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Why did Mullahs oppose creation of Pakistan?

1. Allama Mashriqi, Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan, G M Syed of Sind, Kitchlew, Punjab CM Khizar Hayat, Dr Zakir Hussain, Maulana Azad, Maulana Maududi and many Muslim leaders and intellectuals had opposed the creation of Pakistan on personal convictions they held. Some argued against Muslim nationalism limited to geographical borders.

2. But the strongest argument was that the division of SA would divide and weaken the Muslims. They feared this was a step towards gradual ethnic cleansing of the Muslims from SA. If we had remained together we would have emerged as the largest community as the Hindus have various division which they hide. Islam is a revolution bound to attract others for its message of equality, love, peace,tolerance and economic justice. Being a superior culture, we had nothing to fear. They contended that the real adversary of the Muslims was not the Hindus but International Christianity who were pulling the strings from behind.

3. The other point that has caught my attention was regarding Jinnah. Born into Punja sub-sub sect of Ismaili sub-sect of the Shia sect, Jinnah was thoroughly Anglicized in his youth spent in England. We must remember he was an exceptionally brilliant man who could pick up things fast. During that period in SA, only two leaders were available with impeccable personal character, honesty and patriotism - Jinnah and Netaji Subash. None other.

4. The transformation in Jinnah began when he came in close touch with Muslim leaders and scholars of the time. Soon he was a converted true Muslim devoid of any sectarian feeling. He married a Parsi whom he converted to Islam. She is buried in a Muslim graveyard in Mumbai. When his daughter decided to marry a non-Muslim he had her banished from his life. If you read his speeches post-14 Aug 1947 particularly, you will note that he had decided to guide Pakistan into a true Islamic polity. His speech at the opening of SBP, perhaps his last speech, leaves one speechless at the clear concept Jinnah had on Islamic financial system.

Let me from the outset declare that I am a patriotic Pakistani who was born and raised in Pakistan. Both my Parents were born and raised in Delhi and migrated to Pakistan. Being a Pakistani is my ethos and my identity. Having said that I will say to my Pakistani fellow countrymen to not be emotional when looking back at historical events. Some wise man once said those who do not learn from History are condemned to repeat same old mistakes over and over again. Now instead of emotionalism we need to look at the past with realistic and cool analysis to learn from our history. Calling Maulana Azad names without even having a remotest idea what he said to the Muslims of subcontinent is shortchanging history and even shortchanging ourselves.

The argument Maulana Azad was making was simply this. Muslims of Subcontinent are a minority but they happen to be a humongous minority. By creating Pakistan, you will divide Muslims into two and possibly three separate groups ( Yes he had predicted in 1947 that East Pakistan will break away from West Pakistan leaving Muslims of Subcontinent into three groups ) thereby weakening their collective bargaining power.

Even though I realize their is no going back, I just want you to know these facts. Today Indian government claims that Muslims are only 13.64 % of Indian Population. Most of my Indian friends say the govt undercounts Muslims for political reasons and that the correct %age is closer to 20%. Even if we accept this number to be 13.64 % govt. figure, both Congress and and BJP perform somersaults to get this votebank. Imagine the power of 500 million + muslims would have wielded in an undivided India. We are under the delusion that Jinnah got us Pakistan, the reality is Nehru and more appropriately Sardar Patel allowed Jinnah to make Pakistan and solve their Muslim problem. Why ? because a 35 % + Muslim block vote spelled disaster for them. Muslims would still not have been the kings but instead they would have been KINGMAKERS , and my friends a KINGMAKER is more powerful than the King because the Kingmaker can pull the carpet under the feet of the king anytime.

Please listen to the Prophetic words of Maulana Azad with a cool mind and then tell me if he did speak the truth and he was anti muslim. Here is the Speech Maulana Azad made in 1947:

Prophetic sayings of Maulana Azad
Remember---once the jews were king makers as well----look what happened to them over the centuries----. Nothinglike freedom----and your own nation---.
Remember---once the jews were king makers as well----look what happened to them over the centuries----. Nothinglike freedom----and your own nation---.

Really, and what is happening to these Jewish Kingmakers Today.

