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Why did Mullahs oppose creation of Pakistan?

This very complex, yet very very important issue, can be explained through different perspectives. However, one of the simplest ways to understand it, is as follows:

The love of Muhammad.

It was a case of Muhammad vs the Mullah.

Jinnah understood the reality of Muhammad, as did Iqbal before him. Mullahs did not. In fact, Mullahs try to compete with Muhammad, and dare I say, are deeply jealous of Muhammad.

Consider Iqbal's poem Shikwa, and Jawab e Shikwa. In Shikwa, when the Muslim laments and complains before God that he is failing in life, that everything around him stands destroyed, God answers him in Jawab e Shikwa.

The final verse of Jawab e Shikwa that God conveys to man, that really sums up the entire poem, and in fact the entire basis of success, the ultimate solution to the problems that man is facing in the poem, is this. Read it, and read it again:

Kee Muhammad se Wafa Tu ne to hum tere hain
Yeh Jahan Cheez hai kya, Loh o Qalam tere hain.


If you are loyal to Muhammad, I (God) am with you
This world is nothing, the Very Pen and Tablet of Destiny are yours

In this verse, God says that he will give you everything you desire, IF you are sincere and loyal to Muhammad.

This sincerety and loyalty to Muhammad, is hard to understand. However, Jinnah understood this very well. But the average Mullah who sits in his mosque teaching the sounds of Quran to illiterates, does not understand what it means to be loyal to Muhammad PBUH.
Indeed, Lone Wolf, the knowledge of Muhammad is vital to one's life and success.

And this is no exaggeration, but the simple elaboration of the reality of our failure, our dismal failure today as a nation.
I say this again: this is no exaggeration!

Today in Pakistan, the Azan will be blaring from a mosque's loudspeaker, and a beggar will be begging in front of it. People will pass and go to pray in the Mosque, but the beggar will still be there. Look at the mosque's loudspeaker. Then look at the beggar. Then look at the loudspeaker. Then look at the beggar.

The Mullah will say, come to prayer! Rich and poor are satisfied with their lives, beause Islam teaches patience. In an Islamic state, everyone is satisfied with their lives. (This was actually stated by a prominent professor of Islamic studies in Pakistan, a classic Mullah)

But the beggar will still be there in front of the mosque.

The lover of Muhammad will say: I will eliminate the poverty, so the beggar remains no more, but everyone has enough to eat! And then the Azaan will actually look and sound good to the ears.

Mullahs want you to forget Muhammad because they want to be great too, they want you to think that they are great and worthy of praise just like Muhammad. Mullahs want you to glorify them, instead of Muhammad. So out of jealousy, they discourage remembrance, mention, and eulogy of Muhammad, telling you that "Allah is enough, forget Muhammad."

But that is a lie, a great lie they tell, out of great jealousy.

Without Muhammad, your doctrine, your religion, your nation, is like an empty pot that rattles, and then breaks. And that is how you are today as a nation, a broken pot, in tatters. Allah will give you nothing, without Muhammad.

God hears you not, if you do not remember Muhammad. To remember Muhammad means to understand how he wanted you to behave, not just towards your common man, but towards economics, in politics, in leadership, in egalitarianism, in social justice, in the fabric of society, and in international relations.

Kabhi Ay Shakeel Dil Se Na Mitay Kheyal-e-Ahmed
Isi Aarzoo Main Marna Isi Arzoo Main Jeena
Na Kaleem Ka Tassawur Na Khayal-e-Tor-e-Seena
Meri Aarzoo Muhammad(S.A.W.W) Meri Justajoo Madina

Main Gada-e-Mustafa Hon Meri Azmatain Na Pochho
Mujhe Dekh Kr Jahanum Ko Bhi Aa Geya Paseena

Mujhe Dushmanoon Na Chhero Mera Hai koi Jahan Main
Main Abhi Pukaar Lon Ga Nahi Door Hai Madina

Main Mareez-e-Mustafa Hon Mujhe Chhero Na Tabiboo
Meri Zindagi Jo Chaho Mujhe Lay Chalo Madina

Mare Dobanay Main Baqi Na Koi Kassar Rahi Thii
Kaha AlMaded Muhammad(S.A.W.W)Tu Ubhar Geya Safeena

Siwa Is K Mare Dil Main Koi Aarzoo Nahi Hai
Mujhe Maut Bhi Jo Aaye Tu Ho Samaney Madina

Kabhi Ay Shakeel Dil Se Na Mitay Kheyal-e-Ahmed
Isi Aarzoo Main Marna Isi Arzoo Main Jeena
For those who like simple things, here's a nice little list (by no means exhaustive) to illuminate your minds:

Differences between the Mullah, and the Lover of Muhammad:

Mullah likes elitism

Lover of Muhammad likes egalitarianism

Mullah likes accumulation of wealth

Lover of Muhammad likes distribution of wealth

Mullah wants to be rich

Lover of Muhammad is happy to be self sufficient

Mullah does not mind borrowing and debt

Lover of Muhammad hates debt

Mullah has many masters (such as Arab Shaikhs, Goras, etc.)

Lover of Muhammad has one master

Mullah bows before many

Lover of Muhammad bows before one

Mullah hides the reality

Lover of Muhammad explains the reality

(Feel free to add to the list)
Interesting debate, and to find out the causes or at least hypothesize about what may have led to Mullah's opposition to Pakistan,
we MUST study the happenings of 50 years prior to the Pakistan movement and put into context what grievances or insecurities Mullah had with the idea of Pakistan.

I will say about that later, however now that Iqbal is in the forum, I would encourage all to read Iqbal's comments about Sub continent Muslims and the Mullah in Armaghan-d-Hijaz. Which was Iqbal's final and most inspirational work.

