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Why China is so tough in this China-India border tension? Vietnam and other countries should know the reason

The word “trapped” should be used for the weak country. China has opened new front line on the east China-India border. India will bleed more

China did not open any front, just guarding LAC like India. Thats it.
Let's be quite honest. Modi and his Hindutva clique are idiot strategists full of self delusion and hubris, and that is what has led them to the undesirable confrontation with China that they find themselves today. This unfortunate circumstance is doubly worsened by the lost of Trump's patronage and his replacement with a far more aloof Biden administration.
China is a lost country. Historically anyone who went against West is doomed.

1. China got slapped by big sanction not only in India, but every small country on the planet, look at Huawei, had become a handicapped child begging for his life.

2. They are a sinking ship, since economic is crippled, export are sanction by white house. West had allied against China.

3. Name a single big and meaningful country which sides with China today? ( please don't name Russia, they give shit about China)

I hope Pakistan made due diligence and stay neutral in this game. West is still the king of this planet for next 100+ years.
Whatever. Status quo projects weakness for china.
What status quo, status quo is before we occupy 1000 sqkm. Now its whether you dare to take it back. Lol. Well it's actually good for you think you 'won' since you would have the self belief that there is nothing to reclaim, works fine for me man
China is a lost country. Historically anyone who went against West is doomed.

1. China got slapped by big sanction not only in India, but every small country on the planet, look at Huawei, had become a handicapped child begging for his life.

2. They are a sinking ship, since economic is crippled, export are sanction by white house. West had allied against China.

3. Name a single big and meaningful country which sides with China today? ( please don't name Russia, they give shit about China)

I hope Pakistan made due diligence and stay neutral in this game. West is still the king of this planet for next 100+ years.
In this world, there are dogs and there are humans. You choose to be a puppy, that's your choice, don't force us who wants to fight for our destiny to accept your fate.
China deployed troops on the Bhutan border. India has to response by sending more resources and soldiers there. India wil lose more blood than US supplied

China can't do anything at Bhutan boarder. Counter measures were taken during last Doklam stand off. In fact chin loses credibility by claiming land inside Bhutan.
Countless skirmishes happened along China-India border since 1962 war. All were settled peacefully by the two countries. China even compromised in the 2017 Dklam standoff incident. In which both sides confirmed that Indian soldiers entered China's territory by crossing undisputed boundary line.

Why China is so tough this time? There are many reasons. China's being fed up with India's endless harassments could be one of reasons. I think the most important reason is. China realized things are different and complicated this time. It's not about China and India tension as it looks like. India is more like cooperating with US on the "Containing China" strategy. China has sensed that India had made worst choice for China: Joining in US “India-Pacific Strategy”. India created the tension on border at the peak time of US attacks on China. It's definitely not a coincidence. After 6.15 clash, India government immediately banned hundreds of Chinese apps and limited Chinese goods import for "national security"(sounds familiar?) reason.

Many people believe that all anti China measures and India-US cooperations are the results of China-India clash. No. They were premeditated by India. What was out of Indians' plan is, unlike other skirmishes, this time China didn't back off and gave India a firm slap.

For China, it's meaningless to make any concession if it's not pure China-India issue. Because India had joinned in an anti-China gang. It won't stop hurting China's interest until the boss of the gang says "stop". On the other hand, China needs to fight back. It's not wise to directly fight with US, the boss of the gang. US is too powerful and China's biggest customer. Hitting the pawns is the best choice for China. We have seen how China punished Canada, Australia and of course India while making deals with US even though we all know US is one where the problems came from. It's all logical.

Lesson for Vietnam and other countries. Having issues with China is not a big problem. China overall is a soft and tolerant country. But you have got to keep distance from US. Once you become a pawn of US, you will see a tough China.
According to PRC when it comes to territorial disputes what is mine is mine but what is yours is negotiable.

