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Why classify us with Somalia and Pakistan on visa policy system, China asks India

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well, i guess its because China is as dangerous/unstable as Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan and other semi failed islamic states.:lol:

On a serious note, Cjhina shouldnt be asking these silly questions. As i said before, south Asia is an investment mess, They dont even encourage investments/trade from each other, much less encouraging foreign powers to invest in their regions.loool So expecting an exception is day dreaming. It's the main reason why they are the poorest/most backward region in Asia, its not a coincidence.:agree: They tend to be paranoid about 'security'. They should just look at east Asia for an example, afterall, east asian countries do have bitter disputes as well, but you never hear 'security concerns' as an impedement for investments and trade(not even betwen Japan and China, two bitter ennemies as well), reason why east Asia is by far the most intergrated/advanced/richest region in Asia, they are simply at least 3-4 decades ahead of south Asia development wise. Alot of catch up to do indeed(and the gap keeps getting bigger it seems).:bounce:
There is a demographic issue which was caused due to 1 child policy. Even with the reversal of this policy, you are not going to grow as fast as you did. India will take over from you soon if things go the way it is going. Watch and Learn!

Where have I heard this before? Oh yeah...

India to become superpower by 2012: Kalam - Economic Times :rofl:

Make Mumbai No 1: PM PM Singh 2004: "In 5 years, people will talk about Mumbai and forget about Shanghai" :rofl:

But here's a sobering truth, to quote Chinese-Dragon:

"In the two years from 2011 to 2013, India's GDP actually shrunk.

Whereas in the two years from 2011 to 2013, China's GDP increased by over 2 trillion (which is more than India's total GDP).

The IMF numbers are here:

List of IMF ranked countries by past and projected GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"

China added an entire India in two years. Let that sink in. And yet you claim that China should watch and learn from India, Asia's version of the slow bus for mentally challenged kids? :haha:

By the way, on that IMF link, you'll find projections for 2050 by PriceWaterhouseCoopers, done in July of 2014. The most up to date "prediction." And in 2050, India's economy will still be less than half the size of China's. My suggestion to you is to keep watching your delusional "India 2030" youtube vids because your inferiority complex can't take reality.
Not all are predictions. What is your answer to the demographic issue? Plan to import Indians to work at the BIG manufacturing hub or use 60 year old Chineese? Worst of all, the sex ratio is at 170:100 (male: female) which will make your society go nuts! A Chinese friend once told me that they pick bride from neighboring countries!

You're a liar. The sex ratio (males to femalies) is 113:100 in China and 108:100 in India, as of 2014 per the CIA world factbook.
Obviously you made up the 170:100 figure but that must be a typical Indian trait. Newsflash: Making stuff up and bragging is only making India fall farther behind China. At this rate, India will probably have to grow at 15% a year to even have a chance of catching China in the next century. Good luck with that and keep lying to yourself. :wave:
Yes i am sure Chinese want to steal LCA secrets.
Certainly they would

well, i guess its because China is as dangerous/unstable as Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan and other semi failed islamic states.:lol:

On a serious note, Cjhina shouldnt be asking these silly questions. As i said before, south Asia is an investment mess, They dont even encourage investments/trade from each other, much less encouraging foreign powers to invest in their regions.loool So expecting an exception is day dreaming. It's the main reason why they are the poorest/most backward region in Asia, its not a coincidence.:agree: They tend to be paranoid about 'security'. They should just look at east Asia for an example, afterall, east asian countries do have bitter disputes as well, but you never hear 'security concerns' as an impedement for investments and trade(not even betwen Japan and China, two bitter ennemies as well), reason why east Asia is by far the most intergrated/advanced/richest region in Asia, they are simply at least 3-4 decades ahead of south Asia development wise. Alot of catch up to do indeed(and the gap keeps getting bigger it seems).:bounce:

Chinese visitors engage in aggressive espionage, this UK's opinion.

India is merely limiting HUMINT threat from China-

UK: Chinese espionage a "voracious" problem involving "a mass of ordinary students and businessmen" - WikiLeaks
The India 2030 superpower video must be a major hits among Indians. It's just sad that Indians portrait white people as servants. Even though in reality, Indians regard white people as higher caste than Brahmin.

There you go
You've cracked the secret of making large amount of Indian rupees (despite falling in value) with dirt cheap budget productions :dirol:

Certainly they would

Chinese visitors engage in aggressive espionage, this UK's opinion.

