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Why China paid $1trillion to US but doesn't pay a dime to the Pak govt?

China should in my opinion, NEVER, bail out, Never give "aid" to Pakistan - because this is the fastest way to destroy the relationship between the two.

This is apropos of personal advice to never lend money to a friend. Of course, if one can adhere to this, it is for the best. In my own personal life I have had one occasion when my heart compelled me to violate this "rule". In this one case, it turned out for the best as my friend recovered from his despair and paid me back, in full, some many years later. So now we are the best of friends and he genuinely appreciates that I made an exception to the "common sense" rule about lending to a friend. I only bring this up to point out that there is NEVER an ironclad rule that works for all human relations, all of the time ....
Can't China just Install a Chinese backed Pakistani Dictator ? Say China Supported Musharraf, I know Pakistanis Miss Musharraf they gave him up for the Fruits of democracy :victory:.
This is apropos of personal advice to never lend money to a friend. Of course, if one can adhere to this, it is for the best. In my own personal life I have had one occasion when my heart compelled me to violate this "rule". In this one case, it turned out for the best as my friend recovered from his despair and paid me back, in full, some many years later. So now we are the best of friends and he genuinely appreciates that I made an exception to the "commons sense" rule about lending to a friend. I only bring this up to point out that there is NEVER an ironclad rule that works for all human relations, all of the time ....

You are a decent God loving person and you should be thankful that your friend was not a Pakistani politician.
China was a feudal society where a small elite lived well and millions barely survived. In the cities opium addiction was widespread. In the countryside feudal landlords ruled like Kings and extorted punitive taxes. There were frequent peasant rebellions which were bloodily suppressed. Life was tough and brutal. ''Sounds like Pakistan today.''
China was a feudal society where a small elite lived well and millions barely survived. In the cities opium addiction was widespread. In the countryside feudal landlords ruled like Kings and extorted punitive taxes. There were frequent peasant rebellions which were bloodily suppressed. Life was tough and brutal. ''Sounds like Pakistan today.''

They key is "land reforms". It is time to get rid of the feudal landlords in Pakistan as well.
Why is this "unfortunate" - I would have thought this is excellent policy.

Its unfortunate because we have a FAILED government and FAILED taxation collection system and we can't enforce any laws, and we love to apply for US immigration and spend $10,000 to lawyers
and another $7,000 for quick processing fees

Its unfortunate because , we have not implemented basic government policies to collect taxes
You should be thankful that your friend was not a Pakistani politician.

Truly he was not. He was a a high school classmate and a roommate in college. He had started a printing business in our childhood town and needed a loan to get past a bad patch during the "dot.com" recession in the US economy. My wife was very opposed but I said that this was not a "business" decision but one of "friendship". She has since forgiven me. Thanks be to Allah.
Because China is trying to bankrupt United States and western economies finishing them off and in the process becoming the new super power. Very clever design. In this chess board west is completely cornered off and do not have much room for any strategic moves. As for Pakistan, I must say Pakistan does not need any bail out. Pakistan's problems are internal. There is more than an est. 5,500 billion dollars worth of minerals in the country. Some mines in Baluchistan are worth more than hundreds of billions of dollars EACH. Pakistan can be a very prosperous nation on par with Saudi Arabia if it exploits those reserves and invests them in Pakistan's local economy and developing infrastructure from bullet trains to subways for every city and high tech hospitals and free schools with each one having its own library, lab, swimming pools and cricket grounds for children to study and play in. The money is there. The will is not. No matter how much money Pakistan begs and borrows will not be enough to develop anything. A billion dollar here and there is nothing for a country the size of Pakistan. Only Pakistan's mineral wealth can save it.
This Might sound kind of Weird but Zardari kind of reminds me of chiang kai-shek , Zardari a corrupt leader allying himself with the Corrupt Military leaders like Chiang did with the Corrupt Warlords, Pakistan might needs it's own Mao.
Pakistan is really a spoiled brat , I mean really a spoiled brat with iphone, ipad , and laptop and cool black berry and fancy hair style
which cost a bundle. He gets his money from parents