Sadly for PRC that won't work with India. The example being set by India of standing put to your bully and not backing down from a fight would be followed by all the countries which is currently being bullied by China. Ex - Vietnam, Philippines, Japan etc

It's only logical to suggest for all these bullied countries to come together and form a pact and have each other's back when a confrontation takes place. Sooner or later QUAD is going to have a security framework similar to article 5 of NATO and it would eventually expand to include some of these countries.
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But Canada and Australia are miles away. They don’t share border with you. Why you threaten them?
But we didn't bludgeon 20 Aussies or Canadians to death with spiked clubs, did we?

luckily for them for not sharing a border with China.

India? not so much..:rolleyes:
Do you mean India has trapped? China is just toying with you, believed me.
[IND]The poor is becoming even poorer!
But Canada and Australia are miles away. They don’t share border with you. Why you threaten them?
Those little yet pathetic members of the Five Eyes!

Chinese people have NO issue with the German people, at least don't have any serious issue.

And mind you, that World War II loser is NEVER a part of the Anglo-American Axis, that is WHY the German ain't part of the first-layer spy ring as well as the first-layer intelligence sharing of the Five Eyes! Revert to the Edward Snowden's revelations.

I still believe that one day the German people will again regain their pride and full consciousness, and take back their complete independence by kicking out those legacy foreign military bases in their country since the WWII, just like the glorious Germans of the 19th century. The Aryans cannot act as losers for good!

According to PRC when it comes to territorial disputes what is mine is mine but what is yours is negotiable.

Sadly for PRC that won't work with India. The example being set by India of standing put to your bully and not backing down from a fight would be followed by all the countries which is currently being bullied by China. Ex - Vietnam, Philipines, Japan etc

It's only logical to suggest for all these bullied countries to come together and form a pact and have each other's back when a confrontation takes place. Sooner or later QUAD is going to have a security framework similar to article 5 of NATO and it would eventually expand to include some of these countries.
Keep on dreaming.... you can back here to talk again the Asian version of NATO when it really happens. Just keep on dreaming... :p:
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Keep on dreaming.... you can back here to talk again the Asian version of NATO when it really happens. Just keep on dreaming... :p:
Likewise on Taiwan, 5 fingers of Tibetan palm and most importantly convincing US to go soft on all the issues related to your country. No matter what people say about Trump, he has done what Obama could not do which is take on China and designate it as US enemy NO 1 for the coming decade. He has laid the groundwork and Biden will be forced to follow the Anti-China policies and strategies.
But we didn't bludgeon 20 Aussies or Canadians to death with spiked clubs, did we?

luckily for them for not sharing a border with China.

India? not so much..:rolleyes:

Is this a subtle message for the Vietnamese the same fate awaits them?
I agree with TS. Anyone who joins the US ranks! china will consider it as a conspiracy against them aka red-flag and trigger them
Likewise on Taiwan, 5 fingers of Tibetan palm and most importantly convincing US to go soft on all the issues related to your country. No matter what people say about Trump, he has done what Obama could not do which is take on China and designate it as US enemy NO 1 for the coming decade. He has laid the groundwork and Biden will be forced to follow the Anti-China policies and strategies.
Since falling short of proper IQ you cannot comprehend why an Asian NATO will never happen. The legitimacy of QUAD itself is questionable from the start. Japan and India have territorial dispute with China, Australia does not fit in this picture now does it? It only joined because of the pressure from the US. Vietnam and Philippines do meet this requirement but will never be part of this security alliance for a number of reasons. 1. A communist country? Seriously? Absolutely a no go area. 2. Philippines is separated by sea, are you expecting Ph Navy to make any difference in a sea battle against the most powerful Naval force in the region? Even the Japanese Navy is wetting its pants. Also don't expect the Japanese to be that serious about the QUAD thing, we know the Japs were also forced into this by its master. In the case of Taiwan it is more about being invaded rather than territorial issue but still not invited to join, because that would provoke China to an immediate escalation. Even US is not that stupid to go this far. NATO was created out of fear for a land invasion by Russia throughout Europe which is mostly connected by land. Taiwan is the only one who fears for an invasion while the rest of the neighboring countries don't share that fear, hence the QUAD started with only this tiny number of membership and will remain that small or will eventually disintegrate.
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