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Why China is so tough in this China-India border tension? Vietnam and other countries should know the reason

Sure we can. Indian military will be destroyed by self attrition while Chinese soldiers are sitting in warm bunkers with internet access and hot food. Get mad.
I don't think so, We have experience in siachin and 1.3 billion people. Anything status quo is weakness for china.
I don't think so, We have experience in siachin and 1.3 billion people. Anything status quo is weakness for china.

nope opposite, because China has occupied up to perceived LOC while India did not and is only holding behind formerly patrolled positions. Now PLA will never leave.

population is meaningless when most are illiterate, starving and unorganized.
nope opposite, because China has occupied up to perceived LOC while India did not and is only holding behind formerly patrolled positions. Now PLA will never leave.

population is meaningless when most are illiterate, starving and unorganized.
India changed the rules of engagement. Occupied kailash ranges. India meeting its objective. India is spending billion's on equipment, we can feed 50k troops for years. It will not break India.
India changed the rules of engagement. Occupied kailash ranges. India meeting its objective. India is spending billion's on equipment, we can feed 50k troops for years. It will not break India.
Previously it was buffer zone. What did china achieve ? Nothing. It gave India a reason to occupy Kailash ranges.

India is not trapped. Indian objective is defending further chinese aggression. We are successful so far. Same thing can't be said for china. China can't stay there forever. That will show the weakness to the whole world.
Kailash ranges, hahha you talk as if its a huge piece of mountain. You camped on the LAC because you know if you pass that line, we will fry you. Lolol.

1000 sqkm lost and you still talk as if you won anything. If you had, you wouldn't be this agitated mate. The Chinese otoh exerts body language of someone defending land they had taken. Lolol

Who says we want to invade India, our base line is always our perceived LAC which coincides with our claim boundary.
Wow, are you serious? No wonder so many casualties there.
How is it related to the topic? India is at siachen for more than 30yrs.
Yah 30 yaers and how many dead Popsicles?
The lessons Vietnam must have drawn in recent years are the consequences for doing the US bidding in antagonizing China. Ever since South Korea received some hard punishment it is reluctant to execute any US orders in regards to missile defence. Now lets switch to the South China Sea topic. The Philippines did not achieve any victory in the territorial dispute when it was forced by the US to take the case to a kangaroo court which only gathered support by a couple of Western countries (hardly any surprise) and one of the judges leaked that the case was destined to make China lose. China ofcourse got many support from the global community that this was an issue between only China and the claimants. Needless to say this has only jeopardized Philippines economy but was fortunately enough to repent for its mistake when a new leader was chosen and the first priority was to re-establish friendly ties with China again. Another county who suffered the same economic punishment was Norway which took some years before it could finally start exporting its salmon to the Chinese market again. Same thing happened to Canada and the recent country that is bearing the brunt has landed on Australia's plate. There's one thing in common between all these countries and that is the striking blow dealt by China that forces them to seek our forgiveness. Some are less fortunate such as Norway that needed a couple of years before being allowed back into our market. If it comes down to territory you can count on China will be taking a very hard stance and will not hesitate to strike back with fury. India was brutally beaten in a battle of fist fight and so were Vietnamese boats cut in half will serve as a good case in point. Countries can either build fantastic trade ties with China or get beaten up but you ain't going to beat China that's for sure.
Kailash ranges, hahha you talk as if its a huge piece of mountain. You camped on the LAC because you know if you pass that line, we will fry you. Lolol.

1000 sqkm lost and you still talk as if you won anything. If you had, you wouldn't be this agitated mate. The Chinese otoh exerts body language of someone defending land they had taken. Lolol

Who says we want to invade India, our base line is always our perceived LAC which coincides with our claim boundary.

Wow, are you serious? No wonder so many casualties there.

Yah 30 yaers and how many dead Popsicles?

Whatever. Status quo projects weakness for china.
But Canada and Australia are miles away. They don’t share border with you. Why you threaten them?
Because these countries interfere in China's internal affairs.The issues of Hong Kong and Xinjiang are the business of the Chinese people themselves, and other countries are not allowed to interfere.
Countless skirmishes happened along China-India border since 1962 war. All were settled peacefully by the two countries. China even compromised in the 2017 Dklam standoff incidence. In which both sides confirmed that Indian soldiers entered China's territory by crossing undisputed boundary line.

