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Why China Won’t Fall Apart

Civilization might be the wrong word to describe China's historical influence on the surrounding region. Culturally each nation in the region differs from each other, add social stratification, economic policy, human rights approach and other metrics and too many differences occur. Like Greece, China has helped shape a region (or in Greece's case, formulate a cultural and governmental path), but also like Greece, China's influence waned and allowed other nations the chance to form their own paths. The US is no more like Greece than Japan and China are the same. I agree with the jist, but not the semantics.

Historically speaking, tho, the Yayoi people of Japan came from the Chinese mainland. This is the reason why present day Japanese are genetically linked with Han Chinese. We share a substantial mitochondrial haplotype with them.

Genetically speaking, Japanese are very close to Chinese people. In fact, our ancestors came from China....thousands upon thousands of years ago.
Historically speaking, tho, the Yayoi people of Japan came from the Chinese mainland. This is the reason why present day Japanese are genetically linked with Han Chinese. We share a substantial mitochondrial haplotype with them.

Genetically speaking, Japanese are very close to Chinese people. In fact, our ancestors came from China....thousands upon thousands of years ago.

I understand that, and historically speaking the US draws its from of governance from Greece, but I was saying that overtime too many changes occur for us to now say that we are all one civilization. I make the distinction that I am an American, not an American who is also a Grecian due to our common history (well common government). Over time China and Japan began to develop their own identities and this is why "civilization" was the wrong word to describe their current situation. Perhaps when East Asia was first starting they were more similar and could be describes as the same civilization, but now too little bonds them for me to make that claim. They have common roots, I can't dispute history, but they also have dissimilar paths that lead to where they are now.

Civilization is a broad title that encompasses social factors, economic and fiscal policies, cultural differences, military power, a lot more than just a common genetic history - I share a common genetic history with Europeans, and by birth I am one, but my civilization in the US has developed to the point that we are too different from the Europeans for us to say that the US and Europe (which is also differentiated from country to country) are the same civilization.
Very good point ! Its interesting to note that even during the Warring States period when China was made up of different 'kingdoms' and had many barons, lords, the concept of a China was always there. I mean, even after say 秦始皇 passed away, each succedding Dynasty always aimed to nurture the traditional borders of the Empire. Each emperor refer to himself as 天子 (for our friends who cannot understand Kanji, this means "Son of Heaven"), a title each Emperor always referred to himself.

Chinese Dynasty may collapse, but the Chinese civilization never collapsed. In fact, it even conquered even foreign barbarians such as the Mongols and the Manchu, who eventually were Sinified. China, as an entity and scope, is vast. China is not just a nation state, China is the idea , the progenitor of East Asian culture and the sages that helped form and cultivate other East Asian neighbors such as those in Japan, and Korea.

Foreigners who think that "China will collapse" are wrong. China cannot collapse, and will never collapse. The idea of China is as old as Human history itself. In fact, "CHINA" is older than Christianity, Islam, Judaism. China as living continuous civilization did what many classical empires could not; and that is withstand foreign influence and subjugation. Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Holy Roman Empire, British Empire, Ottoman Empire, Russian Empire, etc etc, all collapsed in the sands of time. China has never collapsed. It has retained its traditional entity , more or less.

And as a nation that is over 1.4 Billion strong. They will continue to exist, 5 thousand years from now.
Yes, China is 1,000+ age that's old enough ... but her heart not old still young =).

For current developing China, we need praise Mohism "兼爱""非攻" "“兴天下大利,除天下之害”" and left Confucian "仁义道德" to foreigner especially U.S. :D

That's a ancient Chinese wisdom to teach today China how raise up again ... to be a skilled China will solve all problems here. China won't fall apart & China just stole lazy and enjoy a tea. :coffee:
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Also, I was told that Chinese civilization is equivalent of ancient Egypt withits hieroglyphics still being use in Egypt today. Oh how Indus Valley civilization was never conquered by Aryana that brought in Hinduism and caste system into India.

lol, yes. it is.

Do you know how Japan got its name? Japan's oldest name is 倭 (Wa, or Wo). The Chinese work known as Shan Hai Jing 山海經 (Classic of The Mountains and Seas) , there is a chapter there that describes the land of Wa , which is referring to Japan.

