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Why Bengali Muslims are exceptional

Excuse me,but aren't you the ones who try to appease India every time something happens? And always try to be on the best terms with Hindutva India,when anti-Muslim incidents happen?
What exactly have you seen BD do to "appease India every time something happens"? The worst thing BD does is remaining silent.
Hindutva in India is only an issue for BD when it affects us. What India does to its minorities is their internal problem - Bd is not responsible for Indian Muslims.
What exactly have you seen BD do to "appease India every time something happens"? The worst thing BD does is remaining silent.
Hindutva in India is only an issue for BD when it affects us. What India does to its minorities is their internal problem - Bd is not responsible for Indian Muslims.
I remember seeing some threads here about the Bangladeshi government trying not to anger the Indians or acting servile to the Indian government etc. There were various threads.
I understand,it does make sense. I gotta ask though,how do more than 100,000,000 people fit IN THAT COUNTRY?! If one country in the world needs Lebensraum,that's Bangladesh :P
It is a massive challenge. The good news is fertility rate is now down to replacement level. What BD needs is controlled reduction in population (encouraging single/no child families) for a few decades and then stabilise somewhere under 100 million.
BD will need Singapore style highly planned, efficient urbanisation around industrial zones to be able to become a developed nation.

I remember seeing some threads here about the Bangladeshi government trying not to anger the Indians or acting servile to the Indian government etc. There were various threads.
Look at India-Bd map and then revisit those threads. Things will start making more sense.
I understand,it does make sense. I gotta ask though,how do more than 100,000,000 people fit IN THAT COUNTRY?! If one country in the world needs Lebensraum,that's Bangladesh :P
We have 170m people sure but it is still fine. We are endowed with the most fertile soil in the planet and the most resilient and industrious of people.

We do not require lebensraum we will make do with what we have achieved and exploit the advantages we have. Some see land as some kind of innate advantage but a nation is composed of its people. We have as ever been an solitary islamic nation surrounded by hostile forces. We are standing strong despite the trials as a fortress nation that can not be extinguished by anyone.

BD economy has achieved take off stage, her GDP per capita is higher than india and pakistan. It has a large diaspora around the world and as a traditional sea faring nation is trading globally.

Whilst BD remains below par in global comparison improvements are being made. Its population growth has been bought down, education level increasing and is on course to becoming a top 30 economy and a middle power in short order. We may stumble in our journey sometimes but we will endure and persevere, what we have is enough.

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Look at India-Bd map and then revisit those threads. Things will start making more sense.
Yes I know they are geopolitically both a threat and also a trade partner for you guys,but...you're not weak either. Now that you're economy is becoming stronger,you can finally secure your country better.
The province of East Pakistan always had potential. Colonial bureaucracy inherited and her marriage with hard working nature of the multicultural people of the province was bound to be fruitful. The constitutional crisis which resulted in 71's conflict with India plunged the province which would be later known as Bangladesh in decades of political turmoil post war. Capitalism and her rise in Bangladesh is a curious study for those who have interest in South East Asia.
I understand,it does make sense. I gotta ask though,how do more than 100,000,000 people fit IN THAT COUNTRY?! If one country in the world needs Lebensraum,that's Bangladesh :P
Bangladesh is always this much populated. In 1750 AD, world population was 700 million, then the historic region of Bengal whose major part is current Bangladesh had 30 million people vs 25 million in all of sprawling Russian Empire.

This exceptional population density in Bangladesh is the result of the vast deltaic fertile land with ample fresh water, agriculture and mild climate. As we know, population density of premodern agriculturally settled land usually correspond to the productive capacity of the land to feed and support a given number of people.

Bangladesh contain the largest alluvial delta in the world and Delta usually highly dense with population. For Example, Nile Delta in Egypt has 2000 people per sq. km, double of even Bangladesh! All other big Delta like Yangte, Ganges, Mekong delta have population density around 1000/sq. km As an European you probably know that The Netherlands is the most densely populated country in Europe, why? because it is a Deltaic country(Rhine Delta).

Bangladesh is the 10th largest agricultural producer in the World, which closely match the 8th largest population it has. Of course. agriculture is not the only thing need in this post modern world to thrive economically, but this is how countries in the old world got it's population level.
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We only look good as the rest of the region is pretty bad, no offence intended.

