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Why are we accusing the COAS?

This public does not come for biryani, they want honest leader Mr.Establishment Stop doing all of this and support IK

This is Karachi <3

2022-04-11 02_31_13-Window.png

Vigo :guns::guns:
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Lol it adds nothing new to the info. There are some stark mistakes in this article and how it's been composed clearly shows Anti-IK ism. Their imported sources are also weak in comprehending ground realities.

I can't make anything out of it except some vague general history of past 3 years.
OK , give us some facts.
Here are my 2 cents on why Gen Bajwa said what he said with respect to US alignment. Before that, a disclaimer.

- I am strictly anti-establishment and anti-meddling in politics by Army.
- I am genuinely not as irked at IK going (cz I had huge differences with his policies) as I am at seeing the likes of Maryam (who i haven't seen talk a genuinely wise sentence in hundreds of hours of her interviews and speeches over the past 7 years) & NS become mainstream again.

- India has a huge internal conflict on the verge of boiling over. Just follow Indian news and you'll see at least 10 vigilante attacks by RWers daily. I am not really into non-profit work but fwiw Genocide Watch has already predicted a Genocide in India.

This might have been overexaggerated risk in the past, but its fast becoming real by the day. Hate the US all you like, but it will not like to be seen backing India around this time. There are signs of a slight US shift too.

Despite tipping India as its anti-China counterweight over the past 1.5 decades, US formed AUKUS, the latest Indo-Pacific primarily anti-China Blok, crucially, without India. It may be a sign that the US is keeping a door other than Quad which includes India.
- Imagine the thinking minds in Washington (not Biden who has no thinking faculties left) looking at India and saying, we can't openly prop India against China as they literally risk genocide internally. US for all its duplicity can't stomach this, or sell it to its public and the west in general.

- Russo-Ukraine war hasn't helped India much. India didn't rise up to the friendship challenge and distanced itself from the western anti-Russia crusade.
- India still hasn't signed a single major deal that the US would've loved like F21, F18, F15 despite US courting India for years.
- S400 and CAATSA jibes remain open with India showing signs of being irresponsible with the Brahmos and the slightly older nuclear material private stock incidents.

- US can't silently abandon one ally (India) without (re)making another but with IK's rigid and somewhat inexplicable mindset, there is a locking of horns and an impasse with the US. IK has RW tendencies, his Afghanistan stance just can't be sugarcoated in any way.


- If only Pakistan had no populist in power who has locked horns with the US owing to his rigid nature and the lack of diplomatic chops. Wallah April 9th! NO, I'm not endorsing the conspiracy theory, just that US-Pak relations can improve from it.
- US also has other gains by realigning with Pakistan vis a vis Afghanistan and Iran in general. As miniscule as we are in global impact, we can still be a bridge between US and China. That isn't the case with India.

- If our Army read this situation and potential strategic shift right, it could be one of the explanations of what Gen. Bajwa said the other day.

* Disclaimer: I am not saying the govt was toppled by a US conspiracy, i have 0 evidence for that but just presenting one possible explanation of Gen Bajwa's statement. What many read as Army selling itself, may not be true, it is never that simplistic!
Lol. In between your swearing and disclaimers "wallah" you just blamed IK, defended (sugarcoated) Bajwa well and explained US dire position. But of IK was the only problem and US-PAK Army was hugging each other then why would have to Martyr IK (who is already a populist leader) Govt in it's almost last year when it was in it's weakest time. They could have waited for Khan to ultimately fail and then with the transfer of the establishment backed electibles group and some smaller parties would have made next elections an uphill challenge of the IK. Why that much urgency then!

So either the picture you are portraying isn't true or isn't depicting a true complete picture. That makes your whole huge disclaimers and arguments null and void.
And you know this how, were you there? First that anyone here has heard that "Bajwa" said no.

I understand the need to build a narrative to show Bajwa as a coward, worthy of scorn but let's have the courage to speak the truth and not peddle propaganda. What is your source that the CoAS of Pakistan was the only man in the cabinet to not suggest a response to India?

