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Why classify us with Somalia and Pakistan on visa policy system, China asks India

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Jan 5, 2013
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Chinese ambassador Le Yucheng has expressed disappointment over New Delhi's visa policy and security clearance system, which he said was impeding flow of investments from China to India. However, the envoy who took up his assignment just ahead of Xi's visit added that he had begun deliberations for removing the hurdles so that Chinese investments to India would increase. President Xi Jinping had during his recent visit announced $20 billion investments in India in the next five years.

India has bracketed China along with Pakistan, Iran, Somalia and Sudan on visas and business houses have to go through a stringent visa regime and security clearance before investments are okayed. Chinese investors in telecom and railways face this hurdle more, ambassador Le said on the sidelines of a seminar.

"Investments from China to India are definitely broad-based and higher than other countries in that list. While any host country has to follow a system to check potential investors there should not be bottlenecks that discourage investment," a Chinese official told ET on condition of anonymity.

Le pointed out that investors from US, Europe and even other Asian countries didn't face impediments similar to one China faces. New Delhi has been cagey about Chinese investments in strategic sectors like telecom fearing that its entry would compromise the country's security.

"We have a single window clearance system for all countries and permission for foreign investments can be obtained within two days. This practice is followed across all Chinese provinces," Le said. Le also highlighted that Chinese firms have been complaining about low level of efficiency in India. "I hope that better investment opportunities are created here that would encourage additional Chinese investments," he said.

Why classify us with Somalia and Pakistan on visa policy system, China asks India - The Economic Times on Mobile
Why do you offer paper visas? Moreover China has to prove quality and trust before getting better treatment. Add to that, India is not an efficient economy like China! It takes 6 months to even renew my passport.
The Chinese need to understand that the purpose of the visa policy is not to group certain nations together for a feel-good or feel-bad factor. Rather, it has been carefully crafted keeping in view the security of the nation of India.

Had India not been close to the U.S. today, then even that country would be grouped along with Pakistan and Somalia - just the way it was in the pre-2000 era. And even now, it is easier for an Indian to get a visa for the U.S. than for an American to get an Indian visa. It's all about security concerns.
It takes a week to get a Chinese Visa with no ' multiple entry' option for visitors - I wish this would change.
Why stamp our Indian Visas India Replies China
Just curious that why the article posted in China Defence Forum? is there anything with China Defence?:coffee:

Hope can move the thread to World Affair, in there, can attract more netizen.

Its my mistake.
better be safe than sorry, lets lax things only when we can handle additional security work.
I hope that issue will be resolved in friendly manner.
Why don't China do away with Staple Visa Policy, instead of crying bonkers.

Why China still wants to invest in India with that stringent requirement. That shall be the question!

Money matters don't it?
Its more like China throwing away the money.
China doesn't throw money even for it's deeper than ocean friend state.
Dude, you must be a kid assuming that China is throwing money to someone. It is just business. Chinese economy is slowing down, they need a huge market like India. If they do not invest (throw) you guys would be facing recession the the next decade maybe. So i guess your goverment is much intelligent than you.

P.S. Motive of investment is earning.
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