Subcontinent throughout history was never advanced or rich but it was Bengal that was rich and technologically advanced, centred on present day BD, that makes anyone think that subcontinent as a whole was ever wealthy.

BD'shis are more on the level of W Europeans and East Asians and simply a cut above anyone else.
The only ethnic group in South Asia brave enough to forge their own nation.
A nation created out of fallout of other two countries; India and Pakistan where India occupied eastern province of Pakistan and handed it over to rebels to ensure its security on eastern front.
It means we don’t have to expand money and energy on separatist movements.
LOL, you have separatist groups bro.
Our politics is not poisoned by ethnic and religious bigotry.
Bangladesh is essentially an ethnic absolutist and Islamist society which is like any Islamic society. Essentially any Islamic country in world has either wiped out or is in process of wiping out non-Muslims from their country.
Even more exceptional is how we evolved into an independent nation.
Independent? LOL Bangladesh can't make any policy unilaterally on it's own. It's India's semi protectorate like Bhutan.
We first escaped British India by joining Pakistan.
You didn't plan anything to make a Bengali nation later yo.
You joined North and Northwest Indian Muslims in making Pakistan and they kicked you out.
Among the pedestals of Pathans, Kashmiris, Punjabis, Sindhis, Balochis, Bengalis and Bihairs, last two were treated worst.
We then left Pakistan through an independence struggle where a mere 25k+ Bengali Muslims died.
No but Pakistani army precisely targeted non Muslims and anti Pakistan Muslims.
This is why an overwhelming majority of Bengali Muslims aren’t bitter towards Pakistan. In fact very grateful that Pakistan was a bridge to our own Bangladesh.
Had most Bangladeshi population been anti India, Sheikh Hasina wouldn't be in power. Raqibul Muslims which are radical Islamist and pro Pakistan in general are a political sect in Bangladesh who don't have political power.

Once Raqibuls remove Hasina and come to power, Bangladesh will also start touching heights of progress and advancements like Pak.
Most countries in the world are single ethnic.

Those that aren’t are violent.
That doesn't explains the cases in Latin America, Africa and Europe.
Our forefathers conquered and owned Bengal, Bihar, Orissa to Assam to a piece of Arakan.
No, Cenral Asians conquered it. Your Bengali forefathers were which were enslaved, killed, violated and converted brutally. Those who could survive live in west Bengal today.
Pak army took great care of Mujib and released him unharmed.
Off course they needed their large chunk of west Pakistani land held by India along with 93,000 soldiers.
Hinduvta crap cannot erase history recorded in technicolour.
Hindutva doesn't care about Bangladesh. Stop bringing irrelevant things to fend off logic.
Dhakaya uni is a trash. Full of chetona bastards. Have zero sympathy.

It was also a commie hotbed in the 70s.

I hate commies.
That's what a true tolerant Bangladeshi/Pakistani Muslim I was talking about.
You haven't failed me.
Pakistan and BD must absolutely cooperate. We have the same and absolutely surmountable enemy.
Somehow, Bangladeshi government doesn't see India as enemy.
These are only Bangladeshi online crowd who find it cool and elevating their status to be an enemy of India. Bangladesh doesn't even get attention except some stupid reasons.
The best response to hindutva in india is a strong economy. BD is one of the largest importer of indian goods and source of foreign remittences. Hindutva will be tamed by trade and interdependence. No one in BD is pro hindutva.

We could take an anti hindu stance but what country has ever developed by disenfranchising a part of its population? BD seeks progress for all its people within its border. Our non engagement seems cowardly but even hasina has spoken out about BJP policies. Peace within our borders is the primary aim, we will see what future hold but in real politics we will forge our future and fight the battles at the right time ensuring certain victory. Very little is achieved in screaming without a plan.

I dont have any opinion on flags, what we have is fine i guess. But the historical flags are as follows. Green and red are our colours from the very beginning and remains so to date.

