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Why did not a single country back India when forced to surrender Galwan Valley?

Oh no, its In all of our interests to solve and as hindutva extremism spreads India becomes a diaster for the region and it's it' people and it must be confronted and again I say all Indian minorities will support the defeat of a India gone hindutva crazy
You deal with muslim extremism , we will deal with hindu extremism . You are more on the recieving end because of muslim extremism.
Ofcourse ofcourse,,,, like I said, bravely taking it up our behinds n being silent has been the policy of Bharat since milleniums,,,hence the relentless subjugation by foreign forces.
N bhakts r clapping on,,defending the undefendable,,burying thr head n honor,,for them some party n politician r greater thn country.
N true, we definitely r not 20yrs old to seek revenge in blood like men,,, we acted within our aukaat like 8yr old girls by banning mobile apps in retaliation.
Btw,by disadvantaged with respect to economics n firepower,,,, r u implying we r going to be at a better position in future.I don't see tht happening in this century.
I think Militarily we had the advantage initially but lack of political will to act diluted that.
Our men died,,, thr men died too,,,, but they were the agressors occupying our territory. We needed to attach a price for thr naked aggression with kinetic force.
Probably next time right.
Modijee is smart,,he can do no wrong,,,whats more,he lies openly to benefit India,,,, he will definitely find a way.

Calm down. And be coherent in your argument. Mockery is not the reply I was expecting. May be I was expecting too much from you. Let's agree to disagree.
In fact when indian girls bend over for me, they are taken care of.
Lol,,u got to be kidding me.
are u not the same guy who apparently cried like a sissy becoz someone said somthng about having intercourse with girls of ur sect here on pdf,, some time back.
And were leaving pdf becoz of it. Tsk tsk,,,if u can't take it better to stay away frm insulting others.
There is a difference between a superpower and "space superpower". Brazil can be called a "soccer superpower"; Spain can be called a "tennis superpower". When has India called itself a "superpower"? Or is it just your insecurities?
Poor cheerleaders have lost the road now they are confused .
Calm down. And be coherent in your argument. Mockery is not the reply I was expecting. May be I was expecting too much from you. Let's agree to disagree.
I am calm dear.
If u know me, I always write like this.
Did I say something wrong,,,am I incorrect in my observations.
This is not BRF where bhakts congregate n pat each other's back,and everyone must toe the BJP line,,, it's normal to have differing opinions,,, don't u think.
Why so angry my little indian friend, india was gangbanged for a thousand years and enjoyed it.
You shoud read the history again to know from where the banging started.
I am calm dear.
If u know me, I always write like this.
Did I say something wrong,,,am I incorrect in my observations.
This is not BRF where bhakts congregate n pat each other's back,and everyone must toe the BJP line,,, it's normal to have differing opinions,,, don't u think.
Lol. Clutching at straws again. No where does even this article state that India has called itself a superpower.

Then-BJP President Amit Shah seconded this statement shortly thereafter prior to it being reiterated by Modi’s Minister of State in September when he promised his people that India is on the “verge of being a superpower”.
What's the big deal about containing China?
We have never claimed to be a super power. If you wish to project your insecurities, that's fine. Play the racism card. Play the damsel in distress. Play any card from the deck.

So you are contend to just lie through life?

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