Why China is so tough this time? There are many reasons. China's being fed up with India's endless harassments could be one of reasons. I think the most important reason is. China realized things are different and complicated this time. It's not about China and India tension as it looks like. India is more like cooperating with US on the "Containing China" strategy. China has sensed that India had made worst choice for China: Joining in US “India-Pacific Strategy”. India created the tension on border at the peak time of US attacks on China. It's definitely not a coincidence. After 6.15 clash, India government immediately banned hundreds of Chinese apps and limited Chinese goods import for "national security"(sounds familiar?) reason.

Many people believe that all anti China measures and India-US cooperations are the results of China-India clash. No. They were premeditated by India. What was out of Indians' plan is, unlike other skirmishes, this time China didn't back off and gave India a firm slap.

For China, it's meaningless to make any concession if it's not pure China-India issue. Because India had joinned in an anti-China gang. It won't stop hurting China's interest until the boss of the gang says "stop". On the other hand, China needs to fight back. It's not wise to directly fight with US, the boss of the gang. US is too powerful and China's biggest customer. Hitting the pawns is the best choice for China. We have seen how China punished Canada, Australia and of course India while making deals with US even though we all know US is one where the problems came from. It's all logical.

Lesson for Vietnam and other countries. Having issues with China is not a big problem. China overall is a soft and tolerant country. But you have got to keep distance from US. Once you become a pawn of US, you will see a tough China.

Indian thieves are shameless, modi think china is under attack from USA, so they can steal a piece of land from China

just like what they tried to do in 1962, thinking we are in the famine and can steal land from us, they got what they deserved
I don't think so, We have experience in siachin and 1.3 billion people. Anything status quo is weakness for china.

1.3 billion “people”? Haha, those Dalits are simply animals, living like animals and treated as animals by RSS goons

in India only probably 10 million “people”, the rest are animals
Indian thieves are shameless, modi think china is under attack from USA, so they can steal a piece of land from China

just like what they tried to do in 1962, thinking we are in the famine and can steal land from us, they got what they deserved

1.3 billion “people”? Haha, those Dalits are simply animals, living like animals and treated as animals by RSS goons

in India only probably 10 million “people”, the rest are animals

High IQ post from gutter eater.
@waz @LeGenD, clearly this member is high again early morning with Laos weed.

Do like me. Throw that useless piece of shit into the ignore bin and life be more blissful
:yay: :yay::yay:
The lessons Vietnam must have drawn in recent years are the consequences for doing the US bidding in antagonizing China. Ever since South Korea received some hard punishment it is reluctant to execute any US orders in regards to missile defence. Now lets switch to the South China Sea topic. The Philippines did not achieve any victory in the territorial dispute when it was forced by the US to take the case to a kangaroo court which only gathered support by a couple of Western countries (hardly any surprise) and one of the judges leaked that the case was destined to make China lose. China ofcourse got many support from the global community that this was an issue between only China and the claimants. Needless to say this has only jeopardized Philippines economy but was fortunately enough to repent for its mistake when a new leader was chosen and the first priority was to re-establish friendly ties with China again. Another county who suffered the same economic punishment was Norway which took some years before it could finally start exporting its salmon to the Chinese market again. Same thing happened to Canada and the recent country that is bearing the brunt has landed on Australia's plate. There's one thing in common between all these countries and that is the striking blow dealt by China that forces them to seek our forgiveness. Some are less fortunate such as Norway that needed a couple of years before being allowed back into our market. If it comes down to territory you can count on China will be taking a very hard stance and will not hesitate to strike back with fury. India was brutally beaten in a battle of fist fight and so were Vietnamese boats cut in half will serve as a good case in point. Countries can either build fantastic trade ties with China or get beaten up but you ain't going to beat China that's for sure.


That was not even a kangaroo court at all.

Just some shitholes meeting in a room rented in Hague with a prepared agenda.
Chaired by a Japanese with deep deep vested interest in smearing China
All paid for by Murica.

Why is it still called Hague ruling as to steal and innuendo that was ever part of the world court of Hague?
Who disowned that shithole meeting in that rented room as nothing they want to touch with a ten foot pole.

Only Pompeo and his likes want to use that to frot themselves on
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China is trapped at Ladhak/LAC. Can't withdraw troops or proceed to occupy further. India changed rules of engagement so no more drama to move in with huge numbers.
The word “trapped” should be used for the weak country. China has opened new front line on the east China-India border. India will bleed more
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