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Why China paid $1trillion to US but doesn't pay a dime to the Pak govt?

Yes, because Pakistan is our closest ally. If they really need a bailout, then we should bite the bullet, and give it to them.

For any other country, I would have said no. We still have a lot of our own people in poverty.

well said, and I second that.
Looking at it in a simplistic way, American consumers buy Chinese products and China puts that export receipts back into the American financial system by buying US T-bills, so that the Americans can consume more and more of their products. This is a win-win situation for both, Americans gets to consume at low prices and China gets to keep its factories running. This inter-dependency will ensure that there is no possibility of an overt war between the two countries. Trade and finance has become a 'deterrent', in pretty much the same way nukes were deterrents during the Cold War.

Pakistan's sovereign credit ratings are very low(just above Greece) and does not have consumers who can keep the Chinese factories running like the way the US has. Hence, it is silly to even compare the two relations and expect China to park a $1 trillion in Pakistan. China has geo-strategic interests in Asia and sees Pakistan as a willing partner to achieve its strategic goals and is therefore helping Pakistan with some development and defense projects.
I dont know how come this comparison come up. This is simple case of comparing Apples and Oranges.

Say, US got bankrupt tomorrow. Who will be most effected? China. China is an export driven economy and need a market where buying capability of people is higher which directly refers to US and alike countries in Europe. China did not bail out US but invested for short to Mid term. ROI is also good once US gets stable again. One more important thing, Even if US gets failed tomorrow. US have large stuff to save them like Selling Oil companies to China.

Now lets see case of Pakistan, China is investing in Pak. It is building roads, institutions, Port etc. Apart from these, they are earning by exporting stuff. Now What Pak can give in return to China? Export route and a market where buying capability of people is still less in comparison to other part of world. Then political instability, Terrorism is also an issue.
Yar i don't understand why do we expect them to invest here? I mean sure the friendship and all but they have no OBLIGATION to invest or loan pakistan. Its their money.

Even Pakistani's don't invest in Pakistan. It is a painful truth.
Yar i don't understand why do we expect them to invest here? I mean sure the friendship and all but they have no OBLIGATION to invest or loan pakistan. Its their money.

Even Pakistani's don't invest in Pakistan. It is a painful truth.

Like I said, do not worry, more investment will come, a little patience.
why China bail out Pakistan????? tell me any good reason?
when our own politicians are not sincere to our own country then how can we think about such things........China is our good friend but now we should solve our problems by ourselves.........China helped us a lot in every field and when time will come they will not left us alone but we should act as responsible nation and we should solve our problems without any help

---------- Post added at 06:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:29 PM ----------

Yar i don't understand why do we expect them to invest here? I mean sure the friendship and all but they have no OBLIGATION to invest or loan pakistan. Its their money.

Even Pakistani's don't invest in Pakistan. It is a painful truth.
its a bitter reality..............
Because China knows that a collapsed US economy will have extremely adverse effects for the export oriented Chinese economy.

There's not such compulsion associated with a potential collapse of Pakistani economy.

In fact, as I mentioned in some other thread, a collapsed Pakistani economy works out in China's interest.

Any collapse of the Pakistani economy will automatically make Pakistan a lackey of China.

Pakistan will be the drug addict and China will be the drug dealer.

What nation on Earth could refuse such a temptation?

You are all wrong.

USA has a AAA credit rating whereas Pakistan has C+ rating. Nobody going to lend you money or buy your bonds with that rating. Everybody wants their money back with interest and profit.

Friend of Pakistan a time tested friend China; who happened to support Pakistan every time in all fields has anyone thought of why China does not support the idea of bailing out Pakistan.

China that is considered rivalry to the United States paid an astounding $1 trillion to bail out US on agreed terms but never have China ever considered a friendly Pakistan to bail it out of economic and poverty where Pakistan debt stands close to $57 billion compared to $1 trillion to be far less. I am forced to think and write what is wrong between China and Pakistani Govts that trust deficit remains strong when it comes to finances.

Is there any working group between China and Pakistan to resolve this debt crisis and Pakistan assures and gives China access to areas specifically mining projects that has a better return profitability to Chinese companies/Govt.

As far as we all know China is a reliable trusted partner and friend thus it leads me to believe previous and present Pakistani Govts are the cause that keeps Chinese economists and government not to bail out Pakistan who is suffering due to large sum of debt that is hardly payable due to less exports and all sorts of disasters upon her from WOT to earthquake to floods.

Let’s be fair here Chinese and Pakistan Armed Forces have the strongest ties and all sorts of business deals goes through but the same enthusiasm and helping hand is not available when it comes to dealing with every Pakistani Govt in power.

Bailing out Pakistan out of the debt may it be half of what it is currently would benefit and help not only Pakistan but China mutually investing in all critical projects that immensely benefit Chinese economy as well.

I’ve given a thought and introduced it over here gentlemen your thoughts, do participate..

I’ll ask moderators to keep the thread clean and under surveillance and remove all flaming posts.

the i trillion dollar was investment of chinese foreign reserves..i dont understand which ignorant person even posted this thread
I dont know how come this comparison come up. This is simple case of comparing Apples and Oranges.

Say, US got bankrupt tomorrow. Who will be most effected? China. China is an export driven economy and need a market where buying capability of people is higher which directly refers to US and alike countries in Europe. China did not bail out US but invested for short to Mid term. ROI is also good once US gets stable again. One more important thing, Even if US gets failed tomorrow. US have large stuff to save them like Selling Oil companies to China.

Now lets see case of Pakistan, China is investing in Pak. It is building roads, institutions, Port etc. Apart from these, they are earning by exporting stuff. Now What Pak can give in return to China? Export route and a market where buying capability of people is still less in comparison to other part of world. Then political instability, Terrorism is also an issue.

USA aint going to get bankrupt. Its in your dream. They are just in little downside now after the last recession when govt had to spend hell lot of money to get out of it.
China-Pakistan relationship is more military related then economics related, and thats where most Pakistanis are getting confused here.

China is just interested in making money, they buy USA and Europe debt, so that they can continue buying Chinese goods, China offers Pakistan low interest rates for them to buy submarines and jets, so that China can make money.

China has played they cards rights and well done. Hope Indians can follow they lead in this retrospect.
Well to be honest China, I know it might hurt a few, but China has given more business loans to India then Pakistan.

Yet China continues to sell military equipment to Pakistan.
Looking at it in a simplistic way, American consumers buy Chinese products and China puts that export receipts back into the American financial system by buying US T-bills, so that the Americans can consume more and more of their products. This is a win-win situation for both, Americans gets to consume at low prices and China gets to keep its factories running. This inter-dependency will ensure that there is no possibility of an overt war between the two countries. Trade and finance has become a 'deterrent', in pretty much the same way nukes were deterrents during the Cold War.

Pakistan's sovereign credit ratings are very low(just above Greece) and does not have consumers who can keep the Chinese factories running like the way the US has. Hence, it is silly to even compare the two relations and expect China to park a $1 trillion in Pakistan. China has geo-strategic interests in Asia and sees Pakistan as a willing partner to achieve its strategic goals and is therefore helping Pakistan with some development and defense projects.

Well said, spoke like a professional in only 2 paragraphs.
may be because they know zardari and co will eat it even they pay us 10 trillions .
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