1. Bangladeshi economy is largely a proto industry heading towards a middle income trap (or probably a low income trap during this crisis) since textiles don't earn dividends equivalent to heavy, aerospace, electronics, shipbuilding, IT, manufacturing, financial and tech consultancy. There is no way Bangladesh can match India or even survive an Indian economic blockade.
2. Well, I can fill up this thread with disturbing videos. Bangladeshi society is quite anti Hindu. People being dragged out of homes, getting killed, raped, places of worship is very common in Bangladesh, just like any other Islamic country.
It is a massive challenge. The good news is fertility rate is now down to replacement level. What BD needs is controlled reduction in population (encouraging single/no child families) for a few decades and then stabilise somewhere under 100 million.
BD will need Singapore style highly planned, efficient urbanisation around industrial zones to be able to become a developed nation.

Look at India-Bd map and then revisit those threads. Things will start making more sense.
1. A stabilised population isn't boon but a nightmare for BD since its economy is not diversified and textile income will saturate a GDP per capita below $8,000. And since larger portion is daily wage labour, it can't be bear any other results except a havoc when population ages. You must read what happened to Latin America.
2. No, BD will have to make cities from beginning for that. Nor it has reached that stage of economic progress. It is yet to transit to industries that earn it enough revenue to begin these kind of things. It's still a sub-modern economy.
BD economy has achieved take off stage, her GDP per capita is higher than india and pakistan.
No longer, India has bounced back after corona. And since BD's forecasts are going down, gap will increase.

BD didn't achieve higher GDP/capita earlier either because of any economic progress but artificially pushing currency up which has landed BD in this forex crisis. Course correction will bring Bangladesh's GDP capita below $2000 again. Over it, given that BD's economy isn't diversified, it won't sustain near India's GDP per capita even with currency manipulation.
India will have 70% higher GDP per capita than BD and 2.5 - 3 times of Pak in two decades unless blown by a mega earthquake.
Subcontinent throughout history was never advanced or rich but it was Bengal that was rich and technologically advanced, centred on present day BD, that makes anyone think that subcontinent as a whole was ever wealthy.
That's too uneducated of you to not been through IVC, Afghanistan, South and west India, North and East India and Nepal about their inventions, literature and architecture. Bengal is mere a small portion of India's history.
BD'shis are more on the level of W Europeans and East Asians and simply a cut above anyone else.
BD is more like PNG, Kenya and Myanmar as far as level of economics, society, technology, living standards and practices are concerned.
A nation created out of fallout of other two countries; India and Pakistan where India occupied eastern province of Pakistan and handed it over to rebels to ensure its security on eastern front.

LOL, you have separatist groups bro.

Bangladesh is essentially an ethnic absolutist and Islamist society which is like any Islamic society. Essentially any Islamic country in world has either wiped out or is in process of wiping out non-Muslims from their country.

Independent? LOL Bangladesh can't make any policy unilaterally on it's own. It's India's semi protectorate like Bhutan.

You didn't plan anything to make a Bengali nation later yo.
You joined North and Northwest Indian Muslims in making Pakistan and they kicked you out.
Among the pedestals of Pathans, Kashmiris, Punjabis, Sindhis, Balochis, Bengalis and Bihairs, last two were treated worst.

No but Pakistani army precisely targeted non Muslims and anti Pakistan Muslims.

Had most Bangladeshi population been anti India, Sheikh Hasina wouldn't be in power. Raqibul Muslims which are radical Islamist and pro Pakistan in general are a political sect in Bangladesh who don't have political power.

Once Raqibuls remove Hasina and come to power, Bangladesh will also start touching heights of progress and advancements like Pak.

That doesn't explains the cases in Latin America, Africa and Europe.

No, Cenral Asians conquered it. Your Bengali forefathers were which were enslaved, killed, violated and converted brutally. Those who could survive live in west Bengal today.

Off course they needed their large chunk of west Pakistani land held by India along with 93,000 soldiers.

Hindutva doesn't care about Bangladesh. Stop bringing irrelevant things to fend off logic.

That's what a true tolerant Bangladeshi/Pakistani Muslim I was talking about.
You haven't failed me.

Somehow, Bangladeshi government doesn't see India as enemy.
These are only Bangladeshi online crowd who find it cool and elevating their status to be an enemy of India. Bangladesh doesn't even get attention except some stupid reasons.

