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Why China is so tough in this China-India border tension? Vietnam and other countries should know the reason

The more india joins usa, the stronger chinese russian alliance. No one can touch china and russia united. We got our quad in china, russia, pakistan and iran and we dont need no one else. We got Rcep and now we gonna kick those street sh1tters who dont wipe a22es out of SCO
..not seen much bleeding lately. Just the PLA getting drone takeaway pizza while sucking on oxygen from a tube.
Please let the punishing commence so that the world can fear the might of China.
“Bleeding” here means India has to maintain the confrontation with China. Which is costly for India.
India is good punching bag practice for China before it takes on the US.
Modi just severely miscalculated and because the Indians swallow Anglo Jewish propaganda, didn’t realize how much the world had changed and thought opportunistically jumping on the Trump Pompeo bandwagon would come with no cost and only gains.

Unfortunately he severely moscalculated. I will add however that it is in the interest of both the peoples of China and India to live in permanent peace and respect with one another.
Modi just severely miscalculated and because the Indians swallow Anglo Jewish propaganda, didn’t realize how much the world had changed and thought opportunistically jumping on the Trump Pompeo bandwagon would come with no cost and only gains.

Unfortunately he severely moscalculated. I will add however that it is in the interest of both the peoples of China and India to live in permanent peace and respect with one another.

Modi is a tea seller. He thought that he would get the support from the USA but now that Trump is gone, Modi has been left alone and to fend for himself.

Modi also has high ego. So we he is unable to back down quickly. But he cannot sustain this for long.

Sooner than later he will be forced to given up his ego and will be forced to beg Xi and PMIK for a pardon for his missteps.
Modi is a tea seller. He thought that he would get the support from the USA but now that Trump is gone, Modi has been left alone and to fend for himself.

Modi also has high ego. So we he is unable to back down quickly. But he cannot sustain this for long.

Sooner than later he will be forced to given up his ego and will be forced to beg Xi and PMIK for a pardon for his missteps.
It’s quite simple what happened. Modi saw an opportunity and thought the Anglos were the undisputed rulers of the world and that he would gain their trust and support by cheap posturing against China. Thought it would be a replay of doklam where China backed off in order to build a productive relationship with India. But he calculated wrong. China is emerging out of this crisis as a very powerful country and knew that any weakness shown to the quad would only invite more attacks especially since all but the US is far weaker than China itself. So Modi miscalculated deeply and it will be costly. Wish it was not the case and that China and India could co exist in not only peace but friendship, but Modi is to blame.
It’s quite simple what happened. Modi saw an opportunity and thought the Anglos were the undisputed rulers of the world and that he would gain their trust and support by cheap posturing against China. Thought it would be a replay of doklam where China backed off in order to build a productive relationship with India. But he calculated wrong. China is emerging out of this crisis as a very powerful country and knew that any weakness shown to the quad would only invite more attacks especially since all but the US is far weaker than China itself. So Modi miscalculated deeply and it will be costly. Wish it was not the case and that China and India could co exist in not only peace but friendship, but Modi is to blame.

China + Pakistan will crush Modi this time without any mercy.
It’s quite simple what happened. Modi saw an opportunity and thought the Anglos were the undisputed rulers of the world and that he would gain their trust and support by cheap posturing against China. Thought it would be a replay of doklam where China backed off in order to build a productive relationship with India. But he calculated wrong. China is emerging out of this crisis as a very powerful country and knew that any weakness shown to the quad would only invite more attacks especially since all but the US is far weaker than China itself. So Modi miscalculated deeply and it will be costly. Wish it was not the case and that China and India could co exist in not only peace but friendship, but Modi is to blame.
Maybe Modi wants to follow Deng Xiaoping. Who led China to prosperity by joining in the US side and resisting Soviet Union. But he forgot things changed. US is not as wealthy as it used to be. And China's economy has reached a level Soviet Union never reached.

