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Why did France allow the tabloid to provoke Muslims?

Scholars argue about it by their word. Don't go around making cartoons. Have the basic sense to think about what you're saying don't just jump right in to everything.
in this case u are bringing scholars .. but have no qualm about Muslim gunmen settling the debate by bullet !


But u do not consider him Son of God nor believe in resurrection etc so basically you are doing blasphemy ~!
.. and what is the ' price '

Death because some one has another view ?
The anger from the community being targeted............try to understand human nature..........and insted of picking one word from entire statement learn to get the logical point :)
But u do not consider him Son of God nor believe in resurrection etc so basically you are doing blasphemy ~!
we dont believe he is son of God yes
but his resurrection, we believe that he never died and will return, so nothing wrong here
Are you trying to make a point? Because you only look BUThurt.

Yes I am making a point. Let me spell it out to you since you did not get the obvious.

There is no condoning killing. There are no BUTs.

Killing is bad, BUT if you provoke and insult our prophet, we will be forced to kill you.

That's the absurd line. The absurd line I see and hear with almost every Muslim I speak to. Either overtly said, or left unsaid, with the BUT trailing off ...... letting our imagination, based on prior acts of your loony tunes, do the rest.

Hope that was clear enough for you now.
provoke muslims??
kinda a shame you gotta tip toe not to upside certain Muslims.
if Muslims made fun of Jesus and Christians would be alright for them to kill the provokers or innocents in general??

be the bigger person and don't fall into the trap of showing that they are right
When these fundamentalists destroyed budda statue in afghanistan thats not provication ..When they do terrorism in the name of religion thats not provocation but this cartoon picture on a magazine is an attempt to provocate them from govt of france and they delivered justice for that provocation ..World has been watching for a long and silent on this ideology of intolerance ..Rather than reacting its time for some action against source i e fundamentalist view of religion ..
Yes I am making a point. Let me spell it out to you since you did not get the obvious.

There is no condoning killing. There are no BUTs.

Killing is bad, BUT if you provoke and insult our prophet, we will be forced to kill you.

That's the absurd line. The absurd line I see and hear with almost every Muslim I speak to. Either overtly said, or left unsaid, with the BUT trailing off ...... letting our imagination, based on prior acts of your loony tunes, do the rest.

Hope that was clear enough for you now.
No one supports the killings. All Im saying is why do you have to hurt the religious sentiments? Some people may be fine with other's making fun of their religion. Muslims are not. Why is it so hard for you to understand? Its like forcefully feeding a vegetarian meat and expecting him to stay quiet. There are certain lines people must not cross and respect each other's faith.
Because its their right, per their laws, per their societal norms, per their constitution.

Don't like it, don't live there.

Live there, then live per their norms. Not yours.
Making money off mocking religions is no society's norms. If they didn't like why did they let Muslims in? Its like you let someone in your house, poke them in the eye and expect them to stay quiet.
what non sense u r keep talking -_-
Collision of religious beliefs is not ''insult'' or ''fun'' of others belief.
However if u start making cartoons and vulgar jokes of other religion then it is called insult and it always come with a price............and freedom of speech?? why not make fun and cartoons of Holocast? why every one target Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?

Actually there are a lot of caricatures and cartoons making fun of jews and holocaust~

And a lot of Islamic hadits themselves will be "insulting" to other religion if I applied the same definition of "insult". In fact the word "kafir" itself is already insulting for non-muslim in Indonesian because of the bad-words a.k.a insults spewed by muslims against kafir.
Why 1 provoke?
so the result is justified ?

we dont believe he is son of God yes
but his resurrection, we believe that he never died and will return, so nothing wrong here
for Christians whose faith is based on this two things .. its an attack on their faith. just like some one saying prophet Muhammad not being final prophet is attack on yours. Right ?

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