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Why Are We Sending This Attack Helicopter to Pakistan?

He needs to charged in terrorism courts for treachery.

what he needs is to be lined up and shot.....but then again, i doubt he'll ever step his miserable feet in Pakistan again

if he did - i would personally greet him at Jinnah International with 1 bullet in the chamber


One dosnt need the AH1Z to use against the Baloch separatists the current AH1S/F should suffice. It's a weak argument at best. The guy may not be anti Pakistan but sure is anti army.

the Army isnt even in charge of day to day security ops in Balochistan....it would be the FC/Levies/police

something those idiots like Ayesha Siddiqui and others just cant seem to get through their thick skulls
From our very own Hussain Haqqani. I don't know why he is so anti-Pakistani? How in the world did he end up as our ambassador to USA?

Why Are We Sending This Attack Helicopter to Pakistan? - WSJ
The Obama administration’s decision this month to sell almost $1 billion in U.S.-made attack helicopters, missiles and other equipment to Pakistan will fuel conflict in South Asia without fulfilling the objective of helping the country fight Islamist extremists. Pakistan’s failure to tackle its jihadist challenge is not the result of a lack of arms but reflects an absence of will. Unless Pakistan changes its worldview, American weapons will end up being used to fight or menace India and perceived domestic enemies instead of being deployed against jihadists.

Competition with India remains the overriding consideration in Pakistan’s foreign and domestic policies. By aiding Pakistan over the years—some $40 billion since 1950, according to the Congressional Research Service—the U.S. has fed Pakistan’s delusion of being India’s regional military equal. Seeking security against a much larger neighbor is a rational objective but seeking parity with it on a constant basis is not.

Instead of selling more military equipment to Pakistan, U.S. officials should convince Pakistan that its ambitions of rivaling India are akin to Belgium trying to rival France or Germany. India’s population is six times as large as Pakistan’s while India’s economy is 10 times bigger, and India’s $2 trillion economy has managed consistent growth whereas Pakistan’s $245 billion economy has grown sporadically and is undermined by jihadist terrorism and domestic political chaos. Pakistan also continues to depend on Islamist ideology—through its school curricula, propaganda and Islamic legislation—to maintain internal nationalist cohesion, which inevitably encourages extremism and religious intolerance.

Clearly, with the latest military package, the Obama administration expects to continue the same policies adopted by several of its predecessors—and somehow get different results. It’s a mystery why the president suddenly trusts Pakistan’s military—after mistrusting it at the time of the Navy SEAL operation in May 2011 that found and killed Osama bin Laden living safely until then in the Pakistani garrison town of Abbottabad.

One explanation is that selling helicopters and missiles is easier than thinking of alternative strategies to compel an errant ally to change its behavior. This is a pattern in U.S.-Pakistan relations going back to the 1950s. Between 1950 and 1969, the U.S. gave $4.5 billion in aid to Pakistan partly in the hope of using Pakistani troops in anticommunist wars, according to declassified U.S. government documents. Pakistan did not contribute a single soldier for the wars in Korea or Vietnam but went to war with India over the disputed border state of Kashmir instead in 1965.

During the 1980s, Pakistan served as the staging ground for the jihad against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan and received another $4.5 billion in aid, as reported by the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations to Congress. Pakistan diverted U.S. assistance again toward its obsessive rivalry with India, and trained insurgents to fight in the Indian part of Kashmir as well as in India’s Punjab state. It also violated promises to the U.S. and its own public statements not to acquire nuclear weapons, which it first tested openly in 1998—arguing that it could not afford to remain nonnuclear while India’s nuclear program surged ahead.

Since the 1990s, Pakistan has supported various jihadist groups, including the Afghan Taliban. After 9/11, the country’s military dictator, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, promised to end support for the Islamic radicals. Based on that promise, Pakistan received $15.1 billion in civil and military aid from the U.S. until 2009. In February, Gen. Musharraf admitted in an interview with the U.K.’s Guardian newspaper that he continued to support the Afghan Taliban even after 9/11 because of concerns over close relations between Afghanistan and India. Thus the U.S. was effectively arming a country that was, in turn, arming insurgents fighting and killing American troops in Afghanistan.

