens .

Oh no, its In all of our interests to solve and as hindutva extremism spreads India becomes a diaster for the region and it's it' people and it must be confronted and again I say all Indian minorities will support the defeat of a India gone hindutva crazy

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