Today they tell American President to Jump and the President of the US says " How high should I jump, my Master "
Secular in what? Imagination?? There is a shadow of hindu culture on everything in India from culture to social system. Not critisizing it as good or bad but obvious reality should be accecpted.
You are saying this because you don't know the meaning of secularism.
Secularism means that the govt alias the state will treat every one alike irrespective o caste creed or religion .
And that's bein followed. What according o you is secular I don't know
Only a fraction of organized religious leaders opposed creation of Pakistan mainly deobandi and jamat-e-islami. Some even called Jinah Kafir-e-Azam

One conference however passed resolution in favour of Pakistan. All india sunni conference

Muhammad Ali Jinnah's grandfather was a Hindu, as were his ancestors. Jinnah's father was a Ismaili, while Jinnah himself became a Shia Muslim. The name Jinnah did not exist in the family previously. (The circumstances of Jinnah's father becoming a Muslim are very intriguing, but that is a discussion for another time.)

Now the question is this: A man from a Hindu background, becomes a Muslim. Goes against his own previous Hindu community, earns the enmity of the majority of India, fatally damages his health, sacrifices his marriage, estranges his daughter...only to create an imaginary Muslim country called Pakistan. This man literally sacrificed everything he had for Pakistan. Was he mentally ill? Was Jinnah crazy? What made him do this?

Human nature demands that human beings preserve their interests. The vast wealth of Jinnah's family, his connections to the elite of India, a more than comfortable life, could all be better preserved had he converted back to his ancestors Hindu faith; or at best, remain a nominal Muslim.

What propelled Jinnah to place himself in the greatest geostrategic position, to place himself in the rewarding yet very difficult direct service of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH? This man single-handedly reversed the current of history that had been flowing against the Muslims since the past 500 years.

While Muslim states were being broken up across the Orient, this man created a Muslim state in the face of the dominant trend, against the severest opposition from all sides.

Can someone answer this question? Can someone place himself in his shoes, to understand his motivation?

No descendent of Bahadur Shah Zafar or the Mughals came forth. No scion of any illustrious Muslim family came forth, no descendent of Tipu Sultan, of Shuja Daula, or any Punjabi Muslim landlord, or a Sindhi Muslim, or a Pathan clan leader...none of these could fulfill the spearhead-leadership role performed by the Quaid e Azam. Why was this?

In fact, the classic Mullahs actually opposed Pakistan because of certain motives that we will explain shortly.

Why this polarity? Was the Divine Force trying to tell us something through this interplay of actors?

Your information about Jinnah's family ancestry is incorrect. Let me give you the correct version.
To the best of my knowledge, it was actually Jinnah's Grandfather who converted to Islam. Jinnah's Father was born a Muslim. Jinnah was third generation Muslim, so you cannot say he was from Hindu background and became a Muslim.

"Jinnah was the first child born to Mithibai and Jinnahbhai Poonja. His father, Jinnahbhai (1857–1902), was a prosperous Gujarati merchant who hailed from the state of Gondal situated in the Kathiawar region province of Gujrat (present day India). He had moved to Karachi from Kathiawar, because of his business partnership with Grams Trading Company whose regional office was set up in Karachi, then a part of the Bombay presidency. He moved to Karachi some times before Jinnah's birth.[18][15][19] His grandfather, Poonja Gokuldas Meghji,[20] was a Hindu Bhatia Rajput from Paneli village in Gondal state in Kathiawar. Jinnah's ancestors were Hindu Rajputs; his grandfather had converted to Islam.[19] Jinnah's family belonged to the Ismaili Khoja branch of Shi'a Islam,[1] though Jinnah later converted to Twelver Khoja Shi'a Islam."
Really, and what is happening to these Jewish Kingmakers Today.

Today they tell American President to Jump and the President of the US says " How high should I jump, my Master "


So what you are saying is that you like the pakistani muslims to go through the same process---inquisition----millions killed----executions by the communists----many a millions killed----gaschambered by the germans----is that what you want----centuries of persecution----is that what you want for a few years of a position of strength----always kissing someone else's ar-se------second and third and fourth rate citizens.

