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Why are Turks so nationalistic?


Apr 30, 2012
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Where it is I go, on Youtube or other forums etc, I always see them swearing and cursing on anyone who doesn't agree with their view.

For example, "Turkey can beat Israel, if you don't agree with me you suck you shitty ****".

Or in a 'Top 10 Muslim army' video on youtube they always call you names and bring up GFP ranks saying that Turkey is the strongest Muslim country and that the Pakistanis and Iranians can't compare to them. Which I believe is a joke.

I even saw them calling Indians "black people" when they get in arguments with them.

They even attack the Chinese in their videos calling them racist against the Turkic Muslims, and almost everyone of them insult them with racial slurs (such as; small eyes etc.)

I mean, I am not trying to be rude here I just want to make a point, why are they like this? They are very hypocritical at times to, cursing anyone who disagrees with what they call themselves of being the so called 'leader of the Islamic world' as stupid, but don't they know that they are in a western puppet in NATO and want to join the EU?
For the same reason that Saudis are so radical in their interpretation of Islam.

Every nation has been formed on a basic ideology. In Turkey, it was extreme Turkish nationalism. In saudi arabia, it was extreme Islamic radicalism (wahabism). In Iran, a mixture of nationalism and shiaism. In the US, extreme capitalism. In Soviet Union, socialism.

For the same reason that Saudis are so radical in their interpretation of Islam.

Every nation has been formed on a basic ideology. In Turkey, it was extreme Turkish nationalism. In saudi arabia, it was extreme Islamic radicalism (wahabism). In Iran, a mixture of nationalism and shiaism. In the US, extreme capitalism. In Soviet Union, socialism.

Interestig observation. What in your view are the basic ideologies of India and pakistan ?
I suggest that you stick around longer then the few days that you have and spend some time in the Turkish Section ! I've found them to be one of the more level headed 'nationalities' on this forum; considering the stuff that Pakistan-India, Arab-Persian and now Arab-Pakistani debates spew...one might forgive the Turks for thinking that we - the lot of us - have gone gaga !

As for the Nationalistic thing : Thats actually a very good thing; if we, in Pakistan, had an iotas worth of the Nationalism that Mr.Ataturk imbued the Turkish Nation with we wouldn't be suffering from Provincialism and Ethno-Linguistic Nationalism on the scale that we are !
I suggest that you stick around longer then the few days that you have and spend some time in the Turkish Section ! I've found them to be one of the more level headed 'nationalities' on this forum; considering the stuff that Pakistan-India, Arab-Persian and now Arab-Pakistani debates spew...one might forgive the Turks for thinking that we - the lot of us - have gone gaga !

As for the Nationalistic thing : Thats actually a very good thing; if we, in Pakistan, had an iotas worth of the Nationalism that Mr.Ataturk imbued the Turkish Nation with we wouldn't be suffering from Provincialism and Ethno-Linguistic Nationalism on the scale that we are !

Well said. I was just about to say something like this.
Where it is I go, on Youtube or other forums etc, I always see them swearing and cursing on anyone who doesn't agree with their view.

For example, "Turkey can beat Israel, if you don't agree with me you suck you shitty ****".

Or in a 'Top 10 Muslim army' video on youtube they always call you names and bring up GFP ranks saying that Turkey is the strongest Muslim country and that the Pakistanis and Iranians can't compare to them.

I even say them calling Indians "black people" when they get in arguments with them.

I mean, I am not trying to be rude here I just want to make a point, why are they like this? They are very hypocritical at times to, cursing anyone who disagrees with them being the so called 'leader of the Islamic world' as stupid, but don't they know that they are in NATO and want to join the EU?

It may be hard for you to understand the NATIONALISM of Turks because you and I come from a nation where we routinely sell out our national interest for pennies of self gain. We elected a President who is a Thief and a Robber who had never worked a day in life and yet he is worth Billions of US Dollars with no explanation of where his wealth came from.

So kindly stop lobbying insults at other nations and look at yourself first.
Where it is I go, on Youtube or other forums etc, I always see them swearing and cursing on anyone who doesn't agree with their view.

For example, "Turkey can beat Israel, if you don't agree with me you suck you shitty ****".

Or in a 'Top 10 Muslim army' video on youtube they always call you names and bring up GFP ranks saying that Turkey is the strongest Muslim country and that the Pakistanis and Iranians can't compare to them.

I even say them calling Indians "black people" when they get in arguments with them.

I mean, I am not trying to be rude here I just want to make a point, why are they like this? They are very hypocritical at times to, cursing anyone who disagrees with them being the so called 'leader of the Islamic world' as stupid, but don't they know that they are in NATO and want to join the EU?

What??? Delete this thread or else.........!!!!!!!
Jokes aside, sometimes we can be too emotional and overreacting..But what can we do? we are hot blooded :)
Interestig observation. What in your view are the basic ideologies of India and pakistan ?
I personally think Pakistan hasn't yet found its calling. The country wants to be too many things at the same time: a secular capitalist Islamic Republic without its own version of Islam. This is the reason why arab Islamic extremism has found its way to Pakistan. Pakistan must raise the flag of one ideology and mobilize the country around it, be it secularism, arabic Islamic extremism (saudi wahabism), nationalism, extreme capitalism etc...

India, I have no idea. India has never been a country with an opinion in my eyes (for good or bad). For now, the country has adopted a Western economic and political model and if it works for India than more power to India.
Nationalism is a good thing provided it doesn't go over board. It builds unity within a community & gets them to work together for the progress of their nation.

You shouldn't judge all of the Turks on the basis of those you encounter online. Usually the anonymity of the Internet gives people the courage to say things they wouldn't dare to in real life.

A better way to judge a nation is to interact with its people personally in their own country.
.... considering the stuff that Pakistan-India, Arab-Persian and now Arab-Pakistani debates spew....

The India-Pak debates is no where near the extreme passion the recent fad [Arab vs Persian vs Zionist] debates spew out.
I suggest that you stick around longer then the few days that you have and spend some time in the Turkish Section ! I've found them to be one of the more level headed 'nationalities' on this forum; considering the stuff that Pakistan-India, Arab-Persian and now Arab-Pakistani debates spew...one might forgive the Turks for thinking that we - the lot of us - have gone gaga !

As for the Nationalistic thing : Thats actually a very good thing; if we, in Pakistan, had an iotas worth of the Nationalism that Mr.Ataturk imbued the Turkish Nation with we wouldn't be suffering from Provincialism and Ethno-Linguistic Nationalism on the scale that we are !


Both the Pahlavi Dynasty in IRan and Ata Turk managed to destroy tribalism. That's a wonderful thing. However, the Turkish model would destroy the fabric of multi-ethnic countries like Iran and Pakistan. Turkey has the two major nationalities and it can't cope. Can you imagine that model in a country with 5-6 major ethnic groups? In Iran you would have Persians, Kurds, Azari Turks, Baluchis, arabs, Armenias etc... all chopping each other's heads off lol That model only works in "ethnically pure" nations.
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