Incidentally this word "Wa" is progenitor of the YAMATO civilization of ancient Japan.

In fact, the oldest link we have that traces Chinese - Japanese relationship is the golden seal that the Chinese Empero Guangwu of the Han Dynasty gave to the Japanese Emperor back in 1st century CE.

I understand that, and historically speaking the US draws its from of governance from Greece, but I was saying that overtime too many changes occur for us to now say that we are all one civilization. I make the distinction that I am an American, not an American who is also a Grecian due to our common history (well common government). Over time China and Japan began to develop their own identities and this is why "civilization" was the wrong word to describe their current situation. Perhaps when East Asia was first starting they were more similar and could be describes as the same civilization, but now too little bonds them for me to make that claim. They have common roots, I can't dispute history, but they also have dissimilar paths that lead to where they are now.

Civilization is a broad title that encompasses social factors, economic and fiscal policies, cultural differences, military power, a lot more than just a common genetic history - I share a common genetic history with Europeans, and by birth I am one, but my civilization in the US has developed to the point that we are too different from the Europeans for us to say that the US and Europe (which is also differentiated from country to country) are the same civilization.

Very poignant points , buddy. Yes, you're right that China and Japan do share core cultural values, for example one thing that is rooted in Japanese culture is 'Confucian Culture'. Even the Code of Bushido is largely influenced by the Neo-confucian ideals. Japan, Korea may have evolved to develop their own unique identities, sure. Its like the French, Spanish (Iberian), Portugese and Italians have evolved from the original Latin culture of the Roman Empire, yet it shares core cultural values. For example: Republican form of democracy, the state religion -- which was Christianity (the latter part of the Roman Empire adopted Christianity supplanting the older pagan religion). Even the languages of these countries are based on Latin.
As a Japanese , and as one who reads classical Japanese writings, if you go back far enough, say anything before the 9th century C.E, there is no such thing as hiragana, katakana characters. Everything that is written , especially court documents, ancient poems of old, they are all written in Kanji. Kanji is the Japanese word for Hanzi, the Chinese characters.

Prior to the 9th century, we Japanese wrote in Chinese characters (i mean we still do because Kanji has a role in subject, object lexicon), but more so.

Lastly, Japanese people came to present day Japan from modern day China. We are , genetically speaking, derived from the same stock. As Japanese and Chinese share strong mitochondrial and chromosomal traits. The people who colonized prsent day Japanese Islands came from Chinese Mainland.

So, in a way, proto-Japanese are Chinese.

I was once told that Japanese people refuted the idea of originated from China. So does the majority of Japan think like that or just don't have a clue or are they aware of this fact generally?
I was once told that Japanese people refuted the idea of originated from China. So does the majority of Japan think like that or just don't have a clue or are they aware of this fact generally?

It's kind of hard to refute that fact, given all the data and evidence.

I think a lot of the older generation of Japanese know it as well. I don't think it bothers them in any particular way.
I was once told that Japanese people refuted the idea of originated from China. So does the majority of Japan think like that or just don't have a clue or are they aware of this fact generally?

Those who pursue a dedicated study of history will know the truth of one's origins. Sadly, more and more youths nowadays prefer more materialistic pursuits than in the study of history. In secondary schools tho, it is taught that Japan was colonized by people from Mainland China. But its very vague, and more emphasis is placed in studying classical Japanese history , ergo anything from 9th century onwards.

Its in university level that you get to learn more advanced level. Its when you realize, "Holy S**t, we came from China"

ha ha ha! :lol:
Thanks for clarifying that :lol:, i wonder why they don't teach the youth that in secondary school lol , hopefully not feeling ashamed their ancient ancestors came from China hahahaha
I am not sure about china collapse ,but am 100% sure of communism(CCP) collapse,its just a matter of time.

Communism doesn't exist in China only in name nor will the CPC collapse best chance for that was in the 1990s with the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the USSR, China has it's strongest government leadership since in ages. Thankfully the Arab catastrophic protests woke a lot of Naive Chinese up to that democracy isn't sunshine and rainbows.
lol, yes. it is.

Do you know how Japan got its name? Japan's oldest name is 倭 (Wa, or Wo). The Chinese work known as Shan Hai Jing 山海經 (Classic of The Mountains and Seas) , there is a chapter there that describes the land of Wa , which is referring to Japan.