Even when you are the king makers---some times the kings turns on you----case in point spain----the jews funded the campaign of Ferdinand and Isabella and the muslim ruler to get better concessions from the king and church----guess what happened---it is history---the catholic church turned on the jews once the muslims were exterminated----the jews were exterminated as well. The catholic church killed two birds with one stone---and that stone was also provided by the kingmakers----.
Thank you for the history lessons. I am personally of the view it is good to learn from our past only if we can make positive changes to uplift the humanity in general. What lesson has the leadership either Military or Elected representative learned from the history? Are they doing anything which can bring Pakistan out of this malaise? Let us look what future holds for you.

Time and again we as human beings can get bogged down with religious fervour and forget our obligation and duties towards humanity in general, this is what starts eating the society from with in. So therefore I would like to call upon visionaries from with in Pakistan and those patriots living overseas to establish a group who is devoted to the peaceful existence among all citizens of your nation. It is a massive undertaking. It is about time to give up on personal interest for individual gain and focus on development of the nation. Can people of Pakistan find a leader of such a calibre to undertake the massive project of nation rebuilding?

I think my views and question have relevance given the state of affairs in your nation.
Did the Divine Force call, SMS, telex, snail mail or email the script about the interplay of the actors, inquiring minds want to know? :P

Vcheng I read your post from time to time but this response is unlike you. I hope in future you will take in to account the religious sentiment of a community. I agree with you that Pakistan has to move in a positive direction, it can only happen when there is leader who can unite each and every soul regardless of their religious beliefs to wards economic development and real education that can bring real visible changes in the living standards of common individual.

Best Wishes.
Vcheng I read your post from time to time but this response is unlike you. I hope in future you will take in to account the religious sentiment of a community. I agree with you that Pakistan has to move in a positive direction, it can only happen when there is leader who can unite each and every soul regardless of their religious beliefs to wards economic development and real education that can bring real visible changes in the living standards of common individual.

Best Wishes.

Please note the similie face, the lack of any particular religion being mentioned, and the humorous intent of the post in response to this context:

.........................Was the Divine Force trying to tell us something through this interplay of actors?

Did the Divine Force call, SMS, telex, snail mail or email the script about the interplay of the actors, inquiring minds want to know? :P

However, I take your point well.
Congress pretty much pissed off Jinnah by making an alliance with Hindu Mahasava and Deobandis, that was the turning point before partition. Progressive Muslim educated diaspora in India are still left in ignominy while Mullahs are free to pull off votebank tricks. I tell you this is gonna cost us in future.
Congress pretty much pissed off Jinnah by making an alliance with Hindu Mahasava and Deobandis, that was the turning point before partition. Progressive Muslim educated diaspora in India are still left in ignominy while Mullahs are free to pull off votebank tricks. I tell you this is gonna cost us in future.

You very well know Jinnah was the biggest supporter of Hindu Muslim unity, What really turned him the aggressive stance of congress leaders on muslims rights.
You very well know Jinnah was the biggest supporter of Hindu Muslim unity, What really turned him the aggressive stance of congress leaders on muslims rights.

What turned him against Congress wasn't Muslim rights as Congress did have Muslim leader like Moulana Azad, but the fact that Congress made an alliance with Deoband and other religious school keeping the Aligarh educated North Indian Muslims in dark. He was not kind of person who would go down History without making a noise. Same thing happened with Fazlul Haq as well, but that's another story.
What turned him against Congress wasn't Muslim rights as Congress did have Muslim leader like Moulana Azad, but the fact that Congress made an alliance with Deoband and other religious school keeping the Aligarh educated North Indian Muslims in dark. He was not kind of person who would go down History without making a noise. Same thing happened with Fazlul Haq as well, but that's another story.

Jinnah even gave muslim right of separate electorate in his Delhi Muslim proposals for the sake of hindu muslim unity, even at the cost of splitting Muslim league into two groups, Sir Shafi and Jinnah, later we all saw that Nehru rejected Jinnah's 14 points at that time Jinnah said "this is parting of the ways"

what Jinnah wanted was to have a dominant position for Muslims in Subcontinent, while Azad and alike were happy to have a second position in their appeasement of Hindus.

Jinnah's stance was well received when Musalmaans practically saw the rule of congress, and what lies in future if the British left Muslims at the mercy of Congress aka Hindus... that is the point when the common wisdom of masses accepted the stance of Jinnah and rejected Azad's, apart from specific area of influence...
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