Modi also forgot that, to weaken Soviet Union, Deng Xiaoping waged a 10 years war with Vietnam, pawn of Soviet Union. Modi wanted India to be next China. Turns out India became next Vietnam.
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Not backing down doesn't matter when you're too weak to do anything about it. See 1962.
It does matter a great deal. Too weak to do anything about it? China had more casualties than India in Galwan valley (OSNIT says so). Why did the PLA retreat from Galwan when they had the upper hand and not stick to their version of LAC? 1962? Have you heard about 1967, 1987, 2013, 2017 - PLA backs down eventually after losing steam. If PLA is so superior in terms of military power they would've triggered a conflict by now, taught India another lesson similar to 1962 and moved on saving everyone's time. What better time to have a conflict with India while it's internally battling Wuhan/CCP virus and recession. Since PLA is not ready to do that clearly says that they've miscalculated their Indian plans for 2020 and trying to find a way to save face. You can't keep throwing 1962 for an argument forever, it was disproved in 1967 itself just 5 years after 1962.
It does matter a great deal. Too weak to do anything about it? China had more casualties than India in Galwan valley (OSNIT says so). Why did the PLA retreat from Galwan when they had the upper hand and not stick to their version of LAC? 1962? Have you heard about 1967, 1987, 2013, 2017 - PLA backs down eventually after losing steam. If PLA is so superior in terms of military power they would've triggered a conflict by now, taught India another lesson similar to 1962 and moved on saving everyone's time. What better time to have a conflict with India while it's internally battling Wuhan/CCP virus and recession. Since PLA is not ready to do that clearly says that they've miscalculated their Indian plans for 2020 and trying to find a way to save face. You can't keep throwing 1962 for an argument forever, it was disproved in 1967 itself just 5 years after 1962.
Too much brainwashing fake news for Indians. India never won a single conflict with China. All visible proofs have proven that. China didn't want a big scale war with India because China didn't see India as a real threat before you jumped on US warship.

By the way, when the China-India border tension rose in April, the covid-19 was already under control in China. China didn't need to resort to any border conflict.
It does matter a great deal. Too weak to do anything about it? China had more casualties than India in Galwan valley (OSNIT says so). Why did the PLA retreat from Galwan when they had the upper hand and not stick to their version of LAC? 1962? Have you heard about 1967, 1987, 2013, 2017 - PLA backs down eventually after losing steam. If PLA is so superior in terms of military power they would've triggered a conflict by now, taught India another lesson similar to 1962 and moved on saving everyone's time. What better time to have a conflict with India while it's internally battling Wuhan/CCP virus and recession. Since PLA is not ready to do that clearly says that they've miscalculated their Indian plans for 2020 and trying to find a way to save face. You can't keep throwing 1962 for an argument forever, it was disproved in 1967 itself just 5 years after 1962.

OSINT = rumor. And China is still at the perceived LAC. As of yet there's still no evidence for even a single Chinese casualty at Galwan while there's photographs of Indian prisoners including high ranking colonels. Losing high ranking officers = losing.

It's super easy to prove me wrong: name, rank and serial number of a single Chinese soldier killed or captured at Galwan. Go ahead.

What happened in 1967 other than Indian post-hoc Wikipedia edits? Nothing much. 1962 wasn't posturing or anything, it was a decisive military victory with more Indian casualties than everything else combined.
921765-chinese-tombstone-newting.jpgThis gentleman tombstone says was killed at the Indian border in June 2020

First, you say ZERO PLA soldiers were killed only Indians. While India claims no they too had casualties and was more than India's. US Intelligence also confirms this. Full-on denial mode by PLA and PRC.

Few months pass!!

Global Times editor and SCMP says there were casualties on the Chinese side too. Slowly the truth starts coming out. Give it few more months/yrs the actual figures will eventually come out.


Keeping all the politics and rivalry aside. When any soldier from any country joins the armed force, they expect to serve the nation patriotically and lay down their lives when the situation arises. Its the moral responsibility of the respective nation to honor them. That'll be the least that any country can do, which is exactly what India did, it revealed the actual KIA figures and honored them publicly so that the world and Indians know happened on that fatal day. This will cause inspiration for others to join the force, increase nationalism and change public opinion of 1.3 Billion Indians and others across the world about China. I wish China could have done the same and honored her Bravehearts who laid their life on that day. They too are humans like everyone and deserve respect.

All you can do is keep beating the same old broken drum from 1962 forever and you've failed to replicate it since then and still dreaming.
The more india joins usa, the stronger chinese russian alliance. No one can touch china and russia united. We got our quad in china, russia, pakistan and iran and we dont need no one else. We got Rcep and now we gonna kick those street sh1tters who dont wipe a22es out of SCO
Why would India join RCEP when it already has FTA with 12 out of 15 RCEP countries and some of these FTAs have not fully helped India it has only caused further trade imbalance. Australia, New Zealand and China are the only countries from RCEP against whom India does not have FTA. I understand China's pain, it's mainly because it failed in convincing India to have a bilateral FTA and a multilateral FTA like RCEP for dumping its cheap products because it just lost the Indian market which is 1.3 Billion which is more than the population of 14 RCEP countries put together. SCO is useless just like OIC/UN/SAARC India joined SCO because Russians wanted someone strong to balance out China
New Delhi, India is very lively :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
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