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Why classify us with Somalia and Pakistan on visa policy system, China asks India

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that's how banana republic do thing


The same yardsticks US applies vis-a-vis China and and others...
Unless you have an amnesia or you are ready for euthanasia injection..
You just equated a Superpower with 'Banana republics'
People like you are dime a dozen!
USA has issued an alert for military and sensitive departments about using Chinese telecom products. They are alleged to be collecting data and transmitting them back to China. Does that build trust?
USA has issued an alert for military and sensitive departments about using Chinese telecom products. They are alleged to be collecting data and transmitting them back to China. Does that build trust?
Evidence please. Or its bs.
So China felt ashamed to see their name in same lines as Pakistan. Don't worry, you score way better than pakistan in India. You have 30% favorability among Indians, where as Pakistan may score 5% at max.
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Er...............On one hand Chinese practice the most aggressive way of espionage (whether HUMINT or SIGINT) and then expect easy clearance from us ? :lol:

Wonder what that Ambassador was smoking?

Thats like a beggar expecting his name on Forbes top Billionaires list .:D


Why China still wants to invest in India with that stringent requirement. That shall be the question!

Raise, that with your Govt ;)
Evidence please. Or its bs.
This forum does not allow links posted by new members. Use the keyword "huawei spy" in google and you will see the source.

Also read article titled "
Chinese Telecom Huawei Will 'Exit the U.S. Market'
China doesn't throw money even for it's deeper than ocean friend state.
Dude, you must be a kid assuming that China is throwing money to someone. It is just business. Chinese economy is slowing down, they need a huge market like India. If they do not invest (throw) you guys would be facing recession the the next decade maybe. So i guess your goverment is much intelligent than you.

P.S. Motive of investment is earning.

LMAO. You're saying that China faces a recession if it doesn't invest in India? An India that has consistently grown slower than China, where the gap between China and India is increasing in China's favor? The same India whose media was bragging about 100-200 billion dollars worth of Chinese investment only to realize China only wanted to invest 1/10 of that, with the rest being Indian hot air. That India? :rofl:

IMO, who gives a damn about the Indian visa thing. If India doesn't want Chinese money, then that's fine by me. I'm sure India will find other ways to grow without foreign investment. After all, it's done a stellar job closing the gap with China hasn't it? :laughcry:
LMAO. You're saying that China faces a recession if it doesn't invest in India? An India that has consistently grown slower than China, where the gap between China and India is increasing in China's favor? The same India whose media was bragging about 100-200 billion dollars worth of Chinese investment only to realize China only wanted to invest 1/10 of that, with the rest being Indian hot air. That India? :rofl:

IMO, who gives a damn about the Indian visa thing. If India doesn't want Chinese money, then that's fine by me. I'm sure India will find other ways to grow without foreign investment. After all, it's done a stellar job closing the gap with China hasn't it? :laughcry:

There is a demographic issue which was caused due to 1 child policy. Even with the reversal of this policy, you are not going to grow as fast as you did. India will take over from you soon if things go the way it is going. Watch and Learn!
There is a demographic issue which was caused due to 1 child policy. Even with the reversal of this policy, you are not going to grow as fast as you did. India will take over from you soon if things go the way it is going. Watch and Learn!

How will India surpass China soon? China manufacture industry establish over 30 yrs and you think India can compete with China as the manufacture hub? Take yrs to build up one manufacture base and not that simple just overtake China by a blink of an eye? This is China and not japan or Korea without large population to compete with India.
How will India surpass China soon? China manufacture industry establish over 30 yrs and you think India can compete with China as the manufacture hub? Take yrs to build up one manufacture base and not that simple just overtake China by a blink of an eye? This is China and not japan or Korea without large population to compete with India.

Manufacturing is not everything. USA has given up manufacturing low tech industry. Are they behind China? India will get in to high tech industry and it can surpass China due to more skilled human resources. Take for example the mars mission by India. China is capable of producing lot of small techs but did not reach mars (Yinghuo-1 failed to leave earth). Take examples of middle east where oil changed everything for their economy. Similarly say India finds something in space and the total balance of power will be lost. A lot can happen in 50 years. Wait and watch!
Manufacturing is not everything. USA has given up manufacturing low tech industry. Are they behind China? India will get in to high tech industry and it can surpass China due to more skilled human resources. Take for example the mars mission by India. China is capable of producing lot of small techs but did not reach mars (Yinghuo-1 failed to leave earth). Take examples of middle east where oil changed everything for their economy. Similarly say India finds something in space and the total balance of power will be lost. A lot can happen in 50 years. Wait and watch!

