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Why classify us with Somalia and Pakistan on visa policy system, China asks India

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i am for freer visa system between india and china. this is not a good step
I for myself support India's decision. No offence taken really. They should make the process even harder. Those who would travel to India for business or tourism should have their brains checked.
I for myself support India's decision. No offence taken really. They should make the process even harder. Those who would travel to India for business or tourism should have their brains checked.

at last a Chinese with little brains
Huh.....yes, so what are you trying to porove bro?:what:

The U.K encourages/accepts investment from any country on earth, iregardless of the country. Do you even know how mnay Chinese students are studying in the U.K? Have you ever heard we saying we will stop them from coming here to live or study? lol NOPE NEVER. In fact our governments have instead been easing VISA rules for Chinese visitiors(making an exception for them alone), since we dont fucking care where cash/capital comes from , as long as its comes into our country and help boost our economy.:agree: So thats why you see Chinese companies rushing to invest in the U.K and it will keep increasing with each coming years. China together with France already invests/financed the building of a nuclear power plant in U.K, with telecommunication contracts with Huawei, or Three onwed by Hong Kong billionaire who operates one of the largest telecom network in U.K) and also several real estate deals as well, and our government keep encouraging them to invests even more in our country not less. So there you go. Same goes with China - Australia trade(which at $150billion and growing, is almost twice as large as China- India trade).

The hell, even the U.S and Japan(two bigger rivals to China than India can ever be) still invests in China more than any country out there(maybe bar Taiwan and Hongkong,singapore) and vice versa,and US-CHINA, CHINA-JAPAN trade is the largest bilateral trade on planet earth. Thats why i said smaller/weaker countries in the region i.e Pakistan, India, Bengladesh, Philippines, Vietnam, etc shouldnt be fooled by all the rhetoric/noise China, U.S, Japan, Australia etc make, for despite all these noise/cheap talk, they still carry on with business/trade like nothing happened. Its same situation with South Korea and Japan(two bitter ennemies as well).So other South Asian countries shouldnt fall for this cheap trick.lol Business is Business, Politics is Politics.:enjoy: Reason the wealth/growth gap between EAST Asia and South Asia will keep increasing with each passing year.:agree:

GCR - - What would the UK do with $169bn from China?

Australia, China set to sign lucrative cattle deal | Daily Mail Online

Er............. I think i was not clear.

Chinese investments and Chinese Espionage threat atleast to us Indians is not seen from a cost benefit scope
LMAO. You're saying that China faces a recession if it doesn't invest in India? An India that has consistently grown slower than China, where the gap between China and India is increasing in China's favor? The same India whose media was bragging about 100-200 billion dollars worth of Chinese investment only to realize China only wanted to invest 1/10 of that, with the rest being Indian hot air. That India? :rofl:

IMO, who gives a damn about the Indian visa thing. If India doesn't want Chinese money, then that's fine by me. I'm sure India will find other ways to grow without foreign investment. After all, it's done a stellar job closing the gap with China hasn't it? :laughcry:
about the first part, China is going to face recession if it does not invest in a big market. Every Developed country does same. That is a fact. US did same when they needed. They invested in China. Now China is doing same in India, where they find cheap labour, easy supply of raw materials etc. You must be pretty delusional to think otherwise.

About the second part, My dear i wish you had read some international media before commenting, since you do not have free media in your country. It was Chinese official (anonymous) who said about 100$ billion investment in India. No Indian official commented on that. And every nationalistic media would celebrate if that much amount of money was coming in their country, especially developing country, But It was hoax created by China, Not India. Read first then comment. And read a credible source.
about the first part, China is going to face recession if it does not invest in a big market. Every Developed country does same. That is a fact. US did same when they needed. They invested in China. Now China is doing same in India, where they find cheap labour, easy supply of raw materials etc. You must be pretty delusional to think otherwise.

About the second part, My dear i wish you had read some international media before commenting, since you do not have free media in your country. It was Chinese official (anonymous) who said about 100$ billion investment in India. No Indian official commented on that. And every nationalistic media would celebrate if that much amount of money was coming in their country, especially developing country, But It was hoax created by China, Not India. Read first then comment. And read a credible source.

It's India that needs Chinese money, not the other way around. And it was definitely all Indian hype. You guys were so proud about how India was in the spotlight and being wooed by both Japan and China. And then it turned out that neither Japan nor China wanted to spend that much money on India. Cue Indian face-saving lies about how they didn't really need that much money. You can try to spin it the other way but we have thread upon thread created by Indians in PDF proving my point.

Anyways, China can easily invest in Africa and has been doing so and expanding its presence there. If beggars want to be choosers, then the beggars (India) will remain hungry. And according to your twisted logic, if China is going to face recession, then India is going to face depression without Chinese money since China has consistently been growing at a faster rate than India.

I for one am happy that it's hard for Chinese people to get a visa to India. Chinese money can go elsewhere and that's fine by me. In fact, I honestly hope India bans all Chinese people from India. I'm sure Indians are rich and smart enough to build their own infrastructure. After all, it's been working out well for you guys so far right? Not like you guys had a blackout that affected 800 million people a couple of years ago or anything right? :wave:
It's India that needs Chinese money, not the other way around. And it was definitely all Indian hype. You guys were so proud about how India was in the spotlight and being wooed by both Japan and China. And then it turned out that neither Japan nor China wanted to spend that much money on India. Cue Indian face-saving lies about how they didn't really need that much money. You can try to spin it the other way but we have thread upon thread created by Indians in PDF proving my point.

Anyways, China can easily invest in Africa and has been doing so and expanding its presence there. If beggars want to be choosers, then the beggars (India) will remain hungry. And according to your twisted logic, if China is going to face recession, then India is going to face depression without Chinese money since China has consistently been growing at a faster rate than India.

I for one am happy that it's hard for Chinese people to get a visa to India. Chinese money can go elsewhere and that's fine by me. In fact, I honestly hope India bans all Chinese people from India. I'm sure Indians are rich and smart enough to build their own infrastructure. After all, it's been working out well for you guys so far right? Not like you guys had a blackout that affected 800 million people a couple of years ago or anything right? :wave:

people invest to get better returns. the way Chinese investments are shunned in US and Europe, it has no option but to invest in India, the next big investment frontier.
This is not good at all, its terrible.
Iran should not be on that list.
people invest to get better returns. the way Chinese investments are shunned in US and Europe, it has no option but to invest in India, the next big investment frontier.

As I said, money talks. China has it. India doesn't and begs for it. China can invest in Africa, Russia, Eastern Europe etc. India is last on the list and a terrible place for any kind of economic return. Also, I think India should ban all Chinese people and all Asians for that matter from India. It will work out the best for everyone and I don't think India needs Chinese money at all. Wouldn't you agree? :cheers:
Why China still wants to invest in India with that stringent requirement. That shall be the question!
The answer: It's all about the money! There's lots to be made in India, that's why!
As I said, money talks. China has it. India doesn't and begs for it. China can invest in Africa, Russia, Eastern Europe etc. India is last on the list and a terrible place for any kind of economic return. Also, I think India should ban all Chinese people and all Asians for that matter from India. It will work out the best for everyone and I don't think India needs Chinese money at all. Wouldn't you agree? :cheers:

then china should invest where its gets return...i think you should say that to your president not to beg india to open its markets

Chinese businesses seek investment-friendly environment in India - Business Today
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