Dare I say, Iqbal deeply detested the Mullah character.

I would also like to seed the debate with a view point that the Idea of Pakistan was proposed by Iqbal and that was of a Islamic state, and looking into history it seems to have high jacked by more moderate figures.
It is no doubt that Iqbal and Jinnah both hated the Mullahs.

One of the reasons was that Mullahs want to preach, but not to practice.

Mullahs will be very happy with you if you want to pray 5 times a day, to fast and do Hajj, and perhaps pay a nominal "Zakat" that will end up God knows where, but NOT to practice, because actually practicing it shakes the foundations of their power.

They are happy with the rituals of worship, much like Hindu priests, but are unhappy when the teachings of Muhammad are applied to society. Why? Because it threatens their power, and the power of their masters who pay them to keep the population ignorant.

The entire edifice of power comes crumbling down when power and wealth are shared with the general populace. When egalitarianism is put into play, when the common man is elevated to a moderate level and the elite is relegated to the same level; power and prestige begin to collapse. This is what Mullahs hate. But Muhammad loves equality and egalitarianism.

This is the difference between the Mullah, and Muhammad.

This is the difference, between Najd, and the Hejaz.

It is the power of Hejaz that created Pakistan. Today, it is the influence of Najd that is destroying it.
The creation of Pakistan was the most beautiful event that happened in centuries.

But why did the mullah's oppose it?
To top it off, these are the same mullahs who are running around exploding themselves in the cities of Pakistan.
The question is, why? Are these mullah's anti-national? If so, what should be done about them?

I will answer your querry only for the purpose of debate and information. I will not indulge in any mudslinging.
In my view the arguments put forward by the religious parties of undivided India were based on logical conclusions based on the prevailing situation of the times. You need to understand that just as Mr Nehru changed his stance , in some ways the mullahs also realized the problems to be faced by the muslims in india, and became a part of the movement.
Their objections were as follows:
1)If Pakistan is being demanded in the name of Islam, a natural consequence of this is so that the muslims could lie their lives as muslims in an Islamic state. The leadership of the time(Quaid e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and the muslijm League) do not know the ABC of islam . So how are they going to establish an Islamic state. If on the other hand we want a democracy, what do we gain by dividing the muslims into 2 groups (ie India and Pakistan) when as minority in thew countryforming about 40% of the population and probably casting a block vate, they will alwyas be a power to reckon with in Undivided India.
2) the solution to the division required Pakistan to be formed of Areas of muslim Majority. Most of the literate muslims of India(with the exception Of Lahore ) resided i n areas which were not to form a part of pakistan. In the case of such a division, what will happen to these muslims who may face the wrath of the Hindu population when their numbers would be depleted.
As you can see the arguments were sound and Mr Jinnah did not have any answer to the querry. To be fair even Mr jinnah till 36-37 was hoping for some form of autonomy for Muslims within the frame work of a combined India. it was only the vibes that he got from nehru, that made him realize that this was not going to be possible, and muslims will remain second class citizens in undivided india( an impression whether true or not i still do not know)that made him change his mind. The Mullahs reached the same conclusions and to be fair the support of the muslims from the minority areas of undivided india was instrumental in gaining momentum towards the formation of pakistan. Second factor , which no one knew at the time was Mr jinnah's own health condition which was deteriorating rapidly. he probably realized that without him Muslim league would flounder. This led to a certain urgency on his part and probably left a few loose ends which have festered and led to conflicts with in the region.
Sir Araz:

Please let me know if and when this discussion moves into the 21st century, if you kindly indulge me. :P
I think creation of Pakistan is great for pakistanis but its a blunder for Muslims and Ummah.

jinnah was choosen for fulfilling divine destiny
Muhammad Ali Jinnah's grandfather was a Hindu, as were his ancestors. Jinnah's father was a Ismaili, while Jinnah himself became a Shia Muslim. The name Jinnah did not exist in the family previously. (The circumstances of Jinnah's father becoming a Muslim are very intriguing, but that is a discussion for another time.)

Now the question is this: A man from a Hindu background, becomes a Muslim. Goes against his own previous Hindu community, earns the enmity of the majority of India, fatally damages his health, sacrifices his marriage, estranges his daughter...only to create an imaginary Muslim country called Pakistan. [/B]This man literally sacrificed everything he had for Pakistan. Was he mentally ill? Was Jinnah crazy? What made him do this?

Human nature demands that human beings preserve their interests. The vast wealth of Jinnah's family, his connections to the elite of India, a more than comfortable life, could all be better preserved had he converted back to his ancestors Hindu faith; or at best, remain a nominal Muslim.

What propelled Jinnah to place himself in the greatest geostrategic position, to place himself in the rewarding yet very difficult direct service of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH? This man single-handedly reversed the current of history that had been flowing against the Muslims since the past 500 years.

While Muslim states were being broken up across the Orient, this man created a Muslim state in the face of the dominant trend, against the severest opposition from all sides.

Can someone answer this question? Can someone place himself in his shoes, to understand his motivation?

No descendent of Bahadur Shah Zafar or the Mughals came forth. No scion of any illustrious Muslim family came forth, no descendent of Tipu Sultan, of Shuja Daula, or any Punjabi Muslim landlord, or a Sindhi Muslim, or a Pathan clan leader...none of these could fulfill the spearhead-leadership role performed by the Quaid e Azam. Why was this?

In fact, the classic Mullahs actually opposed Pakistan because of certain motives that we will explain shortly.

Why this polarity? Was the Divine Force trying to tell us something through this interplay of actors?

By 'imaginary' you mean still in the mind then, I presume ?

Which were the Muslim states of the orient that were being ' broken up' back then ?

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