After the Dec. 16, 2014, attack on a Peshawar school, where the Taliban massacred 160 people, including many schoolchildren, Pakistan claimed it had changed its policy toward terrorist groups and would no longer distinguish between “good” and “bad” Taliban. The Pakistani military has since sped up military action against terrorist groups responsible for mayhem inside Pakistan. But the destruction, demobilization, disarmament or dismantling of Afghan Taliban and other radical groups is clearly not on the Pakistani state’s agenda. There has been no move against Kashmir-oriented jihadist groups.

Given Pakistan’s history, it is likely that the 15 AH-1Z Viper helicopters and 1,000 Hellfire missiles—as well as communications and training equipment being offered to it—will be used against secular insurgents in southwest Baluchistan province, bordering Iran, and along the disputed border in Kashmir rather than against the jihadists in the northwest bordering Afghanistan.

If the Obama administration believes Pakistan’s military has really changed its priorities, it should consider leasing helicopters to Pakistan and verify where they are deployed before going through with outright sales.

With nuclear weapons, Pakistan no longer has any reason to feel insecure about being overrun by a larger Indian conventional force. For the U.S. to continue supplying a Pakistani military that is much larger than the country can afford will only invigorate Pakistani militancy and militarism at the expense of its 200 million people, one-third of whom continue to live at less than a dollar a day per household.

Mr. Haqqani, the director for South and Central Asia at the Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C., was Pakistan’s ambassador to the U.S., 2008-11.

The U.S. ambassador has spoken...

Who decides that, exactly?

You're misrepresenting what H.H. wrote. Maybe that works on some Pakistanis but don't try that on me.

LMAO Should he give you a visa too? He has a habit of handing out visas to spies like baking bread...
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On the contrary, so far his words are effectively undisputed and gain more impact with every attempt at distortion or ad hominem attack. Facts and arguments, not people, matter - and you're not disputing the crux of his argument, that weapons supplied by Washington to Pakistan for one reason aren't likely to be used much that way but for something else. Pakistan has a very, very bad history of this, going back to the 1965 war when weapons supplied by the U.S. for defensive purposes were blatantly used for attempted conquest of Kashmir, the excuse given to U.S. diplomats that Pakistani leaders were tired of diplomacy and thanks to the U.S. they have the weapons so why shouldn't they become conquerors instead? Don't believe me; you can check in out yourselves in the FRUS 1965 South Asia records. And the situation kept repeating itself in future clashes with India, each stroke weakening Pakistan's democracy and several the economy as well. This is the history H.H. is invoking and that you're failing to contest.

Dont you find your argument ridiculous to say the least? Any country that buys weapons can put it to any use it deems necessary than why is it different for Pakistan? Are you suggesting that those Appaches Indians are getting will not be pitched against Pakistan or for that matter the Rafales Indians are getting from France?

HH is an idiot who shouldnt be taken at face value because he brings nothing new to the table except the same old nonsense about Pakistan not using them against Taliban yada yada. Last we checked Operation Zarib-e-Azam is against those same islamic insurgents and not against India. But having said so if tomorrow war breaks out between India and Pakistan, we will use every thing at our disposal to defend us as would any other country. US knows this and so does everybody else. Which is why F-16s block 52 were cleared for sale to Pakistan and now Zulus.

On a side note, what does your avatar signifies. I am curious to know.
Why he was let off the hook is just absolutely beyond me. The only factor that comes is mind is that the then COAS too was only after his own personal interests.

He was left off the hook because after that memogate scandal he never came back, sought refuge in USA. Basically, bashing Islam, Pakistan or anything that the westerners want to know about, provides ample bread and butter for you. Write a book on Islam or Middle-east or how Pakistan's nuke program is dangerous and you will be loved in the west.
Wasn't it like Salman Rushdie escaped to the west as well?