Ok, wait and watch your future prediction mostly will never come true because no one can predict what the future will be hold and most of the prediction came to pass seem to be wrong all the time.

Manufacturing is not everything. USA has given up manufacturing low tech industry. Are they behind China? India will get in to high tech industry and it can surpass China due to more skilled human resources. Take for example the mars mission by India. China is capable of producing lot of small techs but did not reach mars (Yinghuo-1 failed to leave earth). Take examples of middle east where oil changed everything for their economy. Similarly say India finds something in space and the total balance of power will be lost. A lot can happen in 50 years. Wait and watch!

US sent mar probe in the late 80's no different between mar probe and moon probe, only different mar probe require longer to reach compare to the moon. Not like Indian sent robotic into mar like US mar mission.
Ok, wait and watch your future prediction mostly will never come true because no one can predict what the future will be hold and most of the prediction came to pass seem to be wrong all the time.
Not all are predictions. What is your answer to the demographic issue? Plan to import Indians to work at the BIG manufacturing hub or use 60 year old Chineese? Worst of all, the sex ratio is at 170:100 (male: female) which will make your society go nuts! A Chinese friend once told me that they pick bride from neighboring countries!

China will grow old before it gets rich.

LIKE the hero of “The Iliad”, China can seem invincible. In 2010 it overtook America in terms of manufactured output, energy use and car sales. Its military spending has been growing in nominal terms by an average of 16% each year for the past 20 years. According to the IMF, China will overtake America as the world's largest economy (at purchasing-power parity) in 2017. But when Thetis, Achilles's mother, dipped her baby in the river Styx to give him the gift of invulnerability, she had to hold him somewhere. Alongside the other many problems it faces, China too has its deadly point of unseen weakness: demography.


  • Over the past 30 years, China's total fertility rate—the number of children a woman can expect to have during her lifetime—has fallen from 2.6, well above the rate needed to hold a population steady, to 1.56, well below that rate (see table). Because very low fertility can become self-reinforcing, with children of one-child families wanting only one child themselves, China now probably faces a long period of ultra-low fertility, regardless of what happens to its one-child policy.

The government has made small adjustments to the policy (notably by allowing an only child who is married to another only child to have more than one child) and may adapt it further. But for now it is firmly in place, and very low fertility rates still prevail, especially in the richest parts of the country. Shanghai reported fertility of just 0.6 in 2010—probably the lowest level anywhere in the world. According to the UN's population division, the nationwide fertility rate will continue to decline, reaching 1.51 in 2015-20. In contrast, America's fertility rate is 2.08 and rising.

The difference between 1.56 and 2.08 does not sound large. But over the long term it has a huge impact on society. Between now and 2050 China's population will fall slightly, from 1.34 billion in 2010 to just under 1.3 billion in 2050. This assumes that fertility starts to recover. If it stays low, the population will dip below 1 billion by 2060. In contrast, America's population is set to rise by 30% in the next 40 years. China will hit its peak population in 2026. No one knows when America will hit its population peak.

The differences between the two countries are even more striking if you look at their average ages. In 1980 China's median (the age at which half the population is younger, half older) was 22. That is characteristic of a young developing country. It is now 34.5, more like a rich country and not very different from America's, which is 37. But China is ageing at an unprecedented pace. Because fewer children are being born as larger generations of adults are getting older, its median age will rise to 49 by 2050, nearly nine years more than America at that point. Some cities will be older still. The Shanghai Population and Family Planning Committee says that more than a third of the city's population will be over 60 by 2020.

This trend will have profound financial and social consequences. Most obviously, it means China will have a bulge of pensioners before it has developed the means of looking after them. Unlike the rest of the developed world, China will grow old before it gets rich. Currently, 8.2% of China's total population is over 65. The equivalent figure in America is 13%. By 2050, China's share will be 26%, higher than in America.
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USA has issued an alert for military and sensitive departments about using Chinese telecom products. They are alleged to be collecting data and transmitting them back to China. Does that build trust?
Yes i am sure Chinese want to steal LCA secrets.
Not all are predictions. What is your answer to the demographic issue?

China still have double the size of US in working age group even the population getting older with the impact of 1 child policy, China can manage 7 percent annual with their working population shrinking, as the peak of China economy grown over 10 percent annual, with China increase their GDP over 10 trillions, the GDP grow will be significant with just minimum grow of 7 percent, how long will India take to catch up to China annual GDP?
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