India is merely limiting HUMINT threat from China-

UK: Chinese espionage a "voracious" problem involving "a mass of ordinary students and businessmen" - WikiLeaks

Welcome to the world of spying exchanges :cheesy::

China detains reporter in spying case - Archive - Al Jazeera English

Son of Canadian 'spies' held in China calls for govt action | AFP.com

China to U.S.: Stop spy flights - CNN.com

BBC News - Edward Snowden: Leaks that exposed US spy programme
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I will take this as a consent of you accepting Indian treatment of Chinese visitors, thank you:)

In the world of espionage, these are untold realities
You are thanking too soon
It's Indians who need to travel to Greater China than vice versa
Time to also tighten the screws on HK Macau visas now for Indian applicants :coffee::dirol:
What problem China has for clubbing them with some of their best friends?? :-)
In the world of espionage, these are untold realities
You are thanking too soon
It's Indians who need to travel to Greater China than vice versa
Time to also tighten the screws on HK Macau visas now for Indian applicants :coffee::dirol:

Yes, time for PRC to "warn" Taiwan on with regard to granting Visas to India. :lol:
Yes, time for PRC to "warn" Taiwan on with regard to granting Visas to India. :lol:

I support that
Taiwan will be washing down the drains like deluge sooner than we have predicted with huge influx of Indians
The more the merrier :cheesy:
I support that
Taiwan will be washing down the drains like deluge sooner than we have predicted with huge influx of Indians
The more the merrier :cheesy:
Turn your support into action , and contact your Govt on the same to issue the "warnings" :D
Turn your support into action , and contact your Govt on the same to issue the "warnings" :D

If the Taiwanese are in favour of dishing out more visas to Indians let them do the job
Why should we bother?

The day when we can take over Taiwan without war is near. Let's start the count down :dirol::tup:
If the Taiwanese are in favour of dishing out more visas to Indians let them do the job
Why should we bother?

The day when we can take over Taiwan without war is near. Let's start the count down :dirol::tup:

Taiwan is not part of China? :lol:
Taiwan is not part of China? :lol:

It is a part of China under different administration
They are free to stamp visas to Indians
I repeat I am happy to see them do that :cheesy:8-)
Certainly they would

Chinese visitors engage in aggressive espionage, this UK's opinion.

India is merely limiting HUMINT threat from China-

UK: Chinese espionage a "voracious" problem involving "a mass of ordinary students and businessmen" - WikiLeaks

Huh.....yes, so what are you trying to porove bro?:what:

The U.K encourages/accepts investment from any country on earth, iregardless of the country. Do you even know how mnay Chinese students are studying in the U.K? Have you ever heard we saying we will stop them from coming here to live or study? lol NOPE NEVER. In fact our governments have instead been easing VISA rules for Chinese visitiors(making an exception for them alone), since we dont fucking care where cash/capital comes from , as long as its comes into our country and help boost our economy.:agree: So thats why you see Chinese companies rushing to invest in the U.K and it will keep increasing with each coming years. China together with France already invests/financed the building of a nuclear power plant in U.K, with telecommunication contracts with Huawei, or Three onwed by Hong Kong billionaire who operates one of the largest telecom network in U.K) and also several real estate deals as well, and our government keep encouraging them to invests even more in our country not less. So there you go. Same goes with China - Australia trade(which at $150billion and growing, is almost twice as large as China- India trade).

The hell, even the U.S and Japan(two bigger rivals to China than India can ever be) still invests in China more than any country out there(maybe bar Taiwan and Hongkong,singapore) and vice versa,and US-CHINA, CHINA-JAPAN trade is the largest bilateral trade on planet earth. Thats why i said smaller/weaker countries in the region i.e Pakistan, India, Bengladesh, Philippines, Vietnam, etc shouldnt be fooled by all the rhetoric/noise China, U.S, Japan, Australia etc make, for despite all these noise/cheap talk, they still carry on with business/trade like nothing happened. Its same situation with South Korea and Japan(two bitter ennemies as well).So other South Asian countries shouldnt fall for this cheap trick.lol Business is Business, Politics is Politics.:enjoy: Reason the wealth/growth gap between EAST Asia and South Asia will keep increasing with each passing year.:agree:

GCR - - What would the UK do with $169bn from China?

Australia, China set to sign lucrative cattle deal | Daily Mail Online
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