Incidentally this word "Wa" is progenitor of the YAMATO civilization of ancient Japan.

In fact, the oldest link we have that traces Chinese - Japanese relationship is the golden seal that the Chinese Empero Guangwu of the Han Dynasty gave to the Japanese Emperor back in 1st century CE.

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Shan Hai Jing too many myth and fantastic story. Himiko (Hime-miko, princess-priestess) was the first reliable contact during end of the Three Kingdom Period. Japanese records during this period were fuzzy.

[Himiko or Pimiko (卑弥呼, ca. 170-248 CE) was a shaman queen of Yamataikoku in ancient Wa (Japan). Early Chinese dynastic histories chronicle tributary relations between Queen Himiko and the Cao Wei Kingdom (220-265), and record that the Yayoi period people chose her as ruler following decades of warfare among the kings of Wa. Early Japanese histories do not mention Himiko, but historians associate her with legendary figures such as Empress Consort Jingū, who was Regent (ca. 200-269) in roughly the same era as Himiko. Scholarly debates over the identity of Himiko and the location of her domain Yamatai have raged since the late Edo period, with opinions divided between northern Kyūshū or traditional Yamato province in present-day Kinki. "The Yamatai controversy", writes Keiji Imamura (1996:188), is "the greatest debate over the ancient history of Japan."]

Edit: Mistake, Na state of Wa is earlier. (>.<)"
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Those who pursue a dedicated study of history will know the truth of one's origins. Sadly, more and more youths nowadays prefer more materialistic pursuits than in the study of history. In secondary schools tho, it is taught that Japan was colonized by people from Mainland China. But its very vague, and more emphasis is placed in studying classical Japanese history , ergo anything from 9th century onwards.

Its in university level that you get to learn more advanced level. Its when you realize, "Holy S**t, we came from China"

ha ha ha! :lol:

When people from mainland China populated Japan, China didn't exist. So it's not a colonialization from people of one country to another. Otherwise, we are all africans.
Communism doesn't exist in China only in name nor will the CPC collapse best chance for that was in the 1990s with the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the USSR, China has it's strongest government leadership since in ages. Thankfully the Arab catastrophic protests woke a lot of Naive Chinese up to that democracy isn't sunshine and rainbows.
For ordinary people,Communism=people dsnt have any say,
Arab catastrophic protests where for democracy and not against democracy.
Shan Hai Jing too many myth and fantastic story. Himiko (Hime-miko, princess-priestess) was the first reliable contact during end of the Three Kingdom Period. Japanese records during this period were fuzzy.

[Himiko or Pimiko (卑弥呼, ca. 170-248 CE) was a shaman queen of Yamataikoku in ancient Wa (Japan). Early Chinese dynastic histories chronicle tributary relations between Queen Himiko and the Cao Wei Kingdom (220-265), and record that the Yayoi period people chose her as ruler following decades of warfare among the kings of Wa. Early Japanese histories do not mention Himiko, but historians associate her with legendary figures such as Empress Consort Jingū, who was Regent (ca. 200-269) in roughly the same era as Himiko. Scholarly debates over the identity of Himiko and the location of her domain Yamatai have raged since the late Edo period, with opinions divided between northern Kyūshū or traditional Yamato province in present-day Kinki. "The Yamatai controversy", writes Keiji Imamura (1996:188), is "the greatest debate over the ancient history of Japan."]

Edit: Mistake, Na state of Wa is earlier. (>.<)"

You made me take out my old history notes ! lol.

If I recollect my Ancient Japanese History correctly, the earliest proto-Japanese civilization , hailed ancestry from King Taibo of the State of Wu 吳國. In fact, there are reports that there was a massive colonization of present day Honshu by way of Wu State as early as the 2nd and 3rd century BCE. Some customs that are similar between The Wu State and early Japanese is the carrying children on the back, old dental practices such as ritual pulling of teeth, and even the clapping of hands during ancestral prayers. In fact many of the historical customs of the people from Jiangzhu and Zhejiang are totally identical to early Japanese cultural traditions.

Btw, the formal name of the earliest Kingdom in present day Japan is Yama - Taikoku 邪馬台国

Please read and refer ,

Suzhou Culture in Japan--《Journal of Suzhou College of Education》2011年05期
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