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Why can't there be an IT and BPO boom in pakistan ?



New Recruit

Oct 7, 2010
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Things that can favour pakistan:
1. Pakistan's intellectual society.
2. Available human resource at less cost.
3. Good relation with Gulf countries.

1. Can solve large un-employment in Pakistan.
2. Can bring back youth to mainstream, make them understand the value of education, if they can easily get job.
3. Infrastructure of cities will improve.
4. Better relation with India.

I hope India and Pakistan were strategic partners in IT, Finance and Export. If this happen this could solve the life style of majority of people on both side of border.
the major reason they cant be a BPO boom is the rigid society.People will not allow their kids especially daughters to go and work at night.
Things that can favour pakistan:
1. Pakistan's intellectual society.
2. Available human resource at less cost.
3. Good relation with Gulf countries.

1. Can solve large un-employment in Pakistan.
2. Can bring back youth to mainstream, make them understand the value of education, if they can easily get job.
3. Infrastructure of cities will improve.
4. Better relation with India.

I hope India and Pakistan were strategic partners in IT, Finance and Export. If this happen this could solve the life style of majority of people on both side of border.


you didn't care to inform yourself about the topic before posting.
Pakistan already is in the BPO/Call center business.
the Industry saw a super boon from 1998 - 2008.
Now it's in trouble because of

1. Security
2. Cost of business.
1) Pakistan has got lot of IT talent, cause my dad is in IT and we have met a lot of Pakistani IT personnel on, Mashallah, nice positions in huge firms.
2) Unfortunately, they are all over-seas.

Finally: Sending your daughters to IT firms in Pakistan is not more than suicide. They will not only be a target for Mullahs, but also will be a target of flirts, and will soon be indecent ladies. Plus, as they will start booming, they will have to work at night, which will be a target for Rapists. Do you want that? No.

So better to have and IT attraction in Pakistan, and surely we will boast.
IT is not BPO, girls can work in IT in daytime, when most people work. Nobody will rape of target them.
Pakistanis can focus on product development, if a few of them click, they can be bigger than Indian IT cos.
(I confess, I saw the movie Social Network recently)
Corruption and lack of Education if only there was a politician who had a track record of being strongly anti-corruption and pro=-education. **wink wink** Imran Khan. But seriously if people were given a chance of education and corruption was lowered Pakistan could be on far better terms in it's entirety.
Business outsourcing is an extension of tourism industry.

Pakistani intellectuals have not figured out this link, and thus we are unable to develop the outsourcing volume that is comparable to Indians and Chinese.

In Pakistan we have failed to notice that countries these days are like shops and stores in a global mall. In that mall, the shiniest and friendliest shops will get more business. while the shops that have rabies infested dogs tied to their front doors will get none.

Pakistani shop is kind of similar to the Indian shop when it comes to the store room. We have basmati, the textiles, and as our Prez Musharraf boasted once that Paks speak a bit better English (even though we can teach an Indian some American accent in few months if not weeks).

But we do not have shiny areas for the International customers and friendly staff to serve them. Worse yet, we cannot shoo away the rabid dogs with black turbans, and clean the religious $hite piled high in front of our shop's entrance. Thus our friends from countries including America, China and Europe fear for their lives and limbs and avoid our shop and pass us by while covering their noses with thick handkerchiefs.

The second big hurdle for Pakistani outsourcing is that NRPs in UK and US are rabidly anti-Americans as opposed to NRIs (for India) and NRCs (for China) or NRK (for South Korea).

The third big hurdle is that many Pakistani intellectuals want Pakistan to be a copy of North Korea (poor, belligerent, Nuki bumb wala) and not at all like South Koreans (rich, pro-American, willing to work hard in the global market place),

The day we understood these three factors, we'll inshaAllah be prosperous in no time.


Things that can favour pakistan:
1. Pakistan's intellectual society.
2. Available human resource at less cost.
3. Good relation with Gulf countries.

1. Can solve large un-employment in Pakistan.
2. Can bring back youth to mainstream, make them understand the value of education, if they can easily get job.
3. Infrastructure of cities will improve.
4. Better relation with India.

I hope India and Pakistan were strategic partners in IT, Finance and Export. If this happen this could solve the life style of majority of people on both side of border.
Some good reasons being discussed here, but the most important thing you need is for the Pakistani diaspora settled and working abroad to be willing to take risks and setup such industries in Pakistan. Most of the business, be it IT, BPO or tech outsourcing comes to India because of the Indians abroad.

Once you have an established based, the business will come on its own. But for a beginning you need risk takers from within the community.
IT and BPO culture cannot flourish in a conservative society like Pakistan.

that is what the American and Europeans thought of India 15 yrs back. Look where are we now...Never underestimate the power of people. IMO if India can do well in IT so can pakistan.
that is what the American and Europeans thought of India 15 yrs back. Look where are we now...Never underestimate the power of people. IMO if India can do well in IT so can pakistan.

Who says India was conservative 15 years back??..We have always been an open society, not only 15 years, but 30 years back too!
Who says India was conservative 15 years back??..We have always been an open society, not only 15 years, but 30 years back too!

i was talking abt govt policies in which India was conservative. A business whether it is IT or a store need Govt help to grow. what we got in India 15yrs back was elitism and harassment. Since i think pakistan Govt has more business friendly ( my opinion ) attitude, with some talent, it can come up as an It destination.
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