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Why can't there be an IT and BPO boom in pakistan ?

First finish the war on terror... In such insecure environment no one will like to work in Pakistan....

Some of the member said BPO work time is night, IT is not.. you are wrong, our US client come at 8am (US time), we need to communicate them. we use to stay here till 9 pm... sometime till 11 pm...
Lack of business acumen, instead of technical skills or other factors mentioned is the reason why most BPOs' operators fail to take off in Pakistan.
Pakistanis are more into software development han BPO. The local industry has been building its own software from the 60s rather than going out and buying from industry giants like Oracle, SAP.

What Pakistan lacks is good marketing about our capabilities but for those select few who know the Pakistani Industry would prefer it over other regions.
Pakistanis are more into software development han BPO. The local industry has been building its own software from the 60s rather than going out and buying from industry giants like Oracle, SAP.

What Pakistan lacks is good marketing about our capabilities but for those select few who know the Pakistani Industry would prefer it over other regions.

Marketing, yes thats exactly what India did with BPO's. they made the west take notice of the talent pool in India. Slowly the software industry grew in India, now its growing like anything. Granted India does not make proprietary softwares, but slowly we will reach there..
Pakistanis are more into software development han BPO. The local industry has been building its own software from the 60s rather than going out and buying from industry giants like Oracle, SAP.

What Pakistan lacks is good marketing about our capabilities but for those select few who know the Pakistani Industry would prefer it over other regions.

So Pakistan do have alternative softwares for Oracle and SAP BO, if yes.. Pls let me know .

you didn't care to inform yourself about the topic before posting.
Pakistan already is in the BPO/Call center business.
the Industry saw a super boon from 1998 - 2008.
Now it's in trouble because of

1. Security
2. Cost of business.

And what do u think, I started this thread to criticize pakistan and its people ? Change your thinking first.
I welcome constructive debates, that can benefit both Pakistan and India, nor a forum of India vs Pakistan,
Lack of business acumen, instead of technical skills or other factors mentioned is the reason why most BPOs' operators fail to take off in Pakistan.

No one is perfect, but helping hands are always out there. Just imagine, if Pakistan and India have a peace treaty and business collaboration. How rapid the subcontinent can grow. I hope common people of both countries s want the same,
Pakistanis are more into software development han BPO. The local industry has been building its own software from the 60s rather than going out and buying from industry giants like Oracle, SAP.

What Pakistan lacks is good marketing about our capabilities but for those select few who know the Pakistani Industry would prefer it over other regions.

Dont you think Software development is a niche market and requires R&D as well as expenditure, a better model would be to have BPO side by side so that by the time the Software Package comes out, BPO would make some money
The Problem is many of our local businesses have still not gone electronic. The IT boom can come in place if on all levels it is adapted. Karachi and Lahore or Sindh and Punjab are moving forward while KPK and Baluchistan are relatively very slow.
Agreed. See post #7. Point #2 discusses the role of NRPs.

Some good reasons being discussed here, but the most important thing you need is for the Pakistani diaspora settled and working abroad to be willing to take risks and setup such industries in Pakistan. Most of the business, be it IT, BPO or tech outsourcing comes to India because of the Indians abroad.

Once you have an established based, the business will come on its own. But for a beginning you need risk takers from within the community.
This is not correct. If your assertion is correct then we are in the situation

-- Na no mun tail ho ga,
-- Na Radha Naachay gi

The Problem is many of our local businesses have still not gone electronic. The IT boom can come in place if on all levels it is adapted. Karachi and Lahore or Sindh and Punjab are moving forward while KPK and Baluchistan are relatively very slow.
So Pakistan do have alternative softwares for Oracle and SAP BO, if yes.. Pls let me know .

Not Pakistan, I said individual Pakistani corporations. For example, Banks for a long time have built their own Banking Systems rather than depend upon an ERP or a Banking ERP.
Every market is niche. You win by providing best possible quality with lowest possible cost in friendliest manner.

Whatever Chinese are making can also be made elsewhere. However quality+cost+friendliness combo so far is best from China.

Similarly IT products from India provide the best combo of quality+cost+friendliness.

Pakistan meets quality+cost criteria for IT business. However customer-service friendliness towards the visitors from the US+EU is sorely missing.

Dont you think Software development is a niche market and requires R&D as well as expenditure, a better model would be to have BPO side by side so that by the time the Software Package comes out, BPO would make some money
Dont you think Software development is a niche market and requires R&D as well as expenditure, a better model would be to have BPO side by side so that by the time the Software Package comes out, BPO would make some money

Depends upon the type of talent you have. Almost every other IT graduate in Pakistan is aiming to either step into Software Development or ICT. BPO is more of a business call and can be run by non-IT people for the most part. In fact has little to do with IT prowess other than providing the infrastructure related to networking. The rest of the deal is all about being a telephone operator or at most providing first level support and then pass it to the real IT guys.

Who in their college life as an IT undergrad aims for that? Setting up BPOs is for the corporations to do so and IMHO is an idea that India stepped into the right time and won't be around in the same capacity in the next 10 years with automated Help Desks and more and more dependency on e-commerce making the telephone operator redundant.

Pakistani software houses need to be detached from their banking/textile based parent companies. Some banks in Dubai who had 200+ IT people have now separated their IT department into an IT company and are servicing clients other than their own parent company. The independent Software houses in Pakistan are smaller compared to the ones working in mainstream industries like textiles and banking.

You'll find a lot of foreign companies looking towards Pakistan in their hunt to find COBOL programmers. Why? It's because there is an established tradition for software development in Pakistan more than anything else.
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