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Why did France allow the tabloid to provoke Muslims?

you saying that will not anger me as you are not Muslim however making a cartoon of our Prophet will make me lash at your throat, and bite out your Jugular vein
Oh great !! You too are not very different from extremists ..infact you are one ..Where was your sensitivity when you call a non believer as kafir ? Why do you expect respect for your belief from a kafir ? Have you felt like biting jugular veign when your fellow religionists destroyed buddha statue ? If no why should they respect your objection for a cartoon picture ?
First of all Muslims are not jews. There are 2 billions Muslim in the world. If the west could do it then they would have done that already.

You are talking about a religion which has witnessed 1400 years of warfare.The crusaders were curshed. Inshallah they will be crushed again.

Charles Martel decisively defeated the Moslem hordes at Tours in 732 AD and they can and will be defeated again. Their piddling threats mean nothing.

The West has yet to use a fraction of its power against the Moslem fanatics, but if and when they do, entire countries can and will be destroyed.
the answer to that long paragraph is, they are free to think the Muhammad (S.A.W.W) was not the final Prophet, but deliberately making fun, that is bad
what if we make fun of Jesus (but we cant because Islam forbids it)
and Crusaders did kill a hell lot of Muslims when they went about their Holy Wars

The world has moved a great deal of distance away from the Crusades. So must we.

Killing someone for an opinion is a sign of weakness.

I concede that deliberately hurting another is completely wrong.But killing someone for his views is even worse.

Thats where in my opinion moderate Muslims must step in.
Oh great !! You too are not very different from extremists ..infact you are one ..Where was your sensitivity when you call a non believer as kafir ? Why do you expect respect for your belief from a kafir ? Have you felt like biting jugular veign when your fellow religionists destroyed buddha statue ? If no why should they respect your objection for a cartoon picture ?
lawl, i dont call any non Muslim kafir on their faces u know
First of all Muslims are not jews. There are 2 billions Muslim in the world. If the west could do it then they would have done that already.

You are talking about a religion which has witnessed 1400 years of warfare.The crusaders were curshed. Inshallah they will be crushed again.

Lets not get into the number game buddy. This is not horse and camel and foot soldier warfare with spears and swords and charging cavalry and infantry phalanxes.

Remember that one European country, France, the one that is being fingered right now, is capable of wiping out the entire middle east.

The ENTIRE middle east. Please note that.
Charles Martel decisively defeated the Moslem hordes at Tours in 732 AD and they can and will be defeated again. Their piddling threats mean nothing.
Salaud din took Jerusalem from the Christians, and decisively defeated them, we will do it again.

Lets not get into the number game buddy. This is not horse and camel and foot soldier warfare with spears and swords and charging cavalry and infantry phalanxes.

Remember that one European country, France, the one that is being fingered right now, is capable of wiping out the entire middle east.

The ENTIRE middle east. Please note that.
oh boo hoo
if they could the would have already
they arent cuz they cant
we can wipe out whole France if went it too
i repeat
cuz the only thing french are good at is surrendering
That is the Indian way of looking at things. Not theirs. I won't say Pakistani way because for you guys there is only really one religion, and no question of making fun of that!

The Indian way is of not overstepping one's bounds and not provoking. So what if every little thing will provoke and we will be up in arms demonstrating, burning, breaking, protesting. The alternative, when someone really goofs up, is killing.

That is not the way of the West. They value their freedom of speech. And one cannot accuse them of being one sided because as most commentators have been at pains to explain, they do it for their own dominant faith, Christianity, as well.

It is their society. It is their laws. It is their lines.

Don't project your own lines on to them. It will not work. In fact it will make things a lot worse. To prove a point. How many more will the nut jobs of yours kill, before European society has enough, their tolerance reaches breaking point, and then your community SERIOUSLY feels the backlash?

Remember, it was Europe that did the Jews. And the way I see it, Muslims are heading in pretty much the same direction. A century does not change the basic DNA of a people.
Then according to this logic there are many hindus and christians working in gulf countries. May be Muslims should start making fun of their religions too since its Muslim land. What kind of childish logic is that? And as far as europe going against Muslims is concerned, you really think they can do anything? Americans have been trying since 14 years to oppress Muslim nations what have they achieved? You know if it really becomes Muslims against the world and all the peaceful ones decide to pick up weapons, ( the way Muslims are being subjects of unfair hatred I don't see that time very far ) no one will be able to live with peace. So before that happens people must rethink how to overcome these problems not with force but with intelligence.
Charles Martel decisively defeated the Moslem hordes at Tours in 732 AD and they can and will be defeated again. Their piddling threats mean nothing.
Turkey (Anatolia) was a Christian country.So were kosovo,Bosnia and Albania. So were Syria and Lebanon and many others ;).
Muslims won and will win again.