1. Bangladeshi economy is largely a proto industry heading towards a middle income trap (or probably a low income trap during this crisis) since textiles don't earn dividends equivalent to heavy, aerospace, electronics, shipbuilding, IT, manufacturing, financial and tech consultancy. There is no way Bangladesh can match India or even survive an Indian economic blockade.
2. Well, I can fill up this thread with disturbing videos. Bangladeshi society is quite anti Hindu. People being dragged out of homes, getting killed, raped, places of worship is very common in Bangladesh, just like any other Islamic country.

1. A stabilised population isn't boon but a nightmare for BD since its economy is not diversified and textile income will saturate a GDP per capita below $8,000. And since larger portion is daily wage labour, it can't be bear any other results except a havoc when population ages. You must read what happened to Latin America.
2. No, BD will have to make cities from beginning for that. Nor it has reached that stage of economic progress. It is yet to transit to industries that earn it enough revenue to begin these kind of things. It's still a sub-modern economy.

No longer, India has bounced back after corona. And since BD's forecasts are going down, gap will increase.

BD didn't achieve higher GDP/capita earlier either because of any economic progress but artificially pushing currency up which has landed BD in this forex crisis. Course correction will bring Bangladesh's GDP capita below $2000 again. Over it, given that BD's economy isn't diversified, it won't sustain near India's GDP per capita even with currency manipulation.
India will have 70% higher GDP per capita than BD and 2.5 - 3 times of Pak in two decades unless blown by a mega earthquake.

That's too uneducated of you to not been through IVC, Afghanistan, South and west India, North and East India and Nepal about their inventions, literature and architecture. Bengal is mere a small portion of India's history.

BD is more like PNG, Kenya and Myanmar as far as level of economics, society, technology, living standards and practices are concerned.

You wetted your bedsheet very badly there 🤣🤣🤣
You wetted your bedsheet very badly there 🤣🤣🤣
Literally you
Didn't happen due to the despicable lot of "hindutva".

Major Bengali leaders like Sher-E-Bangla, Shorwardi, Mawlana Bhasani, Deshbondhu Chittaranjon etc. supported an independent Bengal.

Even Jinnah supported them initially, until Gandhi adopted the hindutva agenda of dividing Bengal.

An independent Bengal would have easily neutralised the hindutva strategy and balance the geo-politic of subcontinent and near South East Asia.
What a big lie. Deshbondhu Chittaranjon died on 1925.
On 20 June 1947, the Bengal Legislative Assembly met to vote on the partition of Bengal. At the preliminary joint session, the assembly decided by 120 votes to 90 that it should remain united if it joined thePakisthan. Later, a separate meeting of legislators from West Bengal decided by 58 votes to 21 that the province should be partitioned and that West Bengal should join the India. In another separate meeting of legislators from East Bengal, it was decided by 106 votes to 35 that the province should not be partitioned and 107 votes to 34 that East Bengal should join Pakistan in the event of partition.
No vote on the United Bengal proposal was held
We first escaped British India by joining Pakistan.

We then left Pakistan through an independence struggle where a mere 25k+ Bengali Muslims died.
Just focus on those two lines of yours and decide you are exceptional or delusional.
Without Pakistan there would have been no Bangladesh. Just look at how bengalis and Muslims in general suffering in India these days. Enjoy your freedom and remember jinnah and all founding fathers of Pakistan in your prayers.
@Bilal9 you can add something more brother.
We only look good as the rest of the region is pretty bad, no offence intended.

Subcontinent throughout history was never advanced or rich but it was Bengal that was rich and technologically advanced, centred on present day BD, that makes anyone think that subcontinent as a whole was ever wealthy.

BD'shis are more on the level of W Europeans and East Asians and simply a cut above anyone else.
Sir any proof for the following, books, scripts anything.
1. Bengal that was rich and technologically advanced
2. centred on present day BD
3. BD'shis are more on the level of W Europeans and East Asians

Sir another trivia, Bengali language is only 600-700 years old. Not old enough to be treated as a classical language. Oldest bengali language example Shreekrishna Kirtan on 14 CE.
So there was no Bengal beforehand

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