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Why are threads closed arbitrarily?

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Let me tell you - every other Indian think that he is directly coming after taking shower under fountain of knowledge and his views are pearls of wisdom.

So refute him using your "superior " knowledge and logical argumentation. Isn't that what forums are for?

Or are they for venting street brawl level threats which impress none?
Indians on PDF should be greatfull of how PDF administration treats them here!
If they get treated like Indian forums treat us pakistanis they all would be abused and banned within a month!
Total BS.. I bet you can't find even one example of such a person

I am on all Indian forums and I know how they treat Pakistanis there!

Your both statements are contradicting. :lol:

Where i said so? I said who want to be on Bharat Rakshaw type of forums, even sane Indians don't like to go there

That particular forum don't allow , there are many other Indian defence forums too.
So refute him using your "superior " knowledge and logical argumentation. Isn't that what forums are for?

Or are they for venting street brawl level threats which impress none?

I don't know what you were debating and with whom but what i have seen is most of you guys keep going in circles - Which only you guys think that you are doing great job.
Your both statements are contradicting. :lol:
There is No pakistani on any Indian forum who loves to be there and not here
That particular forum don't allow , there are many other Indian defence forums too.
One worse than the other!
Indians on PDF should be greatfull of how PDF administration treats them here!
If they get treated like Indian forums treat us pakistanis they all would be abused and banned within a month!

Then PDF should be grateful for the Indian traffic on the site that makes the site interesting and popular. The almost fair treatment (better than most other Indian/Pakistani sites) accorded to Indian posters is driven as a site popularity and credibility strategy and not out of goodness of heart (no disrespect intended). Its a symbiotic relationship and really, no one is doing anyone else any favors.
I don't know what you were debating and with whom but what i have seen is most of you guys keep going in circles - Which only you guys think that you are doing great job.

I thought we were discussing closure of threads. Since you are brimming with knowledge, perhaps you can tell me about it on the Mods behalf.
@LoveIcon ... Chacha what is this thread about??

thread get closed for various reason, mods & admin want forum runs smoothly & get populerity so they wont do any thing stupid to ruin the flow of the forum just for the fun or petriotism...
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Then PDF should be grateful for the Indian traffic on the site that makes the site interesting and popular. The almost fair treatment (better than most other Indian/Pakistani sites) accorded to Indian posters is driven as a site popularity and credibility strategy and not out of goodness of heart (no disrespect intended). Its a symbiotic relationship and really, no one is doing anyone else any favors.
Now you can detect someone's intentions too! I see :pop:
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