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Why did France allow the tabloid to provoke Muslims?

"We never making fun and mocking other religions", said the muslims~


And the whole audience laugh.
Let me qualify my statement so that you can understand the scale of what you are potentially up against better.

Forget the whole of France.


Do read up and refute me if you can.
like i said before, beat the shit out of the middle east, i dont care, i am telling what we CAN do.
and i think KSA can very well show France a thing or two, no? even Turkey maybe
Lets not get into the number game buddy. This is not horse and camel and foot soldier warfare with spears and swords and charging cavalry and infantry phalanxes.

Remember that one European country, France, the one that is being fingered right now, is capable of wiping out the entire middle east.

The ENTIRE middle east. Please note that.
Dear Hinduwadi, producing nukes is not rocket science in this age. Arabs can produce them or get from our neighbouring country.

Launching a crusade will unite all the Muslims. They were will be no so-called moderate Muslims. Financing jihad in european countries wouldn't be a problem for these Arabs Shaikhs.

Like I said Muslims are used to violence. But westerners aren't. When violence breaks out in their lands they will surrender without a fight.

Your Hinduwadi brain is underestimating Muslims. Muslims aren't Hindus, always remember that.
if the dude was fined or arrested instead of getting Police protection, maybe this wouldn't have happened

Assuming that it did not happen, even then killing people is completely unacceptable & self defeating.
No, you won't. This is not the 12th century. If your aim is armed aggression and world domination, you will be destroyed. The West has fought and defeated braver, tougher, stronger, indeed, much, much harder enemies than unproductive Moslems. They have the weapons and if you give them a cause they will have the will. Moslem countries are weak, impoverished, underdeveloped, failed states, they are nothing compared to the West.

Weak, cowardly, and militarily incompetent Arab armies even failed against a small country like Israel. You can only commit small acts of terror. Arab armies are signal failures.
yes the West has gotten the sh*t beaten out of them from a bunch of gorilla warriors hiding in the mountains, and i say the WHOLE WEST, THE WHOLE WEST GOT BEATEN
Assuming that it did not happen, even then killing people is completely unacceptable & self defeating.
dude, i doubt the killing was in the love of the Prophet, it was in the love of Abu bakr al Baghdadi

Which means - draw the Prophet and get pumped with bullets. I love the clear cut unambiguous answers. :)
yes, sooner or later
Dear Hinduwadi, producing nukes is not rocket science in this age. Arabs can produce them or get from our neighbouring country.

Launching a crusade will unite all the Muslims. They were will be no so-called moderate Muslims. Financing jihad in european countries wouldn't be a problem for these Arabs Shaikhs.

Like I said Muslims are used to violence. But westerners aren't. When violence breaks out in their lands they will surrender without a fight.

Your Hinduwadi brain is underestimating Muslims. Muslims aren't Hindus, always remember that.
I admire these answers that leave nothing to speculation. But this time, I doubt the Christians will fight alone. Jews, atheists, Parsis, Buddhists, Jains, Hindus, Sikhs, etc all over the world may also pitch in.
You can do little except for dying were Europe, or even a single European country like France, to declare all out war on the entire Muslim world.
funny how you over estimate those surrendering loosers
@Jf Thunder

I urge you to read up on the Triomphant class SSBN.

The missiles it carries.

The number of warheads per missile.

The yield per warhead.

The strike range of the missiles.

And then read up on how many of those France puts to sea patrol. And how many stay at dry dock.

Please stop playing chor polis here. Get serious and debate seriously.
dude, i doubt the killing was in the love of the Prophet, it was in the love of Abu bakr al Baghdadi

Any which way, who gets a bad name ?

Who gets to seen as a suspect even though they may be loyal & hardworking citizens in a European country ?
Lovely. :tup: Thank you. :agree:
I guess most Indians have drawn him and so has most of the non Muslim world, by now. :( Are we looking at a huge decrease in population?
are those Indians or those Muslims chest thumping and making them public?

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