This is the same chief whose architecture was implemented by Gen Rahil Sharif to prosecute the FATA operations successfully which brought peace to Pakistan. You can blame him for the current fiasco if you'd like, but refrain from outright lies.

No Pakistani worth his salt will sit quietly in the face of Indian aggression. It was the military leadership that told PMIK that we will respond which led the PM to make the speech where he said 'hum sochain gay nahi...."

Let the people come out on the streets and stand their ground, no issues, but don't build this false narrative about our very own army.
Oddly enough, the other “culprits” in the eyes of the public : namely the PML(N) staffed ECP and Judiciary have been conscientiously forgotten
Khan would have failed regardless because the entire deep state decided to oust him. It's as simple as that. Buzdar (terrible decision) or not; better governance or not; NSC decision or not.

This is what Pakistanis need to understand. It was a conspiracy, not organic events.
and u mean Bajwa Sb was part of it???
What a speech ... what courage to stand on your own and face the rest vs khan.
You are a true soldier of Imran Khan ... and you stood tall!!
We are all proud


and u mean Bajwa Sb was part of it???
Hmm, let's see. Perhaps a few thought experiments may help with the simple concept of remaining neutral in the face of evil.

Doing nothing, as they say, can be the biggest act.

These simple thought experiments represent what we teach kids and how moral character is generally judged. It assumes that one has the power to stop whatever is happening. Let's begin:

1) You see a child being molested by a known rapist. You stay neutral. What does this say about you?

2) You see an old, frail woman being robbed by a known thief. You watch and remain neutral. What does this say about you?

3) You see your own mother get attacked by thugs. You watch, even though you have the power to stop it, and stay neutral. What does this say about you?

Is Pakistan not something we think of as our mother? Has it not allowed us to be born in a non-Hindutva nation? Does it not require the ACTIVE blocking, stopping, defeating of blatant evil?

I leave the rest to you.
What about if Mc Donalds stops selling Mc Arabia? That could be a sign too!

Point being, IK being lost happens how?
He is assassinated? In that case chaos will reign for a few days and then all calms down

He “dies” naturally… social media trend for a week.

Drone attack .. no one will care

Civil unrest may not have been a goal but people are happy to exploit it. What matters is where the unrest is directed towards; the political sell outs or the judiciary or the military?
At this point, technically no one is “running” Pakistan and the best place to direct the anger is at the corrupt both within political class and judiciary. If criticism must be done of the army leadership then do so but clearly differentiated from the rest who may or may not be as or more frustrated with the situation
wrong assessment about the mood of common people on street, might be because you are not in country therefore could not rightly gauge it, just as an example I am going to post a tweet of video below in which an old age lady from Islamabad saying in clear terms "Ne Fooj Hamari hai", this thing indicates people have started to disown army within few hours and this thing is NOT coming from an emotional teenage but a mature lady from Islamabad

Start listing from 0:39 ownwards
Pakistan has just lost a 5th Gen war from the enemies. Now plz stop chest thumping about the so called best military or ISI is the best in the world. No they have proven to be not. But are an utter embarrassment instead. We are as strong as the pulp of the tomato 🍅 which is without the skin

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kindly dont involve India in your political battles.
Even Imran khan is a big proponent of riyasat e India now. Has been praising us non stop now.
This is the first and only time that hundreds of thousands have come out without the party's leader making an emotional speech, mobilizing grassroots party machinery, arranging transport, feeding biryani, paying cash stipends, etc. All walks of life and genders were there. Entire families (including mine) went --- I don't recall them going to anything in ages.

And this is with just a tweet with times and cities. Nobody imagined (I think not even PTI) that the response would be this MASSIVE and ORGANIC.
A retired Lt General has a message to all the military brats and Bajwa fanboys and here it is:

And yes it's happening right now. All the struggles of past 25 years are being undone now.
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