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Why did IAF order more MIG29 ug & SU30MKI

The Maverick

Jan 4, 2016
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United Kingdom
Really good vedio explaining why web acquired more mig29 upg and mki AND NOT more rafales

In simple terms

The MIG29 are already partially assembled and available within 12 months . No new training required and pilots ready tom fly have full tactics and spares and weapons already. $30 millon each is very very cheap for ac Aesa equipped fighter. We are adding a 4th squdron overnight

THE 12 MKI are coming to replace the 12b mki lost in accidents over the last decade so we get full comploment
272 fighters by next year and not just 260.

Finally LCH
india ver own apache gunship looks amazing 15 to be delivered in 12 months
THE Total order is for 65 more by 2025

India will have 22 + 6 moreb APACHE & 90+ Lch by 2026-2027
The short answer is budget.

The long answer is India don't have better alternative, which is cheap, light weight, easy to maintain and operate. None of Mig 29 nor Su 30 qualified. Actually India need J-10, which is lighter, lower cost or F-16. So India stuck on Mig 29 and Su-30

The technology answer is, what India really needs is front line jet, which can accommodate to low standard and short run way in front line. This kind of jet is easier to take off and land, maneuverability is good for mountainous area, such as 'Jammu and Kashmir' and 'Ladakh'.

The real answer is, India is not capable to build their own jet which is good enough to counter rivals, even though India is a supa powa already in 2020.
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The short answer is budget.

The long answer is India don't have better alternative, which is cheap, light weight, easy to maintain and operate.

The technology answer is, India need front line jet, which usually only have low standard and short run way, easy to take off and land. maneuverability is good for mountainous area, such as 'Jammu and Kashmir' and 'Ladakh'.

The real anwser is, India not capable to build their own jet which is good enough to counter rivals, even though India is a supa powa already in 2020.

The real answer is:

1) India gave a bribe to Russia to help asking China to withdraw

2) Russia took the money and asked India/Modi to pull back Indian troops

The short answer is budget.

The long answer is India don't have better alternative, which is cheap, light weight, easy to maintain and operate.

The technology answer is, India need front line jet, which usually only have low standard and short run way, easy to take off and land. maneuverability is good for mountainous area, such as 'Jammu and Kashmir' and 'Ladakh'.

The real anwser is, India not capable to build their own jet which is good enough to counter rivals, even though India is a supa powa already in 2020.
mig 29 or su 30 arent easy to maintain as unlike the Chinese flankers..they are completely dependent upon spares from Russia

china is good neighbour so india isnt worried about china..it bullies smaller countries
The real answer is:

1) India gave a bribe to Russia to help asking China to withdraw

2) Russia took the money and asked India/Modi to pull back Indian troops


Basically true. Russia's support to India with regards to China and Ladakh was luke warm.

btw, offically, according to India's own records, they have lost 11 Su30MKIs to accidents, not 12 ...

go figure what happened to number 12 :woot::woot::woot: ...
Basically true. Russia's support to India with regards to China and Ladakh was luke warm.

btw, offically, according to India's own records, they have lost 11 Su30MKIs to accidents, not 12 ...

go figure what happened to number 12 :woot::woot::woot: ...

Did you count the IAF's SU-30MKI that was shot down by the PAF's F-16 on 27th February, 2019 ?
Did you count the IAF's SU-30MKI that was shot down by the PAF's F-16 on 27th February, 2019 ?

AAahhh, yes. Now that you mention it. The 12th had an AMRAAM shoved up its arse and the crew somehow ended up crashing into a tree...

Mystery solved. :omghaha:.
India is buying them as Rafale will take forever to be operational and MKIs are replacing those lost to accidents and Pakistan.

Massive attack helicopter advantage for India. I wonder how PAA will react to this.

Air-to-air/Surface-to-air Missiles.
The short answer is budget.

The long answer is India don't have better alternative, which is cheap, light weight, easy to maintain and operate. None of Mig 29 nor Su 30 qualified. Actually India need J-10, which is lighter, lower cost or F-16. So India stuck on Mig 29 and Su-30

The technology answer is, what India really needs is front line jet, which can accommodate to low standard and short run way in front line. This kind of jet is easier to take off and land, maneuverability is good for mountainous area, such as 'Jammu and Kashmir' and 'Ladakh'.

The real answer is, India is not capable to build their own jet which is good enough to counter rivals, even though India is a supa powa already in 2020.
I suggest India to buy J-10, and make friends with both Pakistan and China. In that case, you don't need to buy so many jets and save the budget for slum and Dalit.
The attack helicopter will be massive and can decimate armoured formations.

The mig29upg purchase is better than the used second hand retired mirage 5 and Jordanian f16 which have serious airframe and engine use/fatigue ..doctrine that you Pakistan is are attempting . The mig29upg will add so much more to our firepower than your mirage5 early model f16 could ever bring to war

But you did pay virtually nothing for them.where as we are Paying 30 million each for brand new airframes

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