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Why China can bark but can't bite?


Aug 4, 2016
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A Sino-Indian armed conflict: Why China can bark but can't bite?

Defence Minister Arun Jaitley's recent riposte to the Chinese bullying over Doklam standoff and the response it evoked from China sum up the new reality of Sino-Indian relations: Jaitley said India was no longer the India of 1962 (when it was defeated by China in a war) and China replied it was also not the China of 1962.

Even though both meant something else, the fact is the two countries have come a long way from just being inimical neighbours. Bilateral and global contexts have completely changed from 1962. China may be a bigger military and economic power than India, but it can hardly afford a military conflict today.

China's global ambitions
During the past few years, Chinese President Xi Jinping has unleashed a grand propaganda for image makeover of the country. China does not want to be perceived as a bigger, richer and more powerful North Korea. In his first speech to the World Economic Forum at Davos in January, Xi surprised the world by defending economic globalisation and speaking against emerging protectionist trends all over the world.

Since there are signs of the US backing off from its position of the global leader, China is eyeing that role. But for that it needs to shed the image of a bellicose dictatorship and an unreliable trader. That's why China is increasingly presenting itself as a responsible power to the world.

China's global dream is best exemplified by its One Belt One Belt (OBOR) initiative where it tried to portray itself as a responsible global economic force which is willing to work for greater economic good of all.

Bullying and belligerence run counter to China's ambition to replace the US as global leader or at least its rhetoric of emerging as a responsible world power and a reliable, open economy. In the Doklam standoff, China has stooped to a new low of threatening to encourage separatism in Sikkim while it had started with a threat of armed conflict. Such posturing will hardly evoke confidence in innumerable small countries in Asia and Africa with whom China seeks economic partnership.

Regional challenges
China's efforts for supremacy in Asia are often challenged by India. A recent example is Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). It is a proposed free trade agreement (FTA) between the 10 member-states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Australia, China, India, Japan, South Korea and New Zealand.
For China, it means a lot as it will account for about 40 per cent of world trade. RCEP will provide much-needed markets for Chinese goods.

But, as Foreign Policy has reported, the China-backed trade deal meant to cement the Beijing’s dominance in Asia has veered off course because India is hesitant to open its borders to cheap Chinese goods. Though the RCEP is likely to be finalised by the year-end, it may not be exactly in the form China would like.

China's ambition to set the rules of the game, at least in Asia, is often frustrated by India. India's boycott of OBOR is a good example. An armed conflict with India will certainly put an end to China's dream of an overarching role in Asia. China can fulfill that dream only by engaging India positively.

The trade dependence
China-India trade cooperation has deepened over the years and the bilateral trade has grown 24 times in 15 years, from $2.9 billion in 2000 to $70.8 billion in 2016. China has emerged as one of the fastest-growing sources of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into India. It was 17th largest in 2016, up from the 28th rank in 2014 and 35th in 2011. A number of Chinese companies are setting up manufacturing units in India. It is India that depends on China in the trade equation—India's trade deficit with China has risen to $46.56 billion. China's exports to India account for only 2 per cent of its total exports.

Yet, no one can deny India offers China a promising market. An armed conflict will threaten trade ties. Maybe that's why China stopped Indian pilgrims from visiting Mansarovar but not trade through Nathu-la. China stopping the trade route might have invited a similar Indian response.
India and China have far too common things than differences we need to sort out the boundary issue once and for all and we can move forward in lots of areas.
India and China have far too common things than differences we need to sort out the boundary issue once and for all and we can move forward in lots of areas.

Nope... China will never allow us to move forward. China know India will be the next rival to them, Hence they block us everywhere they get a chance. India should increase its GDP build up its military strength
China shares borders with 14 countries but have border disputes with 23 countries. The fact basically sums up China purported peaceful rise :lol:

Those leeches should be stomped and bitch slapped every once in a while !!
Nehru thought exactly the same. :P
Nehru is long dead. Same as Mao.

A surprise attack with overwhelming majority on unprepared army with minimal defense. That's 1962.
If you never got out of that cocoon, you can never get a single piece of land without costing dearly.

In fact war is like opening a Pandora's box. China want's to project themselves as a sole world power. All with OBOR and CPEC, well good look with that ambition with a war on one front. :enjoy:
China may be a bigger military and economic power than India, but it can hardly afford a military conflict today.

Why can't China afford a war? China's economy is five times that of India.

Militarily speaking, China would be bombing well populated areas of India while India would be bombing sparsely populated areas of Tibet.

India would be running pillar to post within a week from the start of the war.

Hope better sense prevails and India gives up its pride.
Why can't China afford a war? China's economy is five times that of India.

Militarily speaking, China would be bombing well populated areas of India while India would be bombing sparsely populated areas of Tibet.

India would be running pillar to post within a week from the start of the war.

Hope better sense prevails and India gives up its pride.

Why would India bomb sparsely populated areas of Tibet ? :cheesy:

India will move to occupy Tibet and free it from Chinese control :lol:

There is no better way to secure our border than create the free nation of TIBET as a buffer state. Maybe its time we brought "democracy" in TIBET :P
Why can't China afford a war? China's economy is five times that of India.

Militarily speaking, China would be bombing well populated areas of India while India would be bombing sparsely populated areas of Tibet.

India would be running pillar to post within a week from the start of the war.

Hope better sense prevails and India gives up its pride.
China and it's evil regime is a threat to Global peace.
wow ..you had pick angle of the world ,the evil left we could play only.
war never is the 1st choice of china, . the mind of evil is different from youre logically.
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Just wondering what will be headlines of news reports from Indian media once china actually will have bitten them.

"When China bites India becomes an eternallybleeding chihuahua"
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