When someone asks hey why don't you dress properly , he goes I am poor I spend all my money on gadgets and fancy things , and we will talk more about how poor I am once I come back from my comic con festival in UK , and then I will fly off to US for movie session. Its important we talk about how poor we are because I am suffering ... with no Cabel TV so I need someone to bail me out ... untill my folks pay off my rent next month

When someone tells him go get a job !!! He gets offensive .... that his feelings were hurt

I am like come one Pakistan get over it you have best luxuries in life yet you pretend to be poor and miserable all the time just step on the peddle and FORCE THE TAX COLLECTION

I would tax the heck out of all sectors untill debt is paid

a) Property tax
b) Car tax
c) Education tax
d) Licence plate tax
e) Car transfer tax
f) Income tax
g) Forigne property tax (specially those that own palaces in UNITED KINGDOM)
h) More then one child TAX
I) Medical care tax
j) Mail / Parcel tax
k) Export tax
l) Electricty usage extra usage tax
l) Sales tax HST
M) Politician tax
n) Calling yourself Punjabi, Sindhi, KPK , Balouchistan ie Provincial tax

Pakistan has NO TAX ... do you know how strange that seems to someone in USA or Europe who pay 30-40 % of their income to government with smile ... Pakistanis have no WORRIES IN LIFE ...

Then people cry over well why is Jinah's Pakistan not achieved well of course its not gonna be achieved until you hold a begger's bowl in your hand seeking donations

Right after you get the donation , you go about and order a big dinner, and fancy restaurant and bring in a limo and off you go with your friends partying like its never going to end for another 365 days you are , a FREE SOUL

And don't even get me started with all families with 10 children , on scooter for god's sake use Rubber , and have 1 child if you can't afford to pay for child don't bring it in world and then ask Government to provide for the child - ITS NOT OK FOR PPL TO HAVE 10 KIDS
This Might sound kind of Weird but Zardari kind of reminds me of chiang kai-shek , Zardari a corrupt leader allying himself with the Corrupt Military leaders like Chiang did with the Corrupt Warlords, Pakistan might needs it's own Mao.

Yeah, I can see the similarity to Chiang Kai-shek. He allied with the corrupt warlords and America too.

But in order to get rid of Chiang Kai-shek's corrupt government, we had to have a massive and bloody civil war. I wouldn't wish that kind of bloodshed on anyone.

Maybe Pakistan can skip straight to the Deng Xiaoping stage of reforms.
damn, indians have stormed this thread like.............. anway, they come here with an agenda, so like them.

to the question posted, i would say it's the political instablity. The corrupt govt and mr. zaradari is the cherry on top. Who would feel comfortable buying your loans when money hungry lots like him are in control?

As much as US's economy is trashed these days, US offers a polical stablity and certainity that Pakistan just can't compare to. We know next year there will be Presidential election in the US. We in January 2013 Mr. Obama will either be still in the office or someone will have replaced him. Can we say that with certainity about Pakistan? are we absolutely sure tomorrow military wont have taken over the gov't?

Pakistan will have to go through at least three or four democraticlly elected gov't completing their full tenure before it gets taken seriously internaionally. Only then can you count on your true friends to bail you out in billions of dollars. But till then, hopefully we'll have overcome the debt ourselfves.
Pakistan needs a Strong man why did Pakistanis give Musharraf up for the fruits of Democracy ? I hear you guys want him back now.
Check out the thread title, it's an issue between China and Pakistan.

Yet SOMEHOW, the first few pages are filled with nothing else but Indians whining, despite the fact it has nothing to do with them. :P

and it happens in every thread like this. It's like Indians just can't miss the opertunity. And then US political establishment says Pakistanis are obsessed with India.
I click on this thread and I go, alright let's skip through all this indian nonsense first before we can discuss this thing amongst ourselves, but god oh god, does is their crap neverending.
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