Feminine make-up wearing western European males cannot launch crusades.
the answer to that long paragraph is, they are free to think the Muhammad (S.A.W.W) was not the final Prophet, but deliberately making fun, that is bad
what if we make fun of Jesus (but we cant because Islam forbids it)
and Crusaders did kill a hell lot of Muslims when they went about their Holy Wars

  • Yes it is bad and horrible to make fun of the Prophet. I agree. It is bad and fun to make fun of any religion or religious sentiment. I agree. But shit happens. Live with it. Protest. Sue in the courts. Boycott. Don't go around terrorizing.
  • Make fun of Jesus. The church or some Christian movement will most probably protest. The Passion of the Christ was a movie criticizing the teaching of Christianity when it came to Christ's personal life. Many Christian movements and churches including the Roman Catholic Church criticized and called for the movie to be boycotted. Nobody went up to the director or the actors or the cinemas and bombed , killed or maimed. Be civilized in the manner in which you protest. Killing 12 people, a few cops and thereafter robbing a gas station makes you nothing more than a terrorist robber/criminal. I am certain that if the Prophet of Islam was in France, He would have condemned these goons' actions.
  • Crusaders killed in the 12th century. War is different from inflicting terror and causing civil strife in a society. If Muslims were that ticked off about the issue, nothing prohibited Muslim countries including Pakistan from taking action against France.
Clearly not!
Neither does France if it really allowed freedom of expression, it would allow pro-ISIS and pro-Al-Qaeda posts along with pro-Hitler. The only thing it understands is that "We get to offend whoever we want".
The world has moved a great deal of distance away from the Crusades. So must we.

Killing someone for an opinion is a sign of weakness.

I concede that deliberately hurting another is completely wrong.But killing someone for his views is even worse.

Thats where in my opinion moderate Muslims must step in.
if the dude was fined or arrested instead of getting Police protection, maybe this wouldn't have happened
Salaud din took Jerusalem from the Christians, and decisively defeated them, we will do it again.

No, you won't. This is not the 12th century. If your aim is armed aggression and world domination, you will be destroyed. The West has fought and defeated braver, tougher, stronger, indeed, much, much harder enemies than lazy, incompetent, unproductive Moslems. They have the weapons and if you give them a cause they will have the will. Moslem countries are weak, impoverished, underdeveloped, failed states, they are nothing compared to the West. Weak, cowardly, and militarily incompetent Moslem Arab armies even signally failed against a small country like Israel. You can only commit small acts of terror. Moslem Arab armies are signal failures.

Btw, Saladin was a Kurd, not an Arab.
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Salaud din took Jerusalem from the Christians, and decisively defeated them, we will do it again.

oh boo hoo
if they could the would have already
they arent cuz they cant
we can wipe out whole France if went it too
i repeat
cuz the only thing french are good at is surrendering

Let me qualify my statement so that you can understand the scale of what you are potentially up against better.

Forget the whole of France.


Do read up and refute me if you can.
Salaud din took Jerusalem from the Christians, and decisively defeated them, we will do it again.

oh boo hoo
if they could the would have already
they arent cuz they cant
we can wipe out whole France if went it too
i repeat
cuz the only thing french are good at is surrendering
Good. This is one course of action. You have decided. I hope the world makes up its mind. :)
  • Yes it is bad and horrible to make fun of the Prophet. I agree. It is bad and fun to make fun of any religion or religious sentiment. I agree. But shit happens. Live with it. Protest. Sue in the courts. Boycott. Don't go around terrorizing.
  • Make fun of Jesus. The church or some Christian movement will most probably protest. The Passion of the Christ was a movie criticizing the teaching of Christianity when it came to Christ's personal life. Many Christian movements and churches including the Roman Catholic Church criticized and called for the movie to be boycotted. Nobody went up to the director or the actors or the cinemas and bombed , killed or maimed. Be civilized in the manner in which you protest. Killing 12 people, a few cops and thereafter robbing a gas station makes you nothing more than a terrorist robber/criminal. I am certain that if the Prophet of Islam was in France, He would have condemned these goons' actions.
  • Crusaders killed in the 12th century. War is different from inflicting terror and causing civil strife in a society. If Muslims were that ticked off about the issue, nothing prohibited Muslim countries including Pakistan from taking action against France.
like i said it before and i said it again, if the dude was tried in court, arrested and fined, none of this would have happened, instead everyone was like freedom of speech, and they gave him Police protection, now this was bound to happen.
when someone is denied justice they do take the law in their own hands

Good. This is one course of action. You have decided. I hope the world makes up its mind. :)
who decided? dude blow up the middle east i dont give a damn, i am just telling what we CAN do
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