You know, if things don't work out in your life, just go to the west and start bashing Islam or Pakistan. Raza Rumi is another example. Produced nothing of substance when he was in Pakistan is equally clueless in the west. Ayan Hirsi Ali, Tarek Fatah etc
He was left off the hook because after that memogate scandal he never came back, sought refuge in USA. Basically, bashing Islam, Pakistan or anything that the westerners want to know about, provides ample bread and butter for you. Write a book on Islam or Middle-east or how Pakistan's nuke program is dangerous and you will be loved in the west.
Wasn't it like Salman Rushdie escaped to the west as well?

You know, if things don't work out in your life, just go to the west and start bashing Islam or Pakistan. Raza Rumi is another example. Produced nothing of substance when he was in Pakistan is equally clueless in the west. Ayan Hirsi Ali, Tarek Fatah etc

But that was precisely what my question was all about, why was he let off the hook in the memogate scandal and subsequently allowed to leave Pakistan? He had been proven a traitor, along with Zardari and co.

Perhaps Kiyani was the root of more evil than I previously suspected.
One dosnt need the AH1Z to use against the Baloch separatists the current AH1S/F should suffice. It's a weak argument at best. The guy may not be anti Pakistan but sure is anti army.

AH-1F is a old airframe. you would want something new with better capabilities.


even AH-1W would enhance Pakistan attack power.
he have shown his face in Memo case also. and now talking like this after being ambassador of Pakistan.. It seems to be he Presented Indian's Raw Made Report by his name..
another thing is that Even USA also know real face of India, and Pakistan already provided USA, Afghanistan Complete Evidence of indian Support of TTP, BLA, BRA etc... so now even they also know that who is involved in Mumbai or Parliament attacks,, and even who torched Samjhota express... Now it's time to speak with evidence not like duplicate DNA from Indian side as evidence.... ;)
As i said before no one in the world respects Indians. USA condemns Lakhvis release but then sells $1 billion worth of equipment to Pakistan…. smh… beztii for indians… Why would anyone respect Indians when they don't even respect themselves?
LOL OH man..............you have hurt me.........................seriously are you mentally retard making such BS statement. You are senior member atleast behave in a manner which shows you some good light.:hitwall::hitwall:
Ten responses, all consisting of innuendos or ad hominem attacks. Nothing disputing the substance of H.H.'s arguments.

Well, there just is'nt any material substance to rebut Haqqani; ergo the verbal assaults on him.
Of course he was the Pakistani ambassador to the US too.
Pakistan also continues to depend on Islamist ideology—through its school curricula, propaganda and Islamic legislation—to maintain internal nationalist cohesion, which inevitably encourages extremism and religious intolerance.
Please I am apologising in advance so Sorry for my strong language ...
Koi es maderchood ko qatal kion nahin ker daita kis baat ka intezar hai ???
Again I deeply sorry for strong language but seriously that's all I want to say and I am not in trolling mode I am fu(king Serious and angry!

Pakistan also continues to depend on Islamist ideology—through its school curricula, propaganda and Islamic legislation—to maintain internal nationalist cohesion, which inevitably encourages extremism and religious intolerance.

Kindly go and check you Indian hindutuwa movements ghar wapsi and all sh!t go tackle them first before you poke your nose in our internal matters.

Well, there just is'nt any material substance to rebut Haqqani; ergo the verbal assaults on him.
Of course he was the Pakistani ambassador to the US too.

This Harami was a mistake not our ambassador we kicked this Ma******D out and believe me we will kill this a$$ hole when ever we got a chance.
Please I am apologising in advance so Sorry for my strong language ...
Koi es maderchood ko qatal kion nahin ker daita kis baat ka intezar hai ???
Again I deeply sorry for strong language but seriously that's all I want to say and I am not in trolling mode I am fu(king Serious and angry!

Kindly go and check you Indian hindutuwa movements ghar wapsi and all sh!t go tackle them first before you poke your nose in our internal matters.

Its your own Pakistani HH = His Highness who is peddling these facts to current affairs defunct people.
Nothing to talk about India.
Not surprised at all, the guy is sponsored & is making his living by producing this kinda junk/rubbish....
Imagine! this SOB Hussain Haqqani used to be Pakistan's Ambassador
What an unimaginable bastard!

Him , Asma Jhangir , Hamid Mir , sub aik hi haram